Guardians of the Blockchain: How Witness Chain Watchtowers Are Revolutionizing Security

IntermediateApr 23, 2024
Unlock the secrets of blockchain’s most formidable guardians – Witness Chain Watchtowers. Step into a realm where security transcends tradition and discover how these digital sentinels reshape the future of Layer 2 solutions. Are you ready to witness the revolution?
 Guardians of the Blockchain: How Witness Chain Watchtowers Are Revolutionizing Security

In the digital age, where blockchain technology is revolutionizing how we think about financial systems and data integrity, security stands as the cornerstone of this burgeoning ecosystem. The decentralized nature of blockchain networks offers a new paradigm of trust and transparency, but it also introduces unique challenges in maintaining the sanctity of these networks. As blockchain applications increase, the importance of robust security mechanisms becomes paramount to prevent fraud, ensure transaction integrity, and keep user confidence.

Witness Chain Watchtowers emerge as a critical component in this landscape, offering a layer of protection that is as innovative as necessary. These watchtowers are not mere observers; they are active participants in the network, providing real-time validation and ensuring that blockchain rules are upheld. By leveraging advanced cryptographic techniques and consensus mechanisms, Witness Chain Watchtowers serve as the guardians of the blockchain, deterring malicious activities and preserving the decentralized ethos that is the hallmark of blockchain technology.

What are Witness Chain Watchtowers?

Source: Witness Chain website

Witness Chain Watchtowers are a sophisticated security mechanism for the blockchain ecosystem, specifically for Layer 2 solutions like optimistic rollups. They act as independent validators that monitor and verify the integrity of transactions on the blockchain. By doing so, they provide a trust-free, decentralized, and programmable layer of security that is essential for the proper functioning of these networks.

The Concept of Decentralized Security

Decentralized security is a fundamental aspect of blockchain technology. It ensures that the power and responsibility of maintaining the network are not centralized in the hands of a few but are distributed across a wide array of nodes. This distribution makes the system more resilient to attacks and fraud, as compromising the network would require an impractical amount of resources and coordination.

How Witness Chain Watchtowers Unify DePIN Economies

DePIN, or Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks, represent a variety of projects that aim to build a physically decentralized web infrastructure. Witness Chain Watchtowers contribute to this vision by enabling these projects to share information about their physical locations and network capacities. This sharing facilitates the establishment of a comprehensive, end-to-end supply chain of decentralized infrastructure, thereby unifying the DePIN economy and fostering a more secure and interconnected blockchain ecosystem.

The Technology Behind the Watchtowers

The Witness Chain Watchtowers are fortified by a trio of innovative technologies that ensure the security and efficiency of Layer 2 solutions. Here’s how they work:

The EigenLayer AVS (Actively Validated Service)

At the heart of the Witness Chain Watchtowers lies the EigenLayer AVS, a service designed to enhance the trustworthiness of the network. It provides an additional layer of verification for transactions, ensuring that only those with valid state assertions are confirmed. This service is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the blockchain, especially in scenarios where rapid transaction verification is necessary.

Proof of Diligence, Proof of Location, and Proof of Bandwidth

These three proofs form the cornerstone of the Witness Chain’s security protocol:

  • Proof of Diligence: This ensures that watchtowers are actively verifying the transactions and not just passively observing the network.
  • Proof of Location: This is used to verify the geographical distribution of the watchtowers, promoting a physically decentralized network resistant to localized failures or attacks.
  • Proof of Bandwidth: This measures and verifies the network bandwidth available with the physical infrastructure, ensuring that the system can handle the volume of transactions without bottlenecking.

The Role of Watchtowers in Securing Optimistic Rollups

Optimistic rollups are a Layer 2 solution that assumes transactions are valid by default and only runs computation, typically in fraud proofs, in case of a challenge. Watchtowers are essential in this context as they provide the first line of defense, diligently monitoring the rollups and raising alarms for suspicious activity. By doing so, they prevent invalid transactions from being confirmed, thus securing the network against potential threats.

The Watchtower Network

The Watchtower Network is a sophisticated ecosystem that relies on the collaborative efforts of various participants, each fulfilling a unique role crucial for the network’s overall functionality and security.

Participants and Entities in Watchtower Network

  • Stakers: These individuals or entities provide the financial support necessary for the network’s operation by staking their tokens. This financial stake is at risk if the watchtowers fail to perform, ensuring a strong incentive for proper operation.
  • Operators: They are responsible for running the watchtower nodes, maintaining the infrastructure, and performing the critical task of monitoring and validating transactions.
  • Users/DApps: The end-users or decentralized applications that benefit from the security provided by the watchtowers, ensuring their transactions are verified and secure.

The Watchtower Client and Its Functions

The watchtower client is a specialized software operator to engage with the network. Its functions include:

  • Monitoring: Continuously scanning the blockchain for transactions that need to be validated.
  • Validation: Ensuring that all transactions adhere to the network’s rules and are legitimate.
  • Alerting: Notifying the network of suspicious or anomalous transactions that could indicate a security threat.

Incentive Structures for Watchtower Performance

The Watchtower Network is designed to incentivize participants to maintain high standards of performance and integrity. Here’s how the incentive structures work:

  • Stakers: They provide the financial backbone for the network. Stakers are incentivized through rewards generated from the network’s operations. They stake their tokens, which can be slashed if the watchtowers they back fail to perform their duties.
  • Operators: Operators run the watchtower nodes and are rewarded for their diligence and service availability. They earn fees for every bounty they successfully assert and maintain the network’s security. Penalties might be imposed for downtime or failure to validate transactions correctly.
  • Users/DApps: Users and decentralized applications benefit from a secure and reliable network. They pay fees to the network for using the watchtower services, which are distributed to the operators and stakers. This creates a sustainable ecosystem where the interests of all parties are aligned.

Proof Systems on Watchtowers Network

Source: Witness Chain website

The Watchtowers Network employs a robust suite of proof systems designed to ensure the integrity and performance of the network. Let’s delve into each proof system, its workings, architecture, and the participants involved.

Proof of Diligence

Proof of Diligence (PoD) is a system that ensures watchtowers are actively monitoring and validating transactions on the blockchain. It operates by requiring watchtowers to submit proofs of their diligent behavior, which are then verified by the network.

Architecture of PoD

The architecture of PoD involves a decentralized network of watchtowers constantly observing the state of the blockchain. When a watchtower detects a suspicious transaction, it generates a proof of diligence, which is then broadcasted to the network for verification.

Participants in PoD

  • Stakers: Individuals who provide financial backing to the watchtowers.
  • Operators: Node operators who run the watchtower clients and are responsible for generating PoD.
  • Users/DApps: Entities that utilize the services of the watchtowers to secure their transactions.

Proof of Bandwidth

Proof of Bandwidth (PoB) is a mechanism that verifies the network bandwidth claimed by a node. It ensures the node has the bandwidth to support its network activities and offerings.

Architecture of PoB

PoB involves a series of tests where a node, the prover, demonstrates its bandwidth capacity to a set of challengers. The challengers verify the prover’s bandwidth by sending and receiving data packets and measuring the throughput.

Participants in PoB

  • Prover: The node whose bandwidth is being tested.
  • Challengers: A group of nodes challenging the prover by sending data to test bandwidth.
  • Blockchain Nodes: Maintain a record of the PoB challenges and outcomes.

Proof of Location

Proof of Location (PoL) ensures the physical decentralization of the network by verifying the geographical locations of nodes. It uses internet delays and other metrics to determine a node’s physical location.

Architecture of PoL

In PoL, a node claims a geographic location, and challengers verify this claim by measuring internet delays to the prover. The protocol uses these measurements to determine the maximum distance from the prover’s claimed location.

Participants in PoL

  • Prover: The node whose location is being validated.
  • Challengers: Servers that validate the location claim of the prover.
  • Challenge Coordinator: A centralized service facilitating communication and computation of challenge metadata.

Implementing Watchtowers

Implementing Watchtowers within the Witness Chain ecosystem involves several key steps and opportunities for various participants.

The Process of Running a Watchtower Node

Running a watchtower node is a critical task that involves monitoring and validating Layer 2 transactions. To set up a watchtower node, an operator must:

  1. Acquire the Necessary Hardware: Ensure you have a reliable computer with a stable internet connection.

  2. Install the Watchtower Client: Download and install the software connecting you to the Witness Chain network.

  3. Sync with the Blockchain: Your node will need to download and stay in sync with the latest state of the blockchain.

  4. Monitor Transactions: Once set up, your node will begin monitoring transactions, looking for any that may be suspicious or invalid.

  5. Submit Proofs: If your node detects a suspicious transaction, it will submit a proof to the network for validation.

How to Participate as a Node Operator or Staker

To participate as a node operator or staker:

To Participate as a Node Operator: To run a watchtower node, you can register as an operator on the Witness Chain platform. You’ll need to stake a certain amount of tokens to participate, which serves as a security deposit and incentive for honest operation.

To Participate as a Stakers: Those who wish to support the network financially without running a node can become stakers. By staking tokens, you back the node operators and, in return, receive a portion of the fees and rewards generated by the network.

Building with Witness Chain: Opportunities for Developers

Witness Chain offers a fertile ground for developers to build innovative applications. Developers can:

  • Integrate Watchtower Services: Utilize the watchtower services in your DApps for enhanced security and reliability.
  • Contribute to the Network: Develop new features or improvements for the Watchtower client and the broader network.
  • Create New Solutions: Leverage the programmable nature of Witness Chain to create applications that require decentralized verification and security services.

The Team Behind Witness Chain Watchtowers

Source: Witness Chain website

The success of Witness Chain Watchtowers is driven by a team of dedicated professionals passionate about blockchain technology and its potential to transform the digital landscape. This diverse group of individuals brings together a wealth of experience and expertise to ensure that Witness Chain Watchtowers remains at the cutting edge of blockchain security solutions.


  • Ranvir Rana: As a co-founder, Ranvir is the visionary force behind Witness Chain, bringing extensive knowledge from the blockchain industry to steer the company’s strategic direction.
  • Himanshu Tyagi: Himanshu, with his profound technical expertise in blockchain technology, oversees the technical development of Witness Chain, ensuring that the watchtowers are equipped with the latest advancements in security protocols.
  • Pramod Vishwanath: Pramod’s deep understanding of decentralized networks and his commitment to innovation shape the foundational principles of Witness Chain, guiding the project towards a secure and decentralized future.


  • Sachin Katti: Sachin serves as an advisor, providing valuable insights into network capacities and the potential for DePIN projects to interconnect and thrive within the blockchain ecosystem.
  • Sreeram Kannan: As an advisor, Sreeram plays a pivotal role in aligning the project’s goals with the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology.

The Future of Watchtowers

Watchtowers are set to become an integral part of the Layer 2 ecosystem, providing a much-needed layer of security and trust. By actively monitoring and validating transactions, watchtowers help ensure that Layer 2 solutions can scale effectively while maintaining the integrity of the blockchain. This added layer of oversight will likely increase user confidence in Layer 2 platforms, potentially leading to greater adoption and more robust networks.

Potential for Innovation in DePIN Projects

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePINs) stand to benefit significantly from the integration of watchtowers. With the ability to verify the physical location and bandwidth of network participants, watchtowers can enable a new wave of innovation in DePIN projects. This could include more reliable decentralized services, enhanced coordination between different DePINs, and the creation of new applications that leverage the unique capabilities of physically decentralized networks.

Vision for a Physically Decentralized Web3 Infrastructure

The ultimate goal of watchtowers extends beyond the immediate technical benefits. They represent a step towards realizing the vision of a physically decentralized Web3 infrastructure. By incentivizing the distribution of network nodes across diverse geographic regions, watchtowers contribute to a more resilient and inclusive global network. This physical decentralization is key to achieving genuine security and trust in the Web3 space, paving the way for a future where decentralized networks are the norm rather than the exception.


Witness Chain Watchtowers are a pivotal innovation for blockchain security, offering decentralized oversight for Layer 2 protocols and DePIN projects. They enhance transaction integrity, support network scalability, and contribute to developing a physically decentralized Web3 infrastructure. As the blockchain ecosystem evolves, the role of watchtowers will be crucial in maintaining trust and promoting further technological advancements.

Author: Angelnath
Translator: Piper
Reviewer(s): Matheus、Piccolo、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.

Guardians of the Blockchain: How Witness Chain Watchtowers Are Revolutionizing Security

IntermediateApr 23, 2024
Unlock the secrets of blockchain’s most formidable guardians – Witness Chain Watchtowers. Step into a realm where security transcends tradition and discover how these digital sentinels reshape the future of Layer 2 solutions. Are you ready to witness the revolution?
 Guardians of the Blockchain: How Witness Chain Watchtowers Are Revolutionizing Security

In the digital age, where blockchain technology is revolutionizing how we think about financial systems and data integrity, security stands as the cornerstone of this burgeoning ecosystem. The decentralized nature of blockchain networks offers a new paradigm of trust and transparency, but it also introduces unique challenges in maintaining the sanctity of these networks. As blockchain applications increase, the importance of robust security mechanisms becomes paramount to prevent fraud, ensure transaction integrity, and keep user confidence.

Witness Chain Watchtowers emerge as a critical component in this landscape, offering a layer of protection that is as innovative as necessary. These watchtowers are not mere observers; they are active participants in the network, providing real-time validation and ensuring that blockchain rules are upheld. By leveraging advanced cryptographic techniques and consensus mechanisms, Witness Chain Watchtowers serve as the guardians of the blockchain, deterring malicious activities and preserving the decentralized ethos that is the hallmark of blockchain technology.

What are Witness Chain Watchtowers?

Source: Witness Chain website

Witness Chain Watchtowers are a sophisticated security mechanism for the blockchain ecosystem, specifically for Layer 2 solutions like optimistic rollups. They act as independent validators that monitor and verify the integrity of transactions on the blockchain. By doing so, they provide a trust-free, decentralized, and programmable layer of security that is essential for the proper functioning of these networks.

The Concept of Decentralized Security

Decentralized security is a fundamental aspect of blockchain technology. It ensures that the power and responsibility of maintaining the network are not centralized in the hands of a few but are distributed across a wide array of nodes. This distribution makes the system more resilient to attacks and fraud, as compromising the network would require an impractical amount of resources and coordination.

How Witness Chain Watchtowers Unify DePIN Economies

DePIN, or Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks, represent a variety of projects that aim to build a physically decentralized web infrastructure. Witness Chain Watchtowers contribute to this vision by enabling these projects to share information about their physical locations and network capacities. This sharing facilitates the establishment of a comprehensive, end-to-end supply chain of decentralized infrastructure, thereby unifying the DePIN economy and fostering a more secure and interconnected blockchain ecosystem.

The Technology Behind the Watchtowers

The Witness Chain Watchtowers are fortified by a trio of innovative technologies that ensure the security and efficiency of Layer 2 solutions. Here’s how they work:

The EigenLayer AVS (Actively Validated Service)

At the heart of the Witness Chain Watchtowers lies the EigenLayer AVS, a service designed to enhance the trustworthiness of the network. It provides an additional layer of verification for transactions, ensuring that only those with valid state assertions are confirmed. This service is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the blockchain, especially in scenarios where rapid transaction verification is necessary.

Proof of Diligence, Proof of Location, and Proof of Bandwidth

These three proofs form the cornerstone of the Witness Chain’s security protocol:

  • Proof of Diligence: This ensures that watchtowers are actively verifying the transactions and not just passively observing the network.
  • Proof of Location: This is used to verify the geographical distribution of the watchtowers, promoting a physically decentralized network resistant to localized failures or attacks.
  • Proof of Bandwidth: This measures and verifies the network bandwidth available with the physical infrastructure, ensuring that the system can handle the volume of transactions without bottlenecking.

The Role of Watchtowers in Securing Optimistic Rollups

Optimistic rollups are a Layer 2 solution that assumes transactions are valid by default and only runs computation, typically in fraud proofs, in case of a challenge. Watchtowers are essential in this context as they provide the first line of defense, diligently monitoring the rollups and raising alarms for suspicious activity. By doing so, they prevent invalid transactions from being confirmed, thus securing the network against potential threats.

The Watchtower Network

The Watchtower Network is a sophisticated ecosystem that relies on the collaborative efforts of various participants, each fulfilling a unique role crucial for the network’s overall functionality and security.

Participants and Entities in Watchtower Network

  • Stakers: These individuals or entities provide the financial support necessary for the network’s operation by staking their tokens. This financial stake is at risk if the watchtowers fail to perform, ensuring a strong incentive for proper operation.
  • Operators: They are responsible for running the watchtower nodes, maintaining the infrastructure, and performing the critical task of monitoring and validating transactions.
  • Users/DApps: The end-users or decentralized applications that benefit from the security provided by the watchtowers, ensuring their transactions are verified and secure.

The Watchtower Client and Its Functions

The watchtower client is a specialized software operator to engage with the network. Its functions include:

  • Monitoring: Continuously scanning the blockchain for transactions that need to be validated.
  • Validation: Ensuring that all transactions adhere to the network’s rules and are legitimate.
  • Alerting: Notifying the network of suspicious or anomalous transactions that could indicate a security threat.

Incentive Structures for Watchtower Performance

The Watchtower Network is designed to incentivize participants to maintain high standards of performance and integrity. Here’s how the incentive structures work:

  • Stakers: They provide the financial backbone for the network. Stakers are incentivized through rewards generated from the network’s operations. They stake their tokens, which can be slashed if the watchtowers they back fail to perform their duties.
  • Operators: Operators run the watchtower nodes and are rewarded for their diligence and service availability. They earn fees for every bounty they successfully assert and maintain the network’s security. Penalties might be imposed for downtime or failure to validate transactions correctly.
  • Users/DApps: Users and decentralized applications benefit from a secure and reliable network. They pay fees to the network for using the watchtower services, which are distributed to the operators and stakers. This creates a sustainable ecosystem where the interests of all parties are aligned.

Proof Systems on Watchtowers Network

Source: Witness Chain website

The Watchtowers Network employs a robust suite of proof systems designed to ensure the integrity and performance of the network. Let’s delve into each proof system, its workings, architecture, and the participants involved.

Proof of Diligence

Proof of Diligence (PoD) is a system that ensures watchtowers are actively monitoring and validating transactions on the blockchain. It operates by requiring watchtowers to submit proofs of their diligent behavior, which are then verified by the network.

Architecture of PoD

The architecture of PoD involves a decentralized network of watchtowers constantly observing the state of the blockchain. When a watchtower detects a suspicious transaction, it generates a proof of diligence, which is then broadcasted to the network for verification.

Participants in PoD

  • Stakers: Individuals who provide financial backing to the watchtowers.
  • Operators: Node operators who run the watchtower clients and are responsible for generating PoD.
  • Users/DApps: Entities that utilize the services of the watchtowers to secure their transactions.

Proof of Bandwidth

Proof of Bandwidth (PoB) is a mechanism that verifies the network bandwidth claimed by a node. It ensures the node has the bandwidth to support its network activities and offerings.

Architecture of PoB

PoB involves a series of tests where a node, the prover, demonstrates its bandwidth capacity to a set of challengers. The challengers verify the prover’s bandwidth by sending and receiving data packets and measuring the throughput.

Participants in PoB

  • Prover: The node whose bandwidth is being tested.
  • Challengers: A group of nodes challenging the prover by sending data to test bandwidth.
  • Blockchain Nodes: Maintain a record of the PoB challenges and outcomes.

Proof of Location

Proof of Location (PoL) ensures the physical decentralization of the network by verifying the geographical locations of nodes. It uses internet delays and other metrics to determine a node’s physical location.

Architecture of PoL

In PoL, a node claims a geographic location, and challengers verify this claim by measuring internet delays to the prover. The protocol uses these measurements to determine the maximum distance from the prover’s claimed location.

Participants in PoL

  • Prover: The node whose location is being validated.
  • Challengers: Servers that validate the location claim of the prover.
  • Challenge Coordinator: A centralized service facilitating communication and computation of challenge metadata.

Implementing Watchtowers

Implementing Watchtowers within the Witness Chain ecosystem involves several key steps and opportunities for various participants.

The Process of Running a Watchtower Node

Running a watchtower node is a critical task that involves monitoring and validating Layer 2 transactions. To set up a watchtower node, an operator must:

  1. Acquire the Necessary Hardware: Ensure you have a reliable computer with a stable internet connection.

  2. Install the Watchtower Client: Download and install the software connecting you to the Witness Chain network.

  3. Sync with the Blockchain: Your node will need to download and stay in sync with the latest state of the blockchain.

  4. Monitor Transactions: Once set up, your node will begin monitoring transactions, looking for any that may be suspicious or invalid.

  5. Submit Proofs: If your node detects a suspicious transaction, it will submit a proof to the network for validation.

How to Participate as a Node Operator or Staker

To participate as a node operator or staker:

To Participate as a Node Operator: To run a watchtower node, you can register as an operator on the Witness Chain platform. You’ll need to stake a certain amount of tokens to participate, which serves as a security deposit and incentive for honest operation.

To Participate as a Stakers: Those who wish to support the network financially without running a node can become stakers. By staking tokens, you back the node operators and, in return, receive a portion of the fees and rewards generated by the network.

Building with Witness Chain: Opportunities for Developers

Witness Chain offers a fertile ground for developers to build innovative applications. Developers can:

  • Integrate Watchtower Services: Utilize the watchtower services in your DApps for enhanced security and reliability.
  • Contribute to the Network: Develop new features or improvements for the Watchtower client and the broader network.
  • Create New Solutions: Leverage the programmable nature of Witness Chain to create applications that require decentralized verification and security services.

The Team Behind Witness Chain Watchtowers

Source: Witness Chain website

The success of Witness Chain Watchtowers is driven by a team of dedicated professionals passionate about blockchain technology and its potential to transform the digital landscape. This diverse group of individuals brings together a wealth of experience and expertise to ensure that Witness Chain Watchtowers remains at the cutting edge of blockchain security solutions.


  • Ranvir Rana: As a co-founder, Ranvir is the visionary force behind Witness Chain, bringing extensive knowledge from the blockchain industry to steer the company’s strategic direction.
  • Himanshu Tyagi: Himanshu, with his profound technical expertise in blockchain technology, oversees the technical development of Witness Chain, ensuring that the watchtowers are equipped with the latest advancements in security protocols.
  • Pramod Vishwanath: Pramod’s deep understanding of decentralized networks and his commitment to innovation shape the foundational principles of Witness Chain, guiding the project towards a secure and decentralized future.


  • Sachin Katti: Sachin serves as an advisor, providing valuable insights into network capacities and the potential for DePIN projects to interconnect and thrive within the blockchain ecosystem.
  • Sreeram Kannan: As an advisor, Sreeram plays a pivotal role in aligning the project’s goals with the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology.

The Future of Watchtowers

Watchtowers are set to become an integral part of the Layer 2 ecosystem, providing a much-needed layer of security and trust. By actively monitoring and validating transactions, watchtowers help ensure that Layer 2 solutions can scale effectively while maintaining the integrity of the blockchain. This added layer of oversight will likely increase user confidence in Layer 2 platforms, potentially leading to greater adoption and more robust networks.

Potential for Innovation in DePIN Projects

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePINs) stand to benefit significantly from the integration of watchtowers. With the ability to verify the physical location and bandwidth of network participants, watchtowers can enable a new wave of innovation in DePIN projects. This could include more reliable decentralized services, enhanced coordination between different DePINs, and the creation of new applications that leverage the unique capabilities of physically decentralized networks.

Vision for a Physically Decentralized Web3 Infrastructure

The ultimate goal of watchtowers extends beyond the immediate technical benefits. They represent a step towards realizing the vision of a physically decentralized Web3 infrastructure. By incentivizing the distribution of network nodes across diverse geographic regions, watchtowers contribute to a more resilient and inclusive global network. This physical decentralization is key to achieving genuine security and trust in the Web3 space, paving the way for a future where decentralized networks are the norm rather than the exception.


Witness Chain Watchtowers are a pivotal innovation for blockchain security, offering decentralized oversight for Layer 2 protocols and DePIN projects. They enhance transaction integrity, support network scalability, and contribute to developing a physically decentralized Web3 infrastructure. As the blockchain ecosystem evolves, the role of watchtowers will be crucial in maintaining trust and promoting further technological advancements.

Author: Angelnath
Translator: Piper
Reviewer(s): Matheus、Piccolo、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.
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