Trump Announces New Presidential Promise: Making the US a Cryptocurrency Hub! - Coin Bulletin

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Former US President Donald Trump reiterated his promise to make the US the capital of the cryptocurrency world if he returns to the presidency.

Trump said, 'Instead of attacking future industries, we will embrace them, including making America the capital of crypto and Bitcoin.' Trump is said to be able to take on the role of 'chief crypto advocate' in a crypto project called 'World Liberty Finance' connected to his family.

US may compete with China for cryptocurrency

In his approximately one-hour speech, Trump stated that if re-elected, he aims to restructure the US economy, emphasizing plans to reduce regulations and increase domestic energy production. Trump said, 'In my second term, I will launch a historic campaign to eliminate regulations that restrict our economy,' and he stated that for every new regulation, at least ten regulations would be removed.

Trump emphasized the need for more electricity for the growth of the artificial intelligence sector and the ability of the US technology industry to compete with China, and added that if elected, he would declare a national emergency to increase domestic energy production. "With these broad powers, we will get quick approvals for new drilling, pipelines, refineries, power plants, and reactors. With the expectation that we can create this large supply quickly, prices will drop immediately and we will lead, not the rest," he said.

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