Harga BitCore BTX

Terendah 24 jam$0.02922
$0.03328 Tertinggi 24 jam

Tentang BitCore (BTX)

BitCore is a cryptocurrency that is a UTXO fork of Bitcoin. Although you hear about hard forks, many people only know about hard Bitcoin forks, such as Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold; in contrast, few people know about BitCore or hybrid forks. Using Bitcoin's source code and technology, BitCore created a new blockchain; it made sure that the blockchain size was smaller and scalability was better. In addition, block timings are faster than Bitcoin, making mining ASIC-resistant as well. BitCore created a new blockchain on April 24, 2017. It took a snapshot of Bitcoin transaction and created 5 million transactions to fill all public addresses belonging to people who own 0.01 BTC or more. The funding ratio is 0.5 BTX: 1.0 BTC, but if you held bitcoins at the time of the snapshot, then you can apply for your share of BTX at a 1:1 conversion until October 30. BitCore is the first cryptocurrency that is a UTXO fork. But it is more than just a hybrid fork. It has tried to improve Bitcoin and solve the problems that plague it. For example, BitCore uses the MEGA-BTX consensus algorithm that is ASIC-resistant. This means that centralization of mining power is not possible, as the playing field is level and everyone has more or less the same opportunities. In addition, BitCore has 10 MB Segwit-enabled blocks that make the network capable of handling 17.6 billion transactions per year or 48 million transactions per day. BitCore is a cryptocurrency that promises a lot, especially with the new implementations that have made it algorithm and Masternodes platform, giving the entire crypto community the opportunity to mine BTX with PoW or Masternodes, even BTX holders can mine it with both PoW and Masternodes.
Volume 24J$230.48
All-Time High(ATH)$38.84
All-Time Low(ATL)$0.00307
Kapitalisasi Pasar$574.52K
Fully Diluted Valuation$613.71K
Kapitalisasi Pasar/FDV93.61%
Sirkulasi Pasokan19.65M BTX
Total Pasokan21.00M BTX
Pasokan Maks21.00M BTX
Sentimen PasarPositif
* Data dari pihak ketiga

Tren Harga BitCore (BTX)

Periode waktu
Ubah jumlah
% Perubahan

Indikator Kredibilitas


Skor Realibilitas

Peringkat #1



TOP 15%

Live Pembaruan Harga BitCore (BTX)

Harga BitCore hari ini adalah $0.02922 dengan volume perdagangan 24 jam $230.48, dan dengan begitu BitCore memiliki kapitalisasi pasar $574.52K, memberikan dominasi pasar sebesar 0.000023%. Harga BitCore bergerak -12.16% dalam 24 jam terakhir.

BitCore mencapai harga tertinggi di 2017-11-16 ketika diperdagangkan pada level tertinggi sepanjang masa di $38.84, sementara harga terendahnya tercatat pada 2017-06-14 ketika diperdagangkan pada level terendah sepanjang masa di $0.00307. Harga terendah saat ini sejak siklus tertinggi terakhir adalah $0.00307, dan harga tertinggi sejak siklus terendah terakhir adalah $38.84. Sentimen sosial BitCore saat ini Netral.

FAQ: Harga BitCore (BTX)

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Berapa harga terendah dari harga BitCore dalam sejarah?

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Berapa banyak BitCore yang ada di pasar?

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Berapa kapitalisasi pasar fully diluted (atau FDV) dari BitCore?

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Bagaimana cara membeli BitCore?

Tokenomik BitCore

Analisis Data BitCore

Persentase Aliran Dana

Aliran Masuk Utama Bersih


Aliran Masuk Ritel Bersih


Sentimen Pasar


Tidak ada catatan

Analisis Aliran Dana

Pesanan Jumlah Kecil

Arus Masuk Bersih ($)


Aliran masuk ($)-
Aliran keluar ($)-

Pesanan Jumlah Sedang

Arus Masuk Bersih ($)


Aliran masuk ($)-
Aliran keluar ($)-

Pesanan Jumlah Besar

Arus Masuk Bersih ($)


Aliran masuk ($)-
Aliran keluar ($)-

Catatan Aliran Dana

Waktu Transfer
Aliran masuk ($)
Aliran keluar ($)
Arus Masuk Bersih ($)
Tidak ada catatan

Memegang Distribusi

5 Alamat TeratasTotal

Pengumuman BitCore (BTX)

Tidak ada catatan
Kapitalisasi Pasar
2024-09-20$632.30K957.66 BTX$0.03213N/A
2024-09-19$619.87K1.14K BTX$0.03166$0.03213
2024-09-18$621.18K594.16 BTX$0.03158$0.03166
2024-09-17$601.49K911.74 BTX$0.03062$0.03158
2024-09-16$610.95K881.78 BTX$0.03112$0.03062
2024-09-15$625.14K748.55 BTX$0.0318$0.03112
2024-09-14$643.02K674.52 BTX$0.0327$0.0318