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APT, XAI, and RENDER will face a one-time large unlocking this week.

According to Token Unlocks data, this week APT, XAI, and RENDER will undergo a one-time large-scale unlock of Token, releasing a total value of over 72 million US dollars, including:
Xai (XAI) will unlock 35.88 million Tokens on September 9th at 17:30, worth about $6.36 million, accounting for 6.27% of the circulation. (IO) will unlock 2.11 million Tokens, worth approximately $3.31 million, accounting for 2.22% of the circulating supply, on September 11th at 8:00.
Aptos (APT) will unlock 11.31 million tokens worth about $66.16 million at 18:00 on September 11, accounting for 2.32% of the circulating supply;
Render (RENDER) will unlock 760,000 tokens worth about $3.59 million, accounting for 0.19% of the circulation, at 20:00 on September 14.
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