Free giveaways, reference for night single point on August 31st! Try to choose a low multiple for the main position, and set stop-profit and stop-loss properly!
BTC long near 57850; short near 60500;
Long near 2440 for EHT; Short near 2590.

BTC stop loss is around 500 points, ETH stop loss is around 30 points. Do not enter at a specific point. It is recommended to have a range of BTC ±50~100 points, and ETH ±5 points. Contracts are about making big gains with small investments, so do not have a heavy position. Set stop loss strictly and do not hold a losing position. Feel free to do as you wish, disregard what I said!
The above personal opinions do not constitute investment advice. The profit and loss incurred by entering at this point are self-responsible, and the point is valid within the day, for reference only!
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