One of my deep feelings in the past two years is that heavy work and huge mental pressure will really consume almost all of a person's curiosity. Before I didn't work, I really had a lot of things I wanted to do, a lot of curiosity, and a lot of happiness for no reason. In a very happy moment, even if it is raining heavily outside, there will even be sudden love in my heart. It may be to love someone, it may be to feel that it is good to be alive. In short, it was some kind of sudden inspiration, some kind of ecstasy when I realized that I could experience such a wonderful moment in life, which cannot be shared with others. I originally thought that I would always live in such a dreamlike way, regardless of emotional gains and losses, like sea water that would never stop. But I was wrong. After working for a long time, my mind and soul just want to rest. I often feel that I may still have a lot of things I want to do in my will, but my physical strength and mind really can't keep up. I will understand that to stop loving each other means that two people can no longer comfort each other. I will accept that manpower is sometimes poor. This kind of pain and trouble cannot be told to any specific person, and it is impossible to talk about it. I know that I have tried my best to face life, and I have been kind enough to others, but I am really tired. Sometimes I'm so tired that I can't tell anyone, I'm so tired. Can you help me, can you give me a break. I realized that everything I had built over the years had to be maintained by myself without anyone behind me. I realized that anything I wanted in this world had to be exchanged for something equally precious to me. There is no way to relieve this heartache. Sometimes I really want to do nothing for the rest of my life, just be in a daze, and pass my whole life.
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