
Trading Bots
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Both numbers are small
At present, one is 8.3W, and the other is close to 7W.
Subscriptions are all 0.01gt a year
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The goal is at least 500,000 knives by the end of the year
If the push is not timely, everyone has watched the North Myanmar movie
should know where to find me
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The master returns to the arena[Flowers][Strong]
hope but betrayed by hope
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I kind of don't want to keep my word and want to come back
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[The user has shared his/her trading data. Go to the App to view more.]
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Come back, Brother Bunny
Is everyone ready to face today
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What the hell, the market feel is so good, and the volatility is so low, who will pay for my Rolex next week?
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brother x pays the bill
Smoke always pays the bill [color]
Bragging, I really won't leave when I come back this time
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Bcoin Space Bunny
Niubi Rabbit is finally back
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Bunny Gang is not me,
Just call me rabbit
this is
If you make a mistake, you can ask customer service to return
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Clicking to join the team will directly enter without confirmation option
Hey, return to the original heart team competition
Just call me rabbit
Guaranteed top three this time
Not the top three this time,
i exit the gate forever
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Whatever happened, just do your best and obey the destiny. How did you threaten yourself to get up? [daze]
Brother Rabbit's Apple phone can't subscribe. what to do
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The first two accounts in Follow are my accounts.
Thank you for not failing this time
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The return of the king~
Do you do spot or contract
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I came back with two numbers and started with a knife of 8w. . . .
be there or be square
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It's all blown up... oh 😔
The eldest brother is finally back, and I can still follow you to see the remaining 0.2u [Show teeth][Show teeth]
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If the big pie does not break through 26600, there is a high probability that it will fall next week
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disappeared for a month
Dude saw it the wrong way [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears]
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This person in love is so irritable,
Next week there will be a firm offer of $200,000 to restart
The last real offer of 20w knife was up to 26w
Then the cme gap because of bank failures and over trust.
Resulting in a loss of more than 90%
At present, it has almost changed from a low point of more than 20,000 dollars to around 140,000 dollars in three months
I am very ashamed of everyone's trust in me, and I will work hard slowly.
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Believe me, it's worth it
How many rabbits are there? I am following two now.
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The happy three days and two nights are over,
Everyone played impart for two days
I played mahjong for two days and died suddenly~
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Ambush the coin circle 100 times the coin 👍
It's been sunny for two weeks, or else go
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See you in Wuhan~
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Brother Rabbit, don't send out your personal information casually.
Brother Rabbit is really in a mood, it's a waste of time
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In the comments, let me tell you what I have experienced in the past two years.
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I just discovered this dynamic,
a bit silly [smiles]
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It has been almost 2 years since I came to Gate. . If you have time, I will talk about the losses I have suffered later. .
Very wonderful.
Many people can't imagine
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Alas😮‍💨 I followed it for a year and then I unsubscribed and unsubscribed and calmed down
I buy some lo-mei and stir-fry. Beer is in the fridge. wait for me
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red packet sent
bunny bunny
Bunny Bunny 1
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Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit 1
bunny bunny
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The main rebound of this wave is the big positive column on the weekend of 3.12~
[Pissing lips] After that, there was a good increase every Sunday afternoon, so when it started to fall on the weekend, this wave of recovery should be over.
exactly today sunday
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This market is so boring.
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At present, do you think it is orthodox to copy jj, or is it orthodox for Xiaofei stick?
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Rabbit jj will
Come on little stick
0.01gt subscription on the last day, don't miss it
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20w knife real offer is also open 0.1gt
Rabbit jj will,
Welcome to follow
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