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The bull market officially begins, the bull market shows no signs of stopping, starting from at least $130,000 and peaking around $380,000.
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Brother, why did you change your name? What are your recent thoughts?
Calvary is thinking about whether the 24 or 25-year-old bull will be smashed low for the second time, no, will it not rise after the confession is cut
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On December 8, 2020, after Bitcoin broke through to a new high, it rose by 3.45 times. Many mainstream coins followed Bitcoin to break through to new highs and rose several to tens of times higher. In this current bull market, there is a possibility for Bitcoin to rise several times beyond its new high, with at least doubling expected, meaning it could rise to $130,000 or even higher to $380,000. Ethereum is likely to see similar movements.
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Thanks for sharing
Captain, do you think there will be a callback?
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Now this position, like the signs of the April 2022 crash, is always similar in history. I hope I don't come this time.
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I don't understand exactly you mean BTC will down 30k
Homeopathy is king
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Five lines in one, is the bottom average price. Now the five lines have not been put together, and the bottom has not bottomed.
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Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Blue Purple [Pouting]
What price is wireless all-in-one
There is a feeling that everyone is thinking that 2024 and 2025 will be a bull market, and Bitcoin will not rise unless it hits the bottom twice. Will it break through 15,000? Everyone feels that the possibility is relatively high. If the consensus of these people is not cleared, there will be no bull market again. There is a high possibility of breaking through around 15,000 to 11,000.
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Is there still a chance to reach 48,000 this year? I’ve already had three cuts and it hurts.
We all know that there is a 25-year bull market. If you want to pick up cheap chips so that you can get on board, it has been sideways for more than half a year and it has dropped below 15,000. How much money will it cost? . .
How to rise, how to fall back, don't believe it, Shansai currency has no consensus, don't believe it will not return to zero, I tell you that it will return to zero 100%. Those who have technology and consensus will fall to the lowest point in history, or only get to an even lower point. If it drops to the point where you doubt your life, the bottom has been reached.
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There is no minimum for altcoins, only lower!
Will Bitcoin hit the bottom twice? Every bear market has hit the bottom twice in history, but will this bear market hit the bottom? Judging from historical experience, it will definitely hit the bottom twice. From the perspective of human nature, if you don't dare to take the offer, the end is over. How much does it hit? This depends on the character and ability of the long-short dealer.
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Will it hit this year or grow to 4.8 this year before smashing
Cut it in half and it feels like the bottom is there, just a wild guess.
This year, Bitcoin has risen to around 48,000 to 55,000. Now start the third wave of rally.
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more likely
Brother Zhao: You can also copy my success!
Fund growth process
In 2007, 100,000 yuan of funds entered the market, when I was still a student;
At the end of 2008, the self-owned funds became 200,000, and Mr. Zhao said that he could still go to class to enrich his time;
In 2009, the main board was sluggish, but the small and medium-sized board had a structural bull market, and the capital increased by 10 times, reaching the level of 2 million, and participated in a real offer competition in a forum;
In 2010, the capital was close to 10 million, the finances were relatively free, the worth of 10 million was riding a bicycle, and the low-key life was nothing more than that;
In June 2011, the capital has been hovering around 15 million;
In 2012, nearly doubled the income;
In 2013, participated in the hype of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, and the funds went up to a big level;
In 2015, there was an all-round bull market, and then there was the miracle of eight years and ten thousand times that everyone is familiar with, with a net worth of about 1 billion.
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In 2008, the Bank of America exploded and Bitcoin was born. After that, Bitcoin has soared tens of millions of times. This year, the Bank of America exploded again, and Bitcoin has already exploded, and it is unknown how much it has risen. It should be able to rise to 48,000 US dollars this year.
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