Innovative Fusion of Ancient Chinese Classics and Blockchain Technology

IntermediateMar 05, 2024
This article explores how Tinfun combines ancient Chinese classics and blockchain technology, and demonstrates the innovative power of the NFT market.
 Innovative Fusion of Ancient Chinese Classics and Blockchain Technology


The rapid growth of the NFT (non-fungible token) in the global market has driven the unique activity and innovation of China’s NFT market which still gives full play to its remarkable vitality even in the face of regulatory challenges and market fluctuations. This is exemplified by Tinfun, a project that integrates ancient Chinese cultural elements into modern technology to create NFT artworks with unique charm.

Tinfun ingeniously integrates mythical creatures from the “Classic of Mountains and Seas” and “In Search of the Supernatural” as well as the philosophical thoughts of the “Tao Te Ching” into its works, showcasing profound Chinese cultural heritage. These designs not only draw attention from domestic players but also garner widespread international interest. The influence of project founder “LaserCat,” coupled with successful marketing strategies, has driven Tinfun to achieve tremendous success during its public sale, making it a major hotspot in the market.

Tinfun’s Designs (Source: Twitter)

Certainly, increasing participation of innovative projects and artists in the Chinese NFT market deserves attention in its development journey in addition to the success of TinFun. These participants use NFT technology to protect intellectual property rights, and explore new business models and artistic expressions, demonstrating the diversified growth potential of the market. However, lots of work, including increasing public awareness of the value of NFTs, strengthening copyright protection, and optimizing the user experience of trading platforms, needs to be completed to promote the sound development of the market.

Projecting the future, the Chinese NFT market is currently undergoing rapid transformation and growth, demonstrating infinite potential. In the wake of continuous technological advancements and increasing number of market participants, it is expected to further expand its influence, bringing more opportunities and possibilities to artists, creators and investors.

The Origin and Development of Tinfun

Tinfun, as an NFT project deeply inspired by ancient Chinese culture, stands out in the fiercely competitive NFT market for its unique design philosophy and commitment to a rich and diverse digital collection ecosystem. Its design concept draws inspiration from the philosophy of the “Tao Te Ching,” representing to the concepts of dynamics and interconnectedness. The creative presentation involves using water as a symbol of kinetic energy, imbued with the “blessing” imagery bestowed by the qilin. Led by early NFT collectors and analysts, such as @RadiumCat, the founding team of Tinfun comprises members from top companies like Tencent and Web3, possessing rich experience in IP incubation and operations. The art team members also have impressive backgrounds, with experience serving top companies such as miHoYo, and the main art team members currently working at Riot Games.

Official Ad (Source: Twitter)

The success of Tinfun represents not only a paradigm of the fusion of ancient Chinese cultural elements with blockchain technology but also symbolizes the rise of Chinese NFT power. The project began its public sale on January 7th, Beijing time, originally scheduled to last 24 hours. However, it concluded three hours ahead of schedule due to the overwhelming market response, garnering a total participation of 25,000 ETH. This achievement is not only a testament to the inherent appeal of Tinfun but also a demonstration to the influence and competitiveness of Chinese NFT projects in the global market.

The Tinfun NFT secondary trading market garners a total transaction volume of 2000ETH in only 5 hours (Source: Twitter)

The vibrant performance of Chinese-led NFT projects such as Tinfun, CybeReator, and INK highlight the significant position of the Chinese NFT community in the global NFT landscape. The resurgence of this force signifies the renewed prominence of Chinese NFT projects, bringing new vitality and innovation to the global NFT market.

NFT Status (Source: coinmarketcap)

Founding Team Background and Project Features

The team behind Tinfun is a group of innovators who are well-versed in the essence of ancient Chinese culture and passionate about blockchain technology. The key figure in this team is @LaserCat, who is not only a pioneer in the blockchain field and an avid collector of NFTs but also successfully built a community of over a hundred thousand followers. Its team members come from industry giants such as Tencent and WEB3, bringing with them rich experience in IP incubation and project operation. The art team consists of top talents who have worked in well-known companies such as miHoYo and Riot Games, ensuring Tinfun maintains high-quality standards in visual art design.

Tinfun is unique in multiple aspects:

Tianfang - Water City Concept: Inspired by the “Tao Te Ching,” Tinfun has designed the “Tianfang” Water City. This concept not only praises water as the source of life but also symbolizes a bridge connecting different cultures and time periods. Such a design approach reflects the team’s deep understanding of classical Chinese philosophy and innovative transformation.

Official Website (Source: tinfun)

Incorporation of Ancient Symbols: The project cleverly integrates elements such as the “坤舟” (kun boat), “道铁” (Dao iron), and “貔貅” (pixiu) from the “Classic of Mountains and Seas” and “In Search of the Supernatural” into its design. These ancient symbols not only enrich the cultural layers of the project but also provide users with a novel and educational experience.

Official website (Source: tinfun)

Visual Art Design: Drawing inspiration from ancient Chinese painting, architecture, and calligraphy, Tinfun has created an interface that is both aesthetically pleasing and rich in Chinese cultural characteristics. For example, Tinfun presents users with visually stunning artworks by utilizing calligraphic brush strokes and patterns.

Official website (Source: tinfun)

Musical Innovation: The project has created a unique musical style by combining traditional instruments such as the guzheng and erhu with modern musical elements and created a genuine cultural experience and a profound artistic atmosphere for the project by utilizing ancient pentatonic scales and oracle bone script design elements.

Collaboration with Professional Voice Actors: Collaborating with professional voice actors from domestic film and variety shows brings vividness and depth to the characters in the project. This innovative presentation enhances user immersion, making the cultural inheritance more lively and engaging.

By such innovation and integration, Tinfun not only demonstrates a profound understanding and respect for ancient Chinese classics but also showcases the team’s foresight in using blockchain technology for cultural innovation. This project serves as a bridge for promoting cultural exchange and understanding, displaying the unique charm of Chinese culture and its global influence.

From Concept to Reality

After exploring Tinfun’s unique innovations, we took a closer look at the entire development journey of the project from conception to realization. This process not only reveals the team’s strategy and executive capabilities but also demonstrates the market’s enthusiastic response to NFT projects that combine ancient cultural elements.

Tinfun is an innovative NFT project that combines ancient Chinese culture and modern blockchain technology. To translate the conception into a reality, Tinfun has gone through multiple stages including elaborate planning, design innovation, and market validation. Its development history fully demonstrates a complete process from concept to product implementation.

Official Ad (Source: Twitter)

Concept Incubation and Preliminary Design

The concept of Tinfun is inspired by ancient Chinese culture, especially the thoughts of the “Tao Te Ching,” which emphasizes concepts like “water benefits all things without contention,” as well as classical texts like the “Classic of Mountains and Seas.” The project aims to convey these traditional elements and ideas to modern society through digital art in the form of NFTs. The inspiration and initial design of the project revolve around the idea of ​​transforming ancient cultural symbols into digital art.

Set up the Team and Formulate Strategies

Led by NFT collector and analyst @lasercat, the team gathered top company experts and focused on leveraging the uniqueness of ancient Chinese culture and the appeal of digital art to create NFT projects that imply cultural value and resonate with the market. To achieve this goal, the team carefully planned every project detail, from artistic design to marketing strategy.

the Founder’s official tweet (Source: Twitter)

Market Acceptance and Development

Following several months of preparation, the Tinfun project began to be established at the end of 2022, and was officially made public for the first time in March 2023. It was not until January 2024 that it was officially launched. During the pre-launch and post-launch periods, the project actively interacts with potential buyers and collectors via various social media platforms and community activities, gradually establishing its own brand influence. During the release, Tinfun drew huge market attention. The lottery amount for the public sale reached the expected target of 25,000 ETH in less than 24 hours, showing the market’s high recognition and enthusiastic response to Tinfun.

Example Display

Tinfun’s design elements integrate several ancient Chinese symbols, such as the kun boat as a carrier and mythical creatures like the Taotie and Pixiu, which bear the responsibility of guardianship. These are directly drawn from Chinese mythological legends. Through such designs, Tinfun not only showcases high-quality artistic works to collectors but also communicates the unique charm and profound influence of Chinese culture to the world.


The development journey of Tinfun reflects the entire process of an NFT project from conception to realization, showcasing not only the team’s profound understanding of ancient Chinese culture and proficient use of modern digital technology but also the market’s high expectations and acceptance of NFT projects that integrate traditional cultural elements. The Tinfun case proves that combining ancient culture and modern technology can create artworks with cultural depth, stimulate market enthusiasm, and open up new development opportunities in the NFT field.

Market Performance and Community Response

Recently, Tinfun has become a noticeable phenomenon with its unique market performance and community response. By utilizing elements of ancient Chinese culture and combining advanced blockchain technology, this project not only creates impressive results on the Ethereum mainnet but also inspires extensive discussions and positive responses from the community.

NFT Market Status (Source: element,2024,02,22)

Whitelist + Public Sale

Tinfun’s Whitelist and public sale statistics (Source: dune, @seaside)

While exploring the public sale and whitelist investment data of the Tinfun project, we can find a series of interesting statistics that not only demonstrate the market acceptance of the project but also reflect the enthusiasm of the participants and the unique appeal of the project.

Overview of Tinfun

Tinfun has garnered widespread attention in the blockchain community, attracting many participants through public sales and whitelisting. According to statistical data, a total of 25,729 ETH was invested in Tinfun, with 136,060 people participating, demonstrating the project’s extensive appeal. The winning rate is 1.71848%, meaning that only just under two out of every hundred participants are successful in the draw.

Brief Analysis of Investment Rules

The investment rules of Tinfun aim to fairly distribute NFTs, allowing users to deposit between 0.1 ETH to 0.2 ETH during the public sale period to participate in the lottery for a chance to win. If a user wins, they will receive an NFT airdrop from Tinfun; if not, they can claim a refund after the airdrop is completed.

Detailed investment data

The whitelist attracted 3,583 participants with a total investment of 567.5997397949358 ETH. On the other hand, the public sale saw a remarkable participation of 132,477 individuals, contributing a total of 25,161.8 ETH.

To win in one draw, approximately 5.81910 ETH was required. This reflects the intense competitiveness and the high expectations the market holds for Tinfun.

To illustrate with a specific example: if a user invested 0.2 ETH during the public sale to participate in the lottery, their participation, based on the aforementioned winning rate, contributes to the substantial investment figure of the entire project and many other participants. Despite offering a relatively low chance of winning, it demonstrates the project’s respect and protection of participant rights through this fair distribution of opportunities and the refund policy for non-winners.


Tinfun Tianfang’s public sale and whitelist investment data demonstrate its unique position and broad appeal in the blockchain field. Through reasonable investment rules and fair chances of winning, Tinfun not only attracts a large number of participants but also ensures the sound development of the project and the active involvement of community members.

The Performance of the Public Sale Market

Following the enthusiastic response from the market and extensive discussions within the community, Tinfun’s performance in the public sale market further highlights the team’s emphasis on long-term brand building and community value. Next, we will delve into Tinfun’s performance and community feedback during the public sale phase, as well as the educational significance behind it and insights for future projects.

Tinfun, since its launch, has aroused widespread concern for its unique performance. According to the official Twitter post update on January 15, Tinfun has set multiple new records in the market, which reflects the project team’s emphasis on long-term brand building and community member value, rather than just pursuing short-term market hype.

Official Twitter (Source: Twitter)

Market Performance

  • Remarkable Early Success: In the first hour of the sale, Tinfun attracted an investment of 1,718 ETH, demonstrating the market’s high recognition and enthusiastic response to the project.
  • Rapid Goal Achievement: Within the first 21 hours of the sale, the project received over 25,000 ETH in investment, a speed and quantity that are exceedingly rare in today’s NFT market.
  • Fair Draw: Within two days of the sale’s completion, Tinfun promptly conducted a fair draw from 130,000 addresses, selecting winners and successfully completing the unified airdrop and transaction opening.
  • Refund Handling: The project not only swiftly processed refunds totaling 23,943 ETH for non-winners but also resolved all user error refunds, showcasing its responsibility for participant rights.

Community Response

  • Excessive Hype Prevention: Facing the surge in funds at the end of the public sale, the project team chose to close the public sale to prevent excessive market hype. This decision reflects the team’s sense of responsibility for maintaining a healthy market environment.
  • Maintaining fair transactions: To reduce unnecessary gas fees caused by a large number of users receiving NFT at the same time, the team chose to pay gas fees for airdrops to ensure that all users can trade in a fair environment, which reflects the emphasis on the fair rights of community members.
  • Long-term Support Commitment: Despite there still being 533 ETH of unclaimed non-winning funds, the project has promised to permanently retain the contract refund function, demonstrating a long-term commitment and sense of responsibility towards community support.

Educational Significance

These multiple actions taken by Tinfun not only represent a successful case in the cryptocurrency market but also serve as an important lesson for other project teams: long-term brand building and valuing community members’ contributions are far more crucial than short-term market speculation. Through responsible decision-making, not only can market health be maintained, but trust and support can also be established among community members, laying a solid foundation for the project’s long-term growth.

In the space of blockchain and NFT, this emphasis on long-term value and community responsibility is a key principle that all project teams should learn from and emulate. Protecting the interests of investors and ensuring a fair and equitable market environment through practical actions is the key to winning community support and achieving continued success.

Social activity data (source:


Tinfun’s market performance and community feedback demonstrate to us how a project can attract widespread attention by combining ancient culture with advanced technology and earn the trust and support of the community through responsible management and innovative decision-making. This process is crucial not only for Tinfun’s own development but also provides valuable lessons for other blockchain projects: namely, that long-term brand building and emphasis on community values are key to achieving success and sustainable development.

Determining the Reveal Date

Following the discussion of the profound significance of Tinfun’s performance in the public sale market and its community response, the next important milestone is determining the project’s reveal date. This signifies the project entering a new development stage and foreshadows the fulfillment of commitments to the community. The reveal date not only considers technical and market readiness but also reflects a profound understanding of cultural heritage and community expectations.

It is officially announced that the reveal date of Tinfun is scheduled for the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of the Year of Loong, which is 13:00 UTC+8 on February 24, 2024. The selection of this time point is not only a consideration of the time node of the cooperation platform but also a symbolic move by the team and the community to celebrate “Loong and Fortune.” This date demonstrates the Tinfun team’s respect and emphasis on project progress and community expectations.

Reveal Date Notification (Source: Twitter)

The determined reveal date also demonstrates the Tinfun team’s dedication to preparing for the reveal during the Spring Festival and their understanding of holders’ expectations. Opting to reveal Tiinfun on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, a day of significant cultural importance, not only aligns with the project’s incorporation of ancient Chinese culture but also embodies auspiciousness and a hopeful vision.

For community members, it is undoubtedly good news. The reveal of the project not only means that NFT holders can see the true appearance of the digital artworks they collect, but is also a crucial milestone in the project’s development. As Tinfun promises, “It’s a long road, I hope you will walk with me.” They value long-term development with community members, rather than short-term hype. Such attitudes and actions are critical to building a sound, active, and long-lasting community environment. By selecting this date, Tinfun demonstrates its respect for cultural classics and responds to community expectations, further deepening its ties with community members.

Community Building

TinFun has emerged as a standout in the blockchain field by deeply exploring the oriental culture and building its community in a unique way. Focused on issuing NFTs themed around oriental culture, the project combines art, technology, gaming, and collaborations between Web2 and Web3, fostering a vibrant community environment.

The developer behind TinFun is @Lasercat, an early NFT collector and Alpha analyst who has established a community called Lasercat in Asia. The ATH (All-Time High) Pass value of this community reached 7 Ethereum. This demonstrates that TinFun has not only achieved success technically and artistically but has also demonstrated strong capabilities in community building and market influence.

Regarding community building, TinFun strengthens interaction and participation with users through various methods. For example, it increases interaction among users by hosting mini-games and activities; uses social media and instant messaging tools (such as Twitter and Discord) to maintain community activity; and expands its influence in the Web2 and Web3 fields through partnerships.

TinFun official community event (source: discord)

Similar projects to TinFun have also adopted effective community-building strategies. For example, they enhance the uniqueness and attractiveness of the project by limited issuance, exclusive content, and privileges. They organize online and offline events to strengthen the connections among community members. Additionally, they incentivize user participation and contribution through reward mechanisms.


Tinfun demonstrates the project team’s deep commitment to cultural values and community relationships, from determining the reveal date to its profound community-building efforts. This strategy has not only brought positive market performance and community feedback to the project itself but has also provided new insights into how cultural integration and community engagement can drive project development in the entire blockchain field. As Tinfun continues to deepen its efforts in these areas, its future development warrants ongoing attention and anticipation from both within and outside the industry.

“LaserCat” Community

As Tinfun further enhances community engagement and anticipation through the determination of its reveal date, we turn to explore the underlying logic behind the collaboration between Tinfun and LaserCatNFT and its contribution to the project’s success. This collaboration not only showcases the diversity of team backgrounds and experiences but also demonstrates the significance of cross-disciplinary collaboration in driving innovation and cultural integration in NFT projects.

The team’s deep background and rich experience are partly what enable Tinfun to achieve remarkable accomplishments. Particularly, the founder of LaserCatNFT, @LaserCat, brings unique expertise in NFT collecting and analysis, as well as experience in successfully operating communities with over 100,000 followers, injecting Tinfun with distinct IP incubation and market operation insights. Tinfun’s artistic team also comprises industry elites who have held key positions at renowned companies such as miHoYo and Riot Games, ensuring the project’s outstanding performance in artistic quality and design standards. This interdisciplinary team collaboration gives Tinfun a significant advantage in the fiercely competitive NFT market, making it a focal point within the industry.

The cooperation between “LaserCatNFT” and “Tinfun” also reflects how NFT projects in two different fields explore the combination of blockchain technology and cultural elements through mutual collaboration. This collaboration not only enriches the NFT ecosystem but also serves as a bridge between digital art and traditional culture.

“LaserCat” is a limited-edition NFT project known for its unique digital image and information sharing within the community. By staking NFT on the official website, holders can obtain FISH points, and then participate in purchasing more physical goods and VIP member whitelist draws. This model not only delivers practical benefits to NFT holders but also builds an active community for the project itself.

LaserCatNFT (Source: opensea)

On the other hand, “Tinfun” creates a unique digital art project by integrating ancient Chinese culture and modern blockchain technology. From design elements to the overall concept of the project, “Tinfun” is deeply influenced by Chinese classics and ancient philosophy. For example, its “Tianfang” water city concept inspired by the Tao Te Ching not only symbolizes movement and energy, but also expresses the connection between time and space. Through such a design, “Tinfun” aims to showcase China’s rich cultural heritage while leaving its mark in digital art​​​​.

Whitelist rules for the redemption of TinFunNFT by Lasercat NFT Pass holders announced (Source: Twitter)

This collaboration model is not only evident between “LaserCat” and “Tinfun” but also a path that an increasing number of projects in the NFT space are attempting to take. Through cross-cultural and cross-technological collaborations, NFT projects can create digital assets with profound cultural significance and artistic value, providing participants with unique collecting experiences. Additionally, it opens up new channels for the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture. Successful examples of this model include projects like the Bored Ape Yacht Club and Cool Cats NFT, which have established their own brands and influence in the market by creating unique community cultures and providing additional benefits.

Outlook & Conclusion

After discussing the background, experience, and unique advantages brought to the project by “Laser Cat” and “Tinfun”, we further observed Tinfun’s performance in the market and analyzed its future prospects. From a series of analyses, we can see that Tinfun has not only achieved remarkable achievements at the artistic and technical levels but also demonstrated strong strength in community building and market influence.

From the market dynamics observed on the OKX trading platform, TinFun demonstrates a certain level of liquidity and market activity. In the past 24 hours, TinFun has completed 98 transactions with a total trading volume of 53.56 ETH. The floor price is 0.55 ETH, and there has been an increase in the floor price in the past 24 hours. Currently, TinFun has a total of 10,000 NFTs held by 4,502 different wallets.

In the future, TinFun faces both challenges and opportunities. In terms of challenges, maintaining and sustaining community engagement, as well as preserving its uniqueness and appeal in the fiercely competitive NFT market, will be crucial. Additionally, changes in the regulatory environment of the entire blockchain and NFT industry could also impact the project.

In terms of opportunities, TinFun provides global users with unique cultural experience and value by deeply exploring and presenting oriental culture, facilitating the project to establish wider awareness and expand influence around the world. With the continuous development and application of blockchain technology, TinFun stands a chance to further expand its ecosystem through innovation, including developing new games, artworks, and community activities to strengthen user engagement and project vitality.

In the long term, TinFun has the potential to serve as a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures, promoting cultural exchange and understanding through its unique artistic works and application of blockchain technology. In addition, as TinFun continues to develop and improve, its innovative practices in the fields of blockchain art and NFT may also bring new revelations and trends to the industry.

In conclusion, TinFun not only showcases the unique charm of oriental culture but also represents a cultural and technological innovation practice with long-term impact. As time progresses, the future development of TinFun deserves anticipation and attention from both within and outside the industry.

Author: Sakura
Translator: Cedar
Reviewer(s): KOWEI、Edward、Elisa、Ashley、Joyce
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.

Innovative Fusion of Ancient Chinese Classics and Blockchain Technology

IntermediateMar 05, 2024
This article explores how Tinfun combines ancient Chinese classics and blockchain technology, and demonstrates the innovative power of the NFT market.
 Innovative Fusion of Ancient Chinese Classics and Blockchain Technology


The rapid growth of the NFT (non-fungible token) in the global market has driven the unique activity and innovation of China’s NFT market which still gives full play to its remarkable vitality even in the face of regulatory challenges and market fluctuations. This is exemplified by Tinfun, a project that integrates ancient Chinese cultural elements into modern technology to create NFT artworks with unique charm.

Tinfun ingeniously integrates mythical creatures from the “Classic of Mountains and Seas” and “In Search of the Supernatural” as well as the philosophical thoughts of the “Tao Te Ching” into its works, showcasing profound Chinese cultural heritage. These designs not only draw attention from domestic players but also garner widespread international interest. The influence of project founder “LaserCat,” coupled with successful marketing strategies, has driven Tinfun to achieve tremendous success during its public sale, making it a major hotspot in the market.

Tinfun’s Designs (Source: Twitter)

Certainly, increasing participation of innovative projects and artists in the Chinese NFT market deserves attention in its development journey in addition to the success of TinFun. These participants use NFT technology to protect intellectual property rights, and explore new business models and artistic expressions, demonstrating the diversified growth potential of the market. However, lots of work, including increasing public awareness of the value of NFTs, strengthening copyright protection, and optimizing the user experience of trading platforms, needs to be completed to promote the sound development of the market.

Projecting the future, the Chinese NFT market is currently undergoing rapid transformation and growth, demonstrating infinite potential. In the wake of continuous technological advancements and increasing number of market participants, it is expected to further expand its influence, bringing more opportunities and possibilities to artists, creators and investors.

The Origin and Development of Tinfun

Tinfun, as an NFT project deeply inspired by ancient Chinese culture, stands out in the fiercely competitive NFT market for its unique design philosophy and commitment to a rich and diverse digital collection ecosystem. Its design concept draws inspiration from the philosophy of the “Tao Te Ching,” representing to the concepts of dynamics and interconnectedness. The creative presentation involves using water as a symbol of kinetic energy, imbued with the “blessing” imagery bestowed by the qilin. Led by early NFT collectors and analysts, such as @RadiumCat, the founding team of Tinfun comprises members from top companies like Tencent and Web3, possessing rich experience in IP incubation and operations. The art team members also have impressive backgrounds, with experience serving top companies such as miHoYo, and the main art team members currently working at Riot Games.

Official Ad (Source: Twitter)

The success of Tinfun represents not only a paradigm of the fusion of ancient Chinese cultural elements with blockchain technology but also symbolizes the rise of Chinese NFT power. The project began its public sale on January 7th, Beijing time, originally scheduled to last 24 hours. However, it concluded three hours ahead of schedule due to the overwhelming market response, garnering a total participation of 25,000 ETH. This achievement is not only a testament to the inherent appeal of Tinfun but also a demonstration to the influence and competitiveness of Chinese NFT projects in the global market.

The Tinfun NFT secondary trading market garners a total transaction volume of 2000ETH in only 5 hours (Source: Twitter)

The vibrant performance of Chinese-led NFT projects such as Tinfun, CybeReator, and INK highlight the significant position of the Chinese NFT community in the global NFT landscape. The resurgence of this force signifies the renewed prominence of Chinese NFT projects, bringing new vitality and innovation to the global NFT market.

NFT Status (Source: coinmarketcap)

Founding Team Background and Project Features

The team behind Tinfun is a group of innovators who are well-versed in the essence of ancient Chinese culture and passionate about blockchain technology. The key figure in this team is @LaserCat, who is not only a pioneer in the blockchain field and an avid collector of NFTs but also successfully built a community of over a hundred thousand followers. Its team members come from industry giants such as Tencent and WEB3, bringing with them rich experience in IP incubation and project operation. The art team consists of top talents who have worked in well-known companies such as miHoYo and Riot Games, ensuring Tinfun maintains high-quality standards in visual art design.

Tinfun is unique in multiple aspects:

Tianfang - Water City Concept: Inspired by the “Tao Te Ching,” Tinfun has designed the “Tianfang” Water City. This concept not only praises water as the source of life but also symbolizes a bridge connecting different cultures and time periods. Such a design approach reflects the team’s deep understanding of classical Chinese philosophy and innovative transformation.

Official Website (Source: tinfun)

Incorporation of Ancient Symbols: The project cleverly integrates elements such as the “坤舟” (kun boat), “道铁” (Dao iron), and “貔貅” (pixiu) from the “Classic of Mountains and Seas” and “In Search of the Supernatural” into its design. These ancient symbols not only enrich the cultural layers of the project but also provide users with a novel and educational experience.

Official website (Source: tinfun)

Visual Art Design: Drawing inspiration from ancient Chinese painting, architecture, and calligraphy, Tinfun has created an interface that is both aesthetically pleasing and rich in Chinese cultural characteristics. For example, Tinfun presents users with visually stunning artworks by utilizing calligraphic brush strokes and patterns.

Official website (Source: tinfun)

Musical Innovation: The project has created a unique musical style by combining traditional instruments such as the guzheng and erhu with modern musical elements and created a genuine cultural experience and a profound artistic atmosphere for the project by utilizing ancient pentatonic scales and oracle bone script design elements.

Collaboration with Professional Voice Actors: Collaborating with professional voice actors from domestic film and variety shows brings vividness and depth to the characters in the project. This innovative presentation enhances user immersion, making the cultural inheritance more lively and engaging.

By such innovation and integration, Tinfun not only demonstrates a profound understanding and respect for ancient Chinese classics but also showcases the team’s foresight in using blockchain technology for cultural innovation. This project serves as a bridge for promoting cultural exchange and understanding, displaying the unique charm of Chinese culture and its global influence.

From Concept to Reality

After exploring Tinfun’s unique innovations, we took a closer look at the entire development journey of the project from conception to realization. This process not only reveals the team’s strategy and executive capabilities but also demonstrates the market’s enthusiastic response to NFT projects that combine ancient cultural elements.

Tinfun is an innovative NFT project that combines ancient Chinese culture and modern blockchain technology. To translate the conception into a reality, Tinfun has gone through multiple stages including elaborate planning, design innovation, and market validation. Its development history fully demonstrates a complete process from concept to product implementation.

Official Ad (Source: Twitter)

Concept Incubation and Preliminary Design

The concept of Tinfun is inspired by ancient Chinese culture, especially the thoughts of the “Tao Te Ching,” which emphasizes concepts like “water benefits all things without contention,” as well as classical texts like the “Classic of Mountains and Seas.” The project aims to convey these traditional elements and ideas to modern society through digital art in the form of NFTs. The inspiration and initial design of the project revolve around the idea of ​​transforming ancient cultural symbols into digital art.

Set up the Team and Formulate Strategies

Led by NFT collector and analyst @lasercat, the team gathered top company experts and focused on leveraging the uniqueness of ancient Chinese culture and the appeal of digital art to create NFT projects that imply cultural value and resonate with the market. To achieve this goal, the team carefully planned every project detail, from artistic design to marketing strategy.

the Founder’s official tweet (Source: Twitter)

Market Acceptance and Development

Following several months of preparation, the Tinfun project began to be established at the end of 2022, and was officially made public for the first time in March 2023. It was not until January 2024 that it was officially launched. During the pre-launch and post-launch periods, the project actively interacts with potential buyers and collectors via various social media platforms and community activities, gradually establishing its own brand influence. During the release, Tinfun drew huge market attention. The lottery amount for the public sale reached the expected target of 25,000 ETH in less than 24 hours, showing the market’s high recognition and enthusiastic response to Tinfun.

Example Display

Tinfun’s design elements integrate several ancient Chinese symbols, such as the kun boat as a carrier and mythical creatures like the Taotie and Pixiu, which bear the responsibility of guardianship. These are directly drawn from Chinese mythological legends. Through such designs, Tinfun not only showcases high-quality artistic works to collectors but also communicates the unique charm and profound influence of Chinese culture to the world.


The development journey of Tinfun reflects the entire process of an NFT project from conception to realization, showcasing not only the team’s profound understanding of ancient Chinese culture and proficient use of modern digital technology but also the market’s high expectations and acceptance of NFT projects that integrate traditional cultural elements. The Tinfun case proves that combining ancient culture and modern technology can create artworks with cultural depth, stimulate market enthusiasm, and open up new development opportunities in the NFT field.

Market Performance and Community Response

Recently, Tinfun has become a noticeable phenomenon with its unique market performance and community response. By utilizing elements of ancient Chinese culture and combining advanced blockchain technology, this project not only creates impressive results on the Ethereum mainnet but also inspires extensive discussions and positive responses from the community.

NFT Market Status (Source: element,2024,02,22)

Whitelist + Public Sale

Tinfun’s Whitelist and public sale statistics (Source: dune, @seaside)

While exploring the public sale and whitelist investment data of the Tinfun project, we can find a series of interesting statistics that not only demonstrate the market acceptance of the project but also reflect the enthusiasm of the participants and the unique appeal of the project.

Overview of Tinfun

Tinfun has garnered widespread attention in the blockchain community, attracting many participants through public sales and whitelisting. According to statistical data, a total of 25,729 ETH was invested in Tinfun, with 136,060 people participating, demonstrating the project’s extensive appeal. The winning rate is 1.71848%, meaning that only just under two out of every hundred participants are successful in the draw.

Brief Analysis of Investment Rules

The investment rules of Tinfun aim to fairly distribute NFTs, allowing users to deposit between 0.1 ETH to 0.2 ETH during the public sale period to participate in the lottery for a chance to win. If a user wins, they will receive an NFT airdrop from Tinfun; if not, they can claim a refund after the airdrop is completed.

Detailed investment data

The whitelist attracted 3,583 participants with a total investment of 567.5997397949358 ETH. On the other hand, the public sale saw a remarkable participation of 132,477 individuals, contributing a total of 25,161.8 ETH.

To win in one draw, approximately 5.81910 ETH was required. This reflects the intense competitiveness and the high expectations the market holds for Tinfun.

To illustrate with a specific example: if a user invested 0.2 ETH during the public sale to participate in the lottery, their participation, based on the aforementioned winning rate, contributes to the substantial investment figure of the entire project and many other participants. Despite offering a relatively low chance of winning, it demonstrates the project’s respect and protection of participant rights through this fair distribution of opportunities and the refund policy for non-winners.


Tinfun Tianfang’s public sale and whitelist investment data demonstrate its unique position and broad appeal in the blockchain field. Through reasonable investment rules and fair chances of winning, Tinfun not only attracts a large number of participants but also ensures the sound development of the project and the active involvement of community members.

The Performance of the Public Sale Market

Following the enthusiastic response from the market and extensive discussions within the community, Tinfun’s performance in the public sale market further highlights the team’s emphasis on long-term brand building and community value. Next, we will delve into Tinfun’s performance and community feedback during the public sale phase, as well as the educational significance behind it and insights for future projects.

Tinfun, since its launch, has aroused widespread concern for its unique performance. According to the official Twitter post update on January 15, Tinfun has set multiple new records in the market, which reflects the project team’s emphasis on long-term brand building and community member value, rather than just pursuing short-term market hype.

Official Twitter (Source: Twitter)

Market Performance

  • Remarkable Early Success: In the first hour of the sale, Tinfun attracted an investment of 1,718 ETH, demonstrating the market’s high recognition and enthusiastic response to the project.
  • Rapid Goal Achievement: Within the first 21 hours of the sale, the project received over 25,000 ETH in investment, a speed and quantity that are exceedingly rare in today’s NFT market.
  • Fair Draw: Within two days of the sale’s completion, Tinfun promptly conducted a fair draw from 130,000 addresses, selecting winners and successfully completing the unified airdrop and transaction opening.
  • Refund Handling: The project not only swiftly processed refunds totaling 23,943 ETH for non-winners but also resolved all user error refunds, showcasing its responsibility for participant rights.

Community Response

  • Excessive Hype Prevention: Facing the surge in funds at the end of the public sale, the project team chose to close the public sale to prevent excessive market hype. This decision reflects the team’s sense of responsibility for maintaining a healthy market environment.
  • Maintaining fair transactions: To reduce unnecessary gas fees caused by a large number of users receiving NFT at the same time, the team chose to pay gas fees for airdrops to ensure that all users can trade in a fair environment, which reflects the emphasis on the fair rights of community members.
  • Long-term Support Commitment: Despite there still being 533 ETH of unclaimed non-winning funds, the project has promised to permanently retain the contract refund function, demonstrating a long-term commitment and sense of responsibility towards community support.

Educational Significance

These multiple actions taken by Tinfun not only represent a successful case in the cryptocurrency market but also serve as an important lesson for other project teams: long-term brand building and valuing community members’ contributions are far more crucial than short-term market speculation. Through responsible decision-making, not only can market health be maintained, but trust and support can also be established among community members, laying a solid foundation for the project’s long-term growth.

In the space of blockchain and NFT, this emphasis on long-term value and community responsibility is a key principle that all project teams should learn from and emulate. Protecting the interests of investors and ensuring a fair and equitable market environment through practical actions is the key to winning community support and achieving continued success.

Social activity data (source:


Tinfun’s market performance and community feedback demonstrate to us how a project can attract widespread attention by combining ancient culture with advanced technology and earn the trust and support of the community through responsible management and innovative decision-making. This process is crucial not only for Tinfun’s own development but also provides valuable lessons for other blockchain projects: namely, that long-term brand building and emphasis on community values are key to achieving success and sustainable development.

Determining the Reveal Date

Following the discussion of the profound significance of Tinfun’s performance in the public sale market and its community response, the next important milestone is determining the project’s reveal date. This signifies the project entering a new development stage and foreshadows the fulfillment of commitments to the community. The reveal date not only considers technical and market readiness but also reflects a profound understanding of cultural heritage and community expectations.

It is officially announced that the reveal date of Tinfun is scheduled for the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of the Year of Loong, which is 13:00 UTC+8 on February 24, 2024. The selection of this time point is not only a consideration of the time node of the cooperation platform but also a symbolic move by the team and the community to celebrate “Loong and Fortune.” This date demonstrates the Tinfun team’s respect and emphasis on project progress and community expectations.

Reveal Date Notification (Source: Twitter)

The determined reveal date also demonstrates the Tinfun team’s dedication to preparing for the reveal during the Spring Festival and their understanding of holders’ expectations. Opting to reveal Tiinfun on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, a day of significant cultural importance, not only aligns with the project’s incorporation of ancient Chinese culture but also embodies auspiciousness and a hopeful vision.

For community members, it is undoubtedly good news. The reveal of the project not only means that NFT holders can see the true appearance of the digital artworks they collect, but is also a crucial milestone in the project’s development. As Tinfun promises, “It’s a long road, I hope you will walk with me.” They value long-term development with community members, rather than short-term hype. Such attitudes and actions are critical to building a sound, active, and long-lasting community environment. By selecting this date, Tinfun demonstrates its respect for cultural classics and responds to community expectations, further deepening its ties with community members.

Community Building

TinFun has emerged as a standout in the blockchain field by deeply exploring the oriental culture and building its community in a unique way. Focused on issuing NFTs themed around oriental culture, the project combines art, technology, gaming, and collaborations between Web2 and Web3, fostering a vibrant community environment.

The developer behind TinFun is @Lasercat, an early NFT collector and Alpha analyst who has established a community called Lasercat in Asia. The ATH (All-Time High) Pass value of this community reached 7 Ethereum. This demonstrates that TinFun has not only achieved success technically and artistically but has also demonstrated strong capabilities in community building and market influence.

Regarding community building, TinFun strengthens interaction and participation with users through various methods. For example, it increases interaction among users by hosting mini-games and activities; uses social media and instant messaging tools (such as Twitter and Discord) to maintain community activity; and expands its influence in the Web2 and Web3 fields through partnerships.

TinFun official community event (source: discord)

Similar projects to TinFun have also adopted effective community-building strategies. For example, they enhance the uniqueness and attractiveness of the project by limited issuance, exclusive content, and privileges. They organize online and offline events to strengthen the connections among community members. Additionally, they incentivize user participation and contribution through reward mechanisms.


Tinfun demonstrates the project team’s deep commitment to cultural values and community relationships, from determining the reveal date to its profound community-building efforts. This strategy has not only brought positive market performance and community feedback to the project itself but has also provided new insights into how cultural integration and community engagement can drive project development in the entire blockchain field. As Tinfun continues to deepen its efforts in these areas, its future development warrants ongoing attention and anticipation from both within and outside the industry.

“LaserCat” Community

As Tinfun further enhances community engagement and anticipation through the determination of its reveal date, we turn to explore the underlying logic behind the collaboration between Tinfun and LaserCatNFT and its contribution to the project’s success. This collaboration not only showcases the diversity of team backgrounds and experiences but also demonstrates the significance of cross-disciplinary collaboration in driving innovation and cultural integration in NFT projects.

The team’s deep background and rich experience are partly what enable Tinfun to achieve remarkable accomplishments. Particularly, the founder of LaserCatNFT, @LaserCat, brings unique expertise in NFT collecting and analysis, as well as experience in successfully operating communities with over 100,000 followers, injecting Tinfun with distinct IP incubation and market operation insights. Tinfun’s artistic team also comprises industry elites who have held key positions at renowned companies such as miHoYo and Riot Games, ensuring the project’s outstanding performance in artistic quality and design standards. This interdisciplinary team collaboration gives Tinfun a significant advantage in the fiercely competitive NFT market, making it a focal point within the industry.

The cooperation between “LaserCatNFT” and “Tinfun” also reflects how NFT projects in two different fields explore the combination of blockchain technology and cultural elements through mutual collaboration. This collaboration not only enriches the NFT ecosystem but also serves as a bridge between digital art and traditional culture.

“LaserCat” is a limited-edition NFT project known for its unique digital image and information sharing within the community. By staking NFT on the official website, holders can obtain FISH points, and then participate in purchasing more physical goods and VIP member whitelist draws. This model not only delivers practical benefits to NFT holders but also builds an active community for the project itself.

LaserCatNFT (Source: opensea)

On the other hand, “Tinfun” creates a unique digital art project by integrating ancient Chinese culture and modern blockchain technology. From design elements to the overall concept of the project, “Tinfun” is deeply influenced by Chinese classics and ancient philosophy. For example, its “Tianfang” water city concept inspired by the Tao Te Ching not only symbolizes movement and energy, but also expresses the connection between time and space. Through such a design, “Tinfun” aims to showcase China’s rich cultural heritage while leaving its mark in digital art​​​​.

Whitelist rules for the redemption of TinFunNFT by Lasercat NFT Pass holders announced (Source: Twitter)

This collaboration model is not only evident between “LaserCat” and “Tinfun” but also a path that an increasing number of projects in the NFT space are attempting to take. Through cross-cultural and cross-technological collaborations, NFT projects can create digital assets with profound cultural significance and artistic value, providing participants with unique collecting experiences. Additionally, it opens up new channels for the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture. Successful examples of this model include projects like the Bored Ape Yacht Club and Cool Cats NFT, which have established their own brands and influence in the market by creating unique community cultures and providing additional benefits.

Outlook & Conclusion

After discussing the background, experience, and unique advantages brought to the project by “Laser Cat” and “Tinfun”, we further observed Tinfun’s performance in the market and analyzed its future prospects. From a series of analyses, we can see that Tinfun has not only achieved remarkable achievements at the artistic and technical levels but also demonstrated strong strength in community building and market influence.

From the market dynamics observed on the OKX trading platform, TinFun demonstrates a certain level of liquidity and market activity. In the past 24 hours, TinFun has completed 98 transactions with a total trading volume of 53.56 ETH. The floor price is 0.55 ETH, and there has been an increase in the floor price in the past 24 hours. Currently, TinFun has a total of 10,000 NFTs held by 4,502 different wallets.

In the future, TinFun faces both challenges and opportunities. In terms of challenges, maintaining and sustaining community engagement, as well as preserving its uniqueness and appeal in the fiercely competitive NFT market, will be crucial. Additionally, changes in the regulatory environment of the entire blockchain and NFT industry could also impact the project.

In terms of opportunities, TinFun provides global users with unique cultural experience and value by deeply exploring and presenting oriental culture, facilitating the project to establish wider awareness and expand influence around the world. With the continuous development and application of blockchain technology, TinFun stands a chance to further expand its ecosystem through innovation, including developing new games, artworks, and community activities to strengthen user engagement and project vitality.

In the long term, TinFun has the potential to serve as a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures, promoting cultural exchange and understanding through its unique artistic works and application of blockchain technology. In addition, as TinFun continues to develop and improve, its innovative practices in the fields of blockchain art and NFT may also bring new revelations and trends to the industry.

In conclusion, TinFun not only showcases the unique charm of oriental culture but also represents a cultural and technological innovation practice with long-term impact. As time progresses, the future development of TinFun deserves anticipation and attention from both within and outside the industry.

Author: Sakura
Translator: Cedar
Reviewer(s): KOWEI、Edward、Elisa、Ashley、Joyce
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