What is Lossless? All You Need to Know About LSS

IntermediateAug 14, 2024
Lossless (LSS) is a crypto protocol aimed at preventing fraud by enabling the freezing of suspicious transactions.
What is Lossless? All You Need to Know About LSS

The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector faces significant challenges concerning security vulnerabilities and exploits. These issues undermine trust and lead to substantial financial losses for investors and platforms alike. As the DeFi landscape expands, the need for specialized solutions to safeguard against these vulnerabilities becomes crucial. Addressing this critical need, Lossless (LSS) emerges as a pioneering protocol designed specifically to mitigate the risks associated with fraudulent transactions in DeFi by enabling the freezing and reversal of suspicious transactions, thus enhancing the security and integrity of the ecosystem.

What is Lossless (LSS)?

Lossless, established in the first quarter of 2021, was founded by a group of experts across various fields including blockchain, cybersecurity, fintech, DeFi, and cryptocurrency. Led by project CEO Vygandas Masilionis, with Domantas Pelaitis as the technology lead and Dominykas van Otterlo heading business development, the team united to tackle the persistent problem of security breaches within the DeFi industry. Their mission is to create a safe environment for DeFi to flourish by preventing and reversing hacks.

By May 2021, Lossless had already begun to gain traction within the community and among investors, which culminated in a successful private sale round on May 25, raising $2.245 million. This round was led by DAO Maker, alongside other significant participants like Master Ventures, X21, Magnus Capital, and notable industry figures such as Chandler Song and Ryan Fang, founders of ANKR and Bounce. This influx of capital and strategic partnerships aimed to bolster the startup phase and prepare Lossless for rapid growth, enhancing the $LSS token’s presence and credibility through associations with audit companies and launchpads.

Subsequently, Lossless continued its funding efforts with an Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on DAO Maker that raised an additional $495,050 on May 31, 2021. Together with the private sale, this brought the total raised in early rounds to just under $2.7 million. These early successes reflected the crypto community’s strong interest and belief in Lossless’s potential to safeguard the DeFi space from the increasing risks of fraud and security breaches, setting a solid foundation for its future development.

How Does Lossless Work? Security Integration and Fund Retrieval

The Lossless Protocol is designed to secure DeFi environments by integrating directly into tokens’ smart contracts, specifically those adhering to the LERC20 standard. This security integration is essential for combating fraud and unauthorized token movements, ensuring the blockchain’s integrity is maintained across various platforms including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, and Harmony.

The protocol operates by embedding a protective layer within a token’s smart contract either before its market launch or during a relaunch. This setup allows for immediate and proactive measures against potential security breaches. The integration process is supported by a guidebook for manual setups, an automated Token Minter, and a Token Relaunch Toolkit, which facilitate the adoption of the protocol by various projects.

Once integrated, the Lossless Protocol provides a dashboard for tracking token transactions. This feature is crucial for real-time monitoring and enables users to spot unusual activities quickly. Users can stake LSS tokens to report suspicious transactions. This action temporarily freezes the reported transactions for 24 hours, creating a window for further scrutiny.

The examination of these reports is handled by a Decision-Making Body, which consists of experts in blockchain technology and cybersecurity. This group uses sophisticated tools and parameters to investigate flagged transactions. Their role is crucial in determining the legitimacy of suspicious activities users report.

If a transaction is verified as fraudulent, the protocol maintains the freeze on the involved assets and facilitates their recovery. The confirmed fraudulent funds are then subjected to a process designed to return them to their rightful owner. This process includes an additional investigative period where the Decision-Making Body reviews the legitimacy of the wallet proposed for the refund. A correct identification leads to the unfreezing and restitution of the funds, less a 7% recovery fee charged by Lossless. This fee is distributed as rewards to those who identified and reported the hack, thus incentivizing community participation and vigilance.

The protocol’s deployment on multiple blockchains ensures that a wide range of projects can benefit from enhanced security measures. This widespread applicability is critical given the increasing prevalence of hacks and security breaches within the DeFi space. Lossless not only aims to deter such activities but also provides mechanisms for damage control and recovery, thereby bolstering trust and stability within the ecosystem.

The Lossless Protocol also includes features that allow community members known as Finders to participate actively. Finders are users who monitor and analyze blockchain transactions to spot potential hacks or fraudulent activities. They stake a significant amount of LSS to report their findings, which if validated, entitles them to a portion of the recovery fee.

This structured approach to security not only mitigates the risks associated with digital asset transactions but also encourages a proactive stance among token holders and project teams. By incentivizing community involvement, Lossless harnesses collective vigilance, significantly enhancing the protocol’s effectiveness.

Source: docs.lossless.io

The Lossless Protocol’s integration into DeFi projects is a critical defensive mechanism against the growing threat of cyber fraud. By providing tools for real-time transaction monitoring and the ability to respond swiftly to potential threats, Lossless upholds the security of blockchain transactions. This foundational security layer paves the way for the next phase of protocol functionality: Fund Retrieval. In this next stage, the protocol showcases its full capacity to not only halt but also reverse fraudulent transactions, thereby ensuring the recovery of impacted funds and maintaining the integrity of the digital finance landscape.

Fund Retrieval

The Fund Retrieval process within the Lossless Protocol is a structured approach to recovering stolen funds following a verified fraudulent transaction. This process is initiated after a detailed investigation by the Decision-Making Body confirms the fraudulent nature of a transaction. Token owners, committee members, and the Lossless team all play vital roles in the decision-making process.

Once a report of suspicious activity is confirmed to be valid, the protocol triggers the refunding process. The initial step involves proposing a refund wallet by either the Lossless team or the LERC20 token administrators. This proposed wallet undergoes a validation period during which members of the Decision-Making Body can raise objections or approve the wallet. If no objections are made within the set period, the wallet is approved to receive the recovered funds.

The recovery of funds is meticulously executed. The Lossless smart contracts facilitate the automatic transfer of stolen funds back to the approved refund wallet. This transfer deducts a predefined percentage as a recovery fee, which serves as a reward for the finders and community stakers who identified and reported the hack. This incentivization is crucial as it encourages continuous vigilance within the community.

In cases where the proposed refund wallet is disputed or rejected, a new wallet can be proposed and the validation process repeats. This ensures that the funds are returned only to legitimate and uncontested wallets, safeguarding against further potential fraud.

Throughout this process, community stakers who supported the validity of the hack report by staking their tokens also receive rewards based on the timing and accuracy of their staking. This reward mechanism not only compensates for their active participation but also for the risks taken by staking on the report.

Moreover, the protocol employs a unique settlement period mechanism. This feature delays the movement of funds following their receipt, preventing immediate withdrawal post-theft, and giving the system and its participants adequate time to react to suspicious transactions. If a transaction is flagged during this period, the involved funds are held until the report is resolved, which can lead to either the unfreezing of the funds if the report is found invalid or to their recovery and return if the fraud is confirmed.

Source: lossless.io

The entire Fund Retrieval process, as facilitated by Lossless, is integral to maintaining the integrity and trust within the DeFi space. It not only ensures that fraud victims can recover their assets but also deters potential fraudsters by creating an environment where fraudulent actions are swiftly identified, investigated, and rectified. This system of checks, balances, and incentives aligns all participants toward a common goal of a secure and resilient DeFi ecosystem.

Lossless Use Cases

Lossless Protocol provides a vital security layer for the DeFi ecosystem, designed to detect, freeze, and revert fraudulent transactions. This function is crucial in an environment where the rapid growth of decentralized finance has been matched by increased sophisticated cyber threats. Here are three prominent use cases for the Lossless Protocol:

  • Fraud Detection and Response: Lossless enables real-time monitoring and automatic freezing of suspicious transactions. This capability is crucial for immediate response to potential frauds, significantly reducing the risk of financial loss. The protocol’s community-driven model allows participants to actively safeguard assets by identifying and reporting anomalies.
  • Recovery of Stolen Funds: Once a fraudulent transaction is verified, Lossless facilitates the recovery process. The stolen funds are returned to their rightful owners after a thorough investigation and consensus among the decision-making body. This not only restores the funds but also reinforces trust among platform users.
  • Enhancing Token Security for Developers: By integrating the Lossless code into their token’s smart contracts, developers can protect their projects right from the start. This preemptive security measure prevents the exploitation of token vulnerabilities, ensuring a safer investment and operational environment for creators and investors in the DeFi space.

These use cases highlight the Lossless Protocol’s role in fortifying the DeFi sector against evolving threats, contributing to its overall health and sustainability.

Lossless Main Features

The Lossless Protocol offers a comprehensive suite of features aimed at enhancing security within the blockchain ecosystem through advanced monitoring, analysis, and recovery mechanisms. Here’s a breakdown of some of the main features:

Lossless Aegis

Lossless Aegis delivers proactive Web3 security tailored for power users, teams, and enterprises to prevent exploits before they happen. The system enables smart contracts and wallet monitoring with customizable risk and alert controls. Key features include:

  • Proactive Hack Interception: Employs advanced analytics to predict and intercept potential security threats before they manifest.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Provides immediate notifications to teams, ensuring swift action can be taken to mitigate any identified risks.
  • Seamless Integration: Aegis integrates directly with browsers like Metamask through Aegis Snap, analyzing contracts in real time without additional setup and enhancing user security against malicious actors.

Aegis Pulse

Aegis Pulse focuses on community engagement and project security by setting up customized alert channels. This feature enhances transparency and fosters trust by informing the community about critical contract events and security statuses. Its capabilities include:

  • Public and Private Alert Channels: Allows projects to establish tailored communication channels on platforms like Telegram to broadcast alerts about significant smart contract activities and security threats.
  • AI-Powered Monitoring: Utilizes AI-driven pattern recognition to monitor and detect anomalies in smart contract interactions, providing predictive insights and real-time alerts to preemptively address potential threats.

Source: aegis.lossless.io

Lossless Wrapped Protection

This feature enables easier integration of Lossless security measures into existing ERC20 tokens without relaunching or rewriting their smart contracts. Lossless Wrapped Protection offers two variants:

  • Standard Protection: Implements basic security features like those in LERC20 tokens but without administrative functions.
  • Ownable Protection: Extends the standard protections and incorporates ownership features, allowing for greater control over token security configurations.

Vault and Treasury Protection

Vault and Treasury Protection by Lossless is designed to secure treasury wallets, liquidity pools, and other high-value blockchain addresses against unauthorized transactions and exploits. This feature focuses on two main strategies:

  • Treasury Protection Strategy: Enables transactions only to pre-whitelisted addresses, safeguarding funds by ensuring they can only move to known, secure destinations.
  • Liquidity Protection Single Limit Strategy: Allows token creators to set transfer limits from addresses, controlling how much can be moved within a specified timeframe to prevent large-scale theft.

Implemented through smart contracts, including LosslessControllerV2 and TreasuryProtectionStrategy, this system requires tokens to become LERC20-compliant and undergo verification by the Lossless team to activate these protective measures. This structure ensures robust security for project treasuries and liquidity funds by strictly regulating transaction permissions and address interactions.

Source: docs.lossless.io

Each feature addresses specific security needs within the blockchain environment, ensuring stakeholders can protect their assets effectively against the increasing threat landscape in decentralized finance.

Token Minter

The Lossless Token Minter is a user-friendly, permissionless tool designed to streamline the creation and deployment of token smart contracts on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon networks. It supports ERC20 and BEP20 standards, making it accessible for users with no technical expertise. The tool is free, requiring only gas fees for deployment. Integrated with Lossless’s sleeper code, it prepares tokens for future hack mitigation. Additionally, users can opt for a security audit from Hacken to ensure their tokens’ safety.

Source: minter.lossless.io

What is the LSS Coin?

LSS is a cryptocurrency that powers the Lossless Protocol for DeFi fraud prevention. Its maximum supply is capped at 100 million units, of which 55.57 million (55.57%) are already in circulation (August 2024).

LSS serves as the foundational cryptocurrency for the Lossless Protocol. This ERC-20 token is integral to the operation and governance of the protocol, enabling a community-driven approach to security in the rapidly growing DeFi market.

LSS tokens empower users to actively participate in the security measures of the Lossless ecosystem. Holders of the token can stake LSS to become Finders—participants who spot and report suspicious transactions. To engage in this role, white-hat hackers must stake a required amount of 2500 LSS. If a reported hack is deemed illegitimate, the staked LSS may be confiscated, aligning incentives with the accuracy and integrity of reports.

The utility of LSS extends to rewarding community Finders with finders fees, consisting of returned stakes and a percentage of recovered funds from resolved security breaches. Moreover, LSS token holders can participate in governance decisions, influencing the protocol’s development, roadmap, and key operational aspects.

Beyond these functionalities, LSS tokens are used in promotional and referral programs to expand the protocol’s reach and engagement within the crypto community. These initiatives reward influencers, audit firms, and other platforms that refer new users and token creators to Lossless.

Additionally, top holders of LSS tokens receive exclusive access to new product features and insights into cybersecurity developments, underscoring the protocol’s commitment to community engagement and the ongoing enhancement of its security features.

The token distribution chart shows 35% for the Private Round, 20% for Adoption Incentives, 15% each for Company Reserves and Team, 10% for Marketing/Listing, and 5% for Advisors.

Source: losslessdefi.medium.com

Overall, the LSS Coin is more than a digital currency; it is an essential component of a comprehensive strategy to improve security and trust in the burgeoning field of DeFi, allowing stakeholders to detect hacks, freeze malicious transactions, and ensure the return of stolen funds to their rightful owners.

Is LSS a Good Investment?

LSS Coin supports the Lossless Protocol, a unique DeFi security solution aiming to prevent fraud and recover stolen funds, which addresses a critical need in the rapidly expanding DeFi market. However, its future success isn’t guaranteed due to technical complexities. The effectiveness of the protocol’s mechanisms, such as stake-based reporting and community-driven governance, depend heavily on widespread adoption and the ongoing development of its underlying technology, which may face evolving cyber threats and regulatory changes.

How to Own LSS?

To own LSS, you can use the services of a centralized crypto exchange. Start by creating a Gate.io account, and get it verified and funded. Then you are ready to go through the steps to buy LSS.

News on Lossless

As announced on the official Lossless blog in February 2024, Lossless has launched the pioneering Cyber Cell initiative, using non-transferable NFTs to mark hacker wallets, enhancing community defenses in the dynamic Web3 environment. This novel strategy employs Aegis for real-time tracking and alert broadcasts, increasing vigilance against cyber threats. Additionally, Lossless offers a unique NFT collection, turning hacking incidents into digital narratives, enriching community engagement, and supporting ongoing security efforts. This initiative marks a significant step in securing the blockchain ecosystem and raising cyber threat awareness.

Take Action on LSS

Check out LSS price today, and start trading your favorite currency pairs.

Author: Mauro
Translator: Piper
Reviewer(s): Matheus、KOWEI、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by Gate.io.
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Gate.io. Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.

What is Lossless? All You Need to Know About LSS

IntermediateAug 14, 2024
Lossless (LSS) is a crypto protocol aimed at preventing fraud by enabling the freezing of suspicious transactions.
What is Lossless? All You Need to Know About LSS

The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector faces significant challenges concerning security vulnerabilities and exploits. These issues undermine trust and lead to substantial financial losses for investors and platforms alike. As the DeFi landscape expands, the need for specialized solutions to safeguard against these vulnerabilities becomes crucial. Addressing this critical need, Lossless (LSS) emerges as a pioneering protocol designed specifically to mitigate the risks associated with fraudulent transactions in DeFi by enabling the freezing and reversal of suspicious transactions, thus enhancing the security and integrity of the ecosystem.

What is Lossless (LSS)?

Lossless, established in the first quarter of 2021, was founded by a group of experts across various fields including blockchain, cybersecurity, fintech, DeFi, and cryptocurrency. Led by project CEO Vygandas Masilionis, with Domantas Pelaitis as the technology lead and Dominykas van Otterlo heading business development, the team united to tackle the persistent problem of security breaches within the DeFi industry. Their mission is to create a safe environment for DeFi to flourish by preventing and reversing hacks.

By May 2021, Lossless had already begun to gain traction within the community and among investors, which culminated in a successful private sale round on May 25, raising $2.245 million. This round was led by DAO Maker, alongside other significant participants like Master Ventures, X21, Magnus Capital, and notable industry figures such as Chandler Song and Ryan Fang, founders of ANKR and Bounce. This influx of capital and strategic partnerships aimed to bolster the startup phase and prepare Lossless for rapid growth, enhancing the $LSS token’s presence and credibility through associations with audit companies and launchpads.

Subsequently, Lossless continued its funding efforts with an Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on DAO Maker that raised an additional $495,050 on May 31, 2021. Together with the private sale, this brought the total raised in early rounds to just under $2.7 million. These early successes reflected the crypto community’s strong interest and belief in Lossless’s potential to safeguard the DeFi space from the increasing risks of fraud and security breaches, setting a solid foundation for its future development.

How Does Lossless Work? Security Integration and Fund Retrieval

The Lossless Protocol is designed to secure DeFi environments by integrating directly into tokens’ smart contracts, specifically those adhering to the LERC20 standard. This security integration is essential for combating fraud and unauthorized token movements, ensuring the blockchain’s integrity is maintained across various platforms including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, and Harmony.

The protocol operates by embedding a protective layer within a token’s smart contract either before its market launch or during a relaunch. This setup allows for immediate and proactive measures against potential security breaches. The integration process is supported by a guidebook for manual setups, an automated Token Minter, and a Token Relaunch Toolkit, which facilitate the adoption of the protocol by various projects.

Once integrated, the Lossless Protocol provides a dashboard for tracking token transactions. This feature is crucial for real-time monitoring and enables users to spot unusual activities quickly. Users can stake LSS tokens to report suspicious transactions. This action temporarily freezes the reported transactions for 24 hours, creating a window for further scrutiny.

The examination of these reports is handled by a Decision-Making Body, which consists of experts in blockchain technology and cybersecurity. This group uses sophisticated tools and parameters to investigate flagged transactions. Their role is crucial in determining the legitimacy of suspicious activities users report.

If a transaction is verified as fraudulent, the protocol maintains the freeze on the involved assets and facilitates their recovery. The confirmed fraudulent funds are then subjected to a process designed to return them to their rightful owner. This process includes an additional investigative period where the Decision-Making Body reviews the legitimacy of the wallet proposed for the refund. A correct identification leads to the unfreezing and restitution of the funds, less a 7% recovery fee charged by Lossless. This fee is distributed as rewards to those who identified and reported the hack, thus incentivizing community participation and vigilance.

The protocol’s deployment on multiple blockchains ensures that a wide range of projects can benefit from enhanced security measures. This widespread applicability is critical given the increasing prevalence of hacks and security breaches within the DeFi space. Lossless not only aims to deter such activities but also provides mechanisms for damage control and recovery, thereby bolstering trust and stability within the ecosystem.

The Lossless Protocol also includes features that allow community members known as Finders to participate actively. Finders are users who monitor and analyze blockchain transactions to spot potential hacks or fraudulent activities. They stake a significant amount of LSS to report their findings, which if validated, entitles them to a portion of the recovery fee.

This structured approach to security not only mitigates the risks associated with digital asset transactions but also encourages a proactive stance among token holders and project teams. By incentivizing community involvement, Lossless harnesses collective vigilance, significantly enhancing the protocol’s effectiveness.

Source: docs.lossless.io

The Lossless Protocol’s integration into DeFi projects is a critical defensive mechanism against the growing threat of cyber fraud. By providing tools for real-time transaction monitoring and the ability to respond swiftly to potential threats, Lossless upholds the security of blockchain transactions. This foundational security layer paves the way for the next phase of protocol functionality: Fund Retrieval. In this next stage, the protocol showcases its full capacity to not only halt but also reverse fraudulent transactions, thereby ensuring the recovery of impacted funds and maintaining the integrity of the digital finance landscape.

Fund Retrieval

The Fund Retrieval process within the Lossless Protocol is a structured approach to recovering stolen funds following a verified fraudulent transaction. This process is initiated after a detailed investigation by the Decision-Making Body confirms the fraudulent nature of a transaction. Token owners, committee members, and the Lossless team all play vital roles in the decision-making process.

Once a report of suspicious activity is confirmed to be valid, the protocol triggers the refunding process. The initial step involves proposing a refund wallet by either the Lossless team or the LERC20 token administrators. This proposed wallet undergoes a validation period during which members of the Decision-Making Body can raise objections or approve the wallet. If no objections are made within the set period, the wallet is approved to receive the recovered funds.

The recovery of funds is meticulously executed. The Lossless smart contracts facilitate the automatic transfer of stolen funds back to the approved refund wallet. This transfer deducts a predefined percentage as a recovery fee, which serves as a reward for the finders and community stakers who identified and reported the hack. This incentivization is crucial as it encourages continuous vigilance within the community.

In cases where the proposed refund wallet is disputed or rejected, a new wallet can be proposed and the validation process repeats. This ensures that the funds are returned only to legitimate and uncontested wallets, safeguarding against further potential fraud.

Throughout this process, community stakers who supported the validity of the hack report by staking their tokens also receive rewards based on the timing and accuracy of their staking. This reward mechanism not only compensates for their active participation but also for the risks taken by staking on the report.

Moreover, the protocol employs a unique settlement period mechanism. This feature delays the movement of funds following their receipt, preventing immediate withdrawal post-theft, and giving the system and its participants adequate time to react to suspicious transactions. If a transaction is flagged during this period, the involved funds are held until the report is resolved, which can lead to either the unfreezing of the funds if the report is found invalid or to their recovery and return if the fraud is confirmed.

Source: lossless.io

The entire Fund Retrieval process, as facilitated by Lossless, is integral to maintaining the integrity and trust within the DeFi space. It not only ensures that fraud victims can recover their assets but also deters potential fraudsters by creating an environment where fraudulent actions are swiftly identified, investigated, and rectified. This system of checks, balances, and incentives aligns all participants toward a common goal of a secure and resilient DeFi ecosystem.

Lossless Use Cases

Lossless Protocol provides a vital security layer for the DeFi ecosystem, designed to detect, freeze, and revert fraudulent transactions. This function is crucial in an environment where the rapid growth of decentralized finance has been matched by increased sophisticated cyber threats. Here are three prominent use cases for the Lossless Protocol:

  • Fraud Detection and Response: Lossless enables real-time monitoring and automatic freezing of suspicious transactions. This capability is crucial for immediate response to potential frauds, significantly reducing the risk of financial loss. The protocol’s community-driven model allows participants to actively safeguard assets by identifying and reporting anomalies.
  • Recovery of Stolen Funds: Once a fraudulent transaction is verified, Lossless facilitates the recovery process. The stolen funds are returned to their rightful owners after a thorough investigation and consensus among the decision-making body. This not only restores the funds but also reinforces trust among platform users.
  • Enhancing Token Security for Developers: By integrating the Lossless code into their token’s smart contracts, developers can protect their projects right from the start. This preemptive security measure prevents the exploitation of token vulnerabilities, ensuring a safer investment and operational environment for creators and investors in the DeFi space.

These use cases highlight the Lossless Protocol’s role in fortifying the DeFi sector against evolving threats, contributing to its overall health and sustainability.

Lossless Main Features

The Lossless Protocol offers a comprehensive suite of features aimed at enhancing security within the blockchain ecosystem through advanced monitoring, analysis, and recovery mechanisms. Here’s a breakdown of some of the main features:

Lossless Aegis

Lossless Aegis delivers proactive Web3 security tailored for power users, teams, and enterprises to prevent exploits before they happen. The system enables smart contracts and wallet monitoring with customizable risk and alert controls. Key features include:

  • Proactive Hack Interception: Employs advanced analytics to predict and intercept potential security threats before they manifest.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Provides immediate notifications to teams, ensuring swift action can be taken to mitigate any identified risks.
  • Seamless Integration: Aegis integrates directly with browsers like Metamask through Aegis Snap, analyzing contracts in real time without additional setup and enhancing user security against malicious actors.

Aegis Pulse

Aegis Pulse focuses on community engagement and project security by setting up customized alert channels. This feature enhances transparency and fosters trust by informing the community about critical contract events and security statuses. Its capabilities include:

  • Public and Private Alert Channels: Allows projects to establish tailored communication channels on platforms like Telegram to broadcast alerts about significant smart contract activities and security threats.
  • AI-Powered Monitoring: Utilizes AI-driven pattern recognition to monitor and detect anomalies in smart contract interactions, providing predictive insights and real-time alerts to preemptively address potential threats.

Source: aegis.lossless.io

Lossless Wrapped Protection

This feature enables easier integration of Lossless security measures into existing ERC20 tokens without relaunching or rewriting their smart contracts. Lossless Wrapped Protection offers two variants:

  • Standard Protection: Implements basic security features like those in LERC20 tokens but without administrative functions.
  • Ownable Protection: Extends the standard protections and incorporates ownership features, allowing for greater control over token security configurations.

Vault and Treasury Protection

Vault and Treasury Protection by Lossless is designed to secure treasury wallets, liquidity pools, and other high-value blockchain addresses against unauthorized transactions and exploits. This feature focuses on two main strategies:

  • Treasury Protection Strategy: Enables transactions only to pre-whitelisted addresses, safeguarding funds by ensuring they can only move to known, secure destinations.
  • Liquidity Protection Single Limit Strategy: Allows token creators to set transfer limits from addresses, controlling how much can be moved within a specified timeframe to prevent large-scale theft.

Implemented through smart contracts, including LosslessControllerV2 and TreasuryProtectionStrategy, this system requires tokens to become LERC20-compliant and undergo verification by the Lossless team to activate these protective measures. This structure ensures robust security for project treasuries and liquidity funds by strictly regulating transaction permissions and address interactions.

Source: docs.lossless.io

Each feature addresses specific security needs within the blockchain environment, ensuring stakeholders can protect their assets effectively against the increasing threat landscape in decentralized finance.

Token Minter

The Lossless Token Minter is a user-friendly, permissionless tool designed to streamline the creation and deployment of token smart contracts on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon networks. It supports ERC20 and BEP20 standards, making it accessible for users with no technical expertise. The tool is free, requiring only gas fees for deployment. Integrated with Lossless’s sleeper code, it prepares tokens for future hack mitigation. Additionally, users can opt for a security audit from Hacken to ensure their tokens’ safety.

Source: minter.lossless.io

What is the LSS Coin?

LSS is a cryptocurrency that powers the Lossless Protocol for DeFi fraud prevention. Its maximum supply is capped at 100 million units, of which 55.57 million (55.57%) are already in circulation (August 2024).

LSS serves as the foundational cryptocurrency for the Lossless Protocol. This ERC-20 token is integral to the operation and governance of the protocol, enabling a community-driven approach to security in the rapidly growing DeFi market.

LSS tokens empower users to actively participate in the security measures of the Lossless ecosystem. Holders of the token can stake LSS to become Finders—participants who spot and report suspicious transactions. To engage in this role, white-hat hackers must stake a required amount of 2500 LSS. If a reported hack is deemed illegitimate, the staked LSS may be confiscated, aligning incentives with the accuracy and integrity of reports.

The utility of LSS extends to rewarding community Finders with finders fees, consisting of returned stakes and a percentage of recovered funds from resolved security breaches. Moreover, LSS token holders can participate in governance decisions, influencing the protocol’s development, roadmap, and key operational aspects.

Beyond these functionalities, LSS tokens are used in promotional and referral programs to expand the protocol’s reach and engagement within the crypto community. These initiatives reward influencers, audit firms, and other platforms that refer new users and token creators to Lossless.

Additionally, top holders of LSS tokens receive exclusive access to new product features and insights into cybersecurity developments, underscoring the protocol’s commitment to community engagement and the ongoing enhancement of its security features.

The token distribution chart shows 35% for the Private Round, 20% for Adoption Incentives, 15% each for Company Reserves and Team, 10% for Marketing/Listing, and 5% for Advisors.

Source: losslessdefi.medium.com

Overall, the LSS Coin is more than a digital currency; it is an essential component of a comprehensive strategy to improve security and trust in the burgeoning field of DeFi, allowing stakeholders to detect hacks, freeze malicious transactions, and ensure the return of stolen funds to their rightful owners.

Is LSS a Good Investment?

LSS Coin supports the Lossless Protocol, a unique DeFi security solution aiming to prevent fraud and recover stolen funds, which addresses a critical need in the rapidly expanding DeFi market. However, its future success isn’t guaranteed due to technical complexities. The effectiveness of the protocol’s mechanisms, such as stake-based reporting and community-driven governance, depend heavily on widespread adoption and the ongoing development of its underlying technology, which may face evolving cyber threats and regulatory changes.

How to Own LSS?

To own LSS, you can use the services of a centralized crypto exchange. Start by creating a Gate.io account, and get it verified and funded. Then you are ready to go through the steps to buy LSS.

News on Lossless

As announced on the official Lossless blog in February 2024, Lossless has launched the pioneering Cyber Cell initiative, using non-transferable NFTs to mark hacker wallets, enhancing community defenses in the dynamic Web3 environment. This novel strategy employs Aegis for real-time tracking and alert broadcasts, increasing vigilance against cyber threats. Additionally, Lossless offers a unique NFT collection, turning hacking incidents into digital narratives, enriching community engagement, and supporting ongoing security efforts. This initiative marks a significant step in securing the blockchain ecosystem and raising cyber threat awareness.

Take Action on LSS

Check out LSS price today, and start trading your favorite currency pairs.

Author: Mauro
Translator: Piper
Reviewer(s): Matheus、KOWEI、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by Gate.io.
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Gate.io. Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.
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