Is the Metaverse still far away? Meta examples reveal that VR and other technologies have already penetrated various industries

Imagine if doctors could practice surgery in a realistic, risk-free way - with VR (virtual reality), this is already possible and is happening.

Surgical training is just one of many industries undergoing changes that are positively impacting people's lives. Today, we’re sharing some examples of how people and businesses around the world are using these immersive technologies and the tangible impact they’re having.

Surgeons: Using VR for surgical training

"More than 5 billion people around the world lack access to safe surgical procedures due to a lack of trained surgeons. Therefore, being able to conduct surgical training in a safe and accessible environment is significant for countries that lack access to advanced surgical training .Research shows that the use of immersive surgical training can significantly improve training quality and patient outcomes. Our virtual learning platform 'Fundamental Surgery' allows medical teams to perfect their professional skills in a risk-free environment and enhance their ability to perform real-life scenarios and the confidence to operate at your maximum ability. By integrating tactile feedback, we observed significant improvements in surgical proficiency."

——Richard Vincent,FundamentalVR CEO


Athletes: Use VR to practice skills

“While I was still recovering from injury, I found that using technology, especially using virtual reality to train, allowed me to stay connected to the court and improve my skills without putting a strain on my body. Things like this Immersive technology is not only changing sports competitions, it is also changing lives in all walks of life, enhancing our potential and reshaping everything possible."

——Marcus Rashford, Premier League football player


“Virtual reality technology is changing the way athletes at all levels train. Across the sports we work with Rezzil on, we see that the biggest impact is an increase in athlete confidence and ability when VR is introduced into training programs . VR technology enables a deeper analysis of their motor and cognitive skills. For our Formula 1 partners, VR technology improves their skills such as environmental reactions and real-time reactions to high-stress scenarios, Allowing drivers to perform better on the track. For our football partners, precision, such as heading the ball, can be practiced without increasing physical strain."

—— Andy Etches, founder of Rezzil

Welding: Gain practical experience using VR

“We have found that virtual reality technology and Ocuweld, a first-of-its-kind proprietary VR application, can effectively relieve the stress caused by work mistakes, allowing welding students to focus on key aspects and stay engaged and enthusiastic during the learning process. This on-demand training also makes students more employable because they can practice for extended periods of time outside of the lab.”

——Mary Kelly, President, StrataTech


Aviation: Using VR and MR to train flight crews

“Virtual reality and mixed reality are already being used for product development, training and sales. Whether it’s when demonstrating our latest innovations Lufthansa Allegris and Swiss Senses to customers, training our crews or training us on virtual engine models mechanics. In addition, we host product events for passengers around the world and train our service center agents. We can reach more customers in less time than with traditional methods people and improve their experience.”

——Heike Birlenbach, Senior Vice President, Lufthansa


Students: Better understanding of molecules through AR and VR

"Nanome brings new life to visualization in chemistry, which has long relied on two-dimensional textbooks and computer images. When students use virtual reality technology to build three-dimensional structural models, they can be immersed in it on a whole new level Engage with molecular data. Unlike traditional textbooks, they can reach out and grab the molecule, edit the structure and move it around, fully understanding the molecular makeup. By making science more accessible in this way, we see student engagement and engagement with the concepts Awareness has improved significantly. This is the future and it’s available now.”

—— Steve McCloskey, founder of Nanome


The positive impact of immersive technology is already evident, and as Metaverse technology continues to advance, we will have more opportunities to maximize the benefits of these innovative technologies.

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