The Shanghai Stock Exchange launched a full-network test today, in which individual investors are unable to participate. Securities firms will simulate placing orders instead.

On September 29, Jinshi Data reported that the Shanghai Stock Exchange will conduct a full network test on non-trading days to verify the accuracy and stability of the trading system. Earlier, on September 27, the Shanghai Stock Exchange experienced a system failure due to 'exploding orders' and the test aims to simulate real trading pressure to prevent similar issues from reoccurring. The test includes Bidding and the comprehensive business platform, involving securities firms, public sale funds, and other financial institutions, but it is not open to ordinary investors. Industry insiders believe that this test has attracted a lot of attention due to the high market heat, and any related information has been magnified. The Shanghai Stock Exchange has not yet announced the cause of the malfunction, but industry speculation suggests that it may be related to excessive trading volume.

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