From 'Darknet drug lord' to Cryptocurrency entrepreneur, Silk Road 2.0 creator Blake Benthall's decade-long road to redemption

In May 2023, Caduceus on-chainissuanceed the first Memecoin LayerShit. Reading through its Twitter, you can still see traces of its war on capital in the prominent introduction. The label also boldly states: "Developers and projects hijacked by capital are all garbage, including Ethereum and its layer2".

Idealism of Layershit

Questioning and attacking a project larger than oneself is likely to arouse suspicion, especially since Layershit is a memecoin. It is not wise to pick on the Ethereum ecosystem which is thousands of times larger than itself.

However, Layershit doesn't mind the 'praying mantis trying to stop a car' comment. On Twitter, he mentioned, 'We were also developers on Ethereum at first, but since he was hijacked by capital, we knew he was sick and it was time to leave, even though he had become very large. But garbage is still garbage.'

In fact, to the initiators of Layershit, technology is pure and sacred, and cannot tolerate any pollution. In their tweets, they mentioned that "ETH actually had various business logic flaws in the early days of its establishment. In the long-term development, they also realized their own problems. However, the brutal growth of ETH has put it in a dilemma, and it can only patch up the original foundation for business expansion. For the concept of layer2, which aims to solve the scaling problem of ETH, but due to the backlash of capital and traffic competition, excessive Airdrop incentives have become a gathering place for wool parties. The congested layer2 and high gas fees will truly exclude users and developers who have demand for blockchain.

Therefore, as the meme season brews and gas fees rise, Layershit chooses to pour a bucket of cold water because the initiators of Layershit consider that this crazy industry must make some changes.

The main factor that prompted this decision was their aversion and disappointment towards capital. He mentioned that the recent meme frenzy has caused the gas fees on the Ethereum on-chain to skyrocket, which has dropped the users' experience with the blockchain and harmed the interests of on-chain developers. However, even in this situation, users still have expectations for Ethereum and its scalability technology. The manipulation behind all of this is driven by capital, using subsidies, creating trends and public opinion, and turning users' behavior into profit-seeking and speculation. This has resulted in some excellent technologies being unable to be showcased to the public.

"What is a scammer, promises that contradict the facts are scams, and those who claim to solve a certain technical problem but have not solved it are scammers**.**"

Within a few short days, Layershit has released over 90 tweets criticizing half the industry, yet also gained support from many sympathizers. What exactly gives Layershit the confidence to be a 'one-man army'?

The answer is obvious, backed by another team with pure technical ideals, Caduceus, which is the confidence.

Actually, friends who follow the Caduceus public chain can easily perceive that from carrying out developer activities to cooperating with external traffic from various districts, Caduceus has been trying to actively enter the public's field of vision.

"What changes can it bring to the industry?" This is Caduceus Chain and Lyershit's reflection and introspection on the industry as a whole.

Doing the right thing will eventually stay

Those who truly immerse themselves in technology cherish freedom and pursue spontaneous innovation. They do their utmost to open their senses and use code to experience the world, forming a new worldview in the process. As the initiator of Layershit said, "The development of blockchain is a long-term process, not a one-time capital injection."

What does a real blockchain look like? The founder of Layershit, in a simple and straightforward manner, answered, 'Cheap and easy to use.' In his eyes, technology is always very pure, with a hint of adventurous radicalism and romanticism.

In the entire industry, there is no lack of projects that are doing 'persuasion' work. TPS, Consensus, economic system... They use self-created technical descriptions as gimmicks, but often overlook the 'essence'.

The purpose of Layershit seems to have been covered with the filter of 'idealism'. But the initiators of Layershit admit that 'doing the right thing will always stay'.


Although I haven't had any contact with them, it is not difficult to see from Layershit's social media that this team is basically a group of people immersed in the world of "technical aesthetics", extremely self-centered and abstract.

"Started with MEME, ended with ideal." This is my evaluation of Layershit. I hope Layershit and its Caduceus blockchain can always adhere to their pure technical ideals and provide a "cheap, easy-to-use" platform for real blockchain developers and users.

Click 'Read the original' to visit the Lyershit official website.

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