The quiet weekend has passed, and actually the price didn't change much.
There is not much change, still oscillating around 57000
This week, there will be non-farm employment data and losses in the macro aspect.
The release of yield data, this data is actually a bit heavy.
Whether it is a recessionary rate cut or a defensive rate cut, it remains to be seen.
Look at the data from earlier this month, which will also affect the magnitude of the interest rate cut.
The temperature should be reduced, mainly in terms of magnitude and duration.
In the past 10 years, BTC has only performed in September
The trend was in a pump state for 3 years, namely: 2015.
(+2.35%), 2016 (+6.04%), 2023
(year+3.91%). Although September has been relatively bleak in history,
But we can turn to October, or we can say September is very .
Maybe that's the month when the fake fall occurs, if you want to copy it.
Bottom, that's in September.
Sun Ge started to cause mischief again, the destruction of SUN Token will be announced soon.
cloth, and will become more routine. The team is currently focused on solutions
Issues related to income data API I. will be the focus of this week
drop the handling fee of the Tron network. Significantly drop the handling fee
Attract more users into Tron, Meme, and Non-fungible Token
The first step. Sun Ge played this MEME beautifully, TRON before.
The sky-high network fees have made it inconvenient for him to send even U.
It's the fastest, he's been very active lately, and he's done it
SUNPUMP continues to update. But I want to say, why
Why not do these things earlier, as a new emerging
WEB3 blockchain technology companies, technically should be no.
Exploration and update, why wait for a product to come out
Only when encountering a bottleneck did I start to think of ways to solve the problem.
There really isn't much hot information lately, crypto world recently
Dead silence.
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