Andromeda: The First Decentralized, On-Chain Operating System

IntermediateJul 11, 2024
Andromeda the first cross-chain on-chain operating system is set to transform Web3. Explore how aOS, the Andromeda Operating System, serves as the foundation for the comprehensive suite of multi-chain products, tools, and utilities.
Andromeda: The First Decentralized, On-Chain Operating System

As the blockchain ecosystem expands, efficient and user-friendly development tools become critical. This is where Andromeda comes into play, offering a comprehensive suite of on-chain and multi-chain products and tools through the Andromeda Operating System (aOS).

Designed to enhance the Web3 experience, Andromeda is built for developers and users at all levels. By leveraging the capabilities of aOS, Andromeda ensures that developing, deploying, and interacting with decentralized applications is more accessible and efficient than ever. This platform aims to overcome the complexities that often hinder blockchain innovation, providing a cohesive foundation for the next generation of decentralized applications.

What is Andromeda?

Source: Andromeda website

Andromeda is a cutting-edge platform engineered to foster the next wave of blockchain innovation. The core of Andromeda is aOS, the Andromeda Operating System, which provides a highly abstract environment and enhanced user experience. This decentralized operating system enables seamless cross-chain interactions, addressing the interoperability and complexity challenges that developers often face.

The Mission and Vision of Andromeda

Andromeda’s mission is to deliver a rapid development framework and a state-of-the-art user interface that enhances the Web3 and blockchain experience by making it easier, better, and faster. By streamlining the development process and improving user interfaces, Andromeda allows developers to build, launch, and monetize their dApps more efficiently and effectively.

Andromeda envisions a future where blockchain technology is widely accessible and easy to use for a broad spectrum of innovators, from individual developers to large enterprises. By providing a versatile and powerful operating system, Andromeda aims to be the foundation for Web3, driving the adoption and advancement of decentralized technologies and applications.

Unique Advantages of Andromeda

Andromeda offers distinct advantages that set it apart in the blockchain ecosystem, providing a superior platform for developers and users.


Andromeda utilizes Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) to transfer lightweight configuration data across different chains. This enables seamless connectivity among projects within the Cosmos network, allowing any chain to interact effortlessly with others. This interoperability significantly enhances the potential for collaboration and integration across diverse blockchain projects.


Andromeda simplifies the development process with a suite of tools and an intuitive interface designed for creators and developers of all skill levels. These resources open up a vast design space, making it easy to build and innovate without needing extensive blockchain expertise. The user-friendly environment empowers anyone to create sophisticated decentralized applications.


Andromeda dramatically reduces development time from months to minutes through the use of Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs). ADOs are unique, innovative tools that enable the rapid creation and composition of Web3 applications. This disruptive technology accelerates the development process, allowing developers to bring their ideas to life quickly and efficiently.

AndromedaOS (aOS): The Technology Behind Andromeda

AndromedaOS is a software layer that provides an abstracted environment and user experience for the next generation of blockchain developers to build, develop, and monetize decentralized applications (dApps). This operating system is engineered to overcome the complexities and limitations that hinder blockchain innovation, offering a robust framework for the next generation of Web3 solutions.

Core Components of AndromedaOS

Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs)

ADOs are the fundamental building blocks of aOS. Developers can use these digital objects as modular components to quickly assemble and deploy complex applications. Each ADO is designed to be highly interoperable, allowing it to function seamlessly across different blockchain networks.

Andromeda Apps

Built using ADOs, these applications offer advanced functionality tailored to specific use cases. Andromeda Apps leverage the modularity and flexibility of ADOs to provide robust solutions that can be easily customized and extended.

aOS Kernel

The aOS Kernel is responsible for enforcing and coordinating the various subsystems within the operating system. It ensures all components interact smoothly and efficiently, managing resources and processes across the entire aOS ecosystem.

aOS File System

This component provides a common namespace for referencing ADOs, services, network resources, and more. The aOS File System ensures that all elements within the operating system are easily accessible and organized, simplifying development and interaction.

aOS Economics

The economic subsystem of aOS is designed to incentivize developers and creators. It includes mechanisms for setting custom fees on ADOs, enabling developers to earn rewards based on the usage of their creations. This system fosters a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and collaboration.

Unique Features of AndromedaOS

Powered by the Cosmos Ecosystem

AndromedaOS is built on the powerful Rust/CosmWasm framework, enabling it to achieve high performance and interoperability. This combination allows aOS to integrate seamlessly with the Cosmos ecosystem, benefiting from its robust infrastructure and extensive network of interconnected blockchains.

Infinite Reach Through IBC

Inter-blockchain communication (IBC) is a cornerstone of AndromedaOS’s design. IBC allows aOS to operate across multiple blockchain networks, providing universal compatibility and enabling the development of applications that span several chains. This functionality is gradually being integrated, enhancing the platform’s ability to support complex, multi-chain applications.

For example, a developer could create an NFT collection on one chain, manage sales using ADOs, and distribute funds across multiple other chains, each leveraging different blockchain-specific protocols and features. This level of interoperability and integration opens up endless possibilities for application development and innovation.

Benefits of AndromedaOS

  • For Projects: AndromedaOS eliminates the need for extensive development teams by providing a wide array of pre-built smart contracts. Projects can use the No-Code-Builder to quickly assemble their applications, drastically reducing development time and effort.
  • For Developers: The Andromeda Logic Library (ALL) offers a comprehensive collection of contracts that serve as a foundation for building ADOs. Developers can use these resources to create new tools and applications, with the potential to earn rewards through the aOS economic system.
  • For Chains: Installing AndromedaOS on a blockchain provides immediate access to a rich suite of tools and applications. These include production-ready ADOs, a powerful no-code builder, IBC-capable applications, and an intuitive command-line interface (CLI). Chains that implement aOS also gain increased exposure and attract more developers and projects.

Andromeda’s Main Tools

Andromeda provides tools designed to help users deploy and interact with Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs) and applications in the most convenient ways possible. These tools are crafted to cater to a wide range of users, from those with no coding experience to advanced developers.

Andromeda No-Code Builder

The Andromeda No-Code Builder is an intuitive interface available on the Andromeda web app. It enables users to create ADOs and applications without writing a single line of code. This tool is designed for ease of use, allowing creators of all skill levels to build sophisticated blockchain solutions quickly and efficiently. Whether you are a developer looking to streamline your workflow or a beginner exploring the blockchain space, the No-Code Builder simplifies the development process.

Andromeda Command Line Interface (CLI)

To address the complexity of interacting with multiple Cosmos chains, Andromeda has developed a unified Command Line Interface (CLI). This tool allows developers to interact with contracts on any chain where Andromeda is deployed using a single, consistent format. This eliminates the need to learn different CLIs for each chain, significantly simplifying the development process. Detailed documentation is available to help users get started with the Andromeda CLI and leverage its full capabilities.

GraphQL Integration

Andromeda has integrated custom GraphQL servers to facilitate the retrieval of information about ADOs and applications. These servers are designed to track all ADOs and provide detailed information about each one. Projects can use GraphQL to efficiently monitor and manage their ADOs, ensuring they have access to relevant data at all times. This tool enhances the ability to oversee project details and maintain a comprehensive view of the blockchain ecosystem.


AndromedaJS is a JavaScript SDK that simplifies the process of writing applications that interact with ADOs across any blockchains where Andromeda is deployed. This SDK allows developers to build and integrate applications with ease, leveraging the robust functionalities provided by AndromedaOS. It serves as a bridge for developers familiar with JavaScript, enabling them to tap into the powerful features of Andromeda without needing to delve deeply into blockchain-specific coding.

Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs)

Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs) form the backbone of the Andromeda ecosystem, providing a versatile framework for defining and managing digital entities. These entities, defined by smart contracts, offer extensive functionality and interoperability across multiple blockchains. Below are the various types of ADOs and their respective roles.

Address List

An Address List ADO is a collection of addresses often used to manage groups of participants or stakeholders in various decentralized applications. It can be crucial for task whitelisting users for specific actions or managing contact lists.


The Auction ADO supports different types of auctions on NFTs:

  • English Auction: A traditional auction format where bids are made publicly, and the highest bidder wins.
  • Vickrey Auction: A sealed-bid auction where bidders submit their bids without knowing the bids of others, and the highest bidder wins but pays the second-highest bid price.


The App ADO encapsulates entire applications within the Andromeda ecosystem, allowing developers to create, deploy, and manage decentralized applications efficiently.


The Crowdfund ADO facilitates the collection of funds for projects. It supports features typical of crowdfunding platforms, such as setting funding goals and deadlines.


CW20 is a token standard similar to Ethereum’s ERC20, designed for fungible tokens. The CW20-Staking ADO allows these tokens to be staked, giving holders rewards over time.

CW721 Extensions

CW721 is the standard for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the Cosmos ecosystem. Extensions like CW721-Bids and CW721 Staking add functionality for bidding on and staking NFTs.


This ADO implements randomization, useful for applications like lotteries or randomized distributions of rewards.


The Lockdrop ADO manages token distribution mechanisms where users lock their tokens for a period to receive new tokens.

Primitive Types

Primitive ADOs represent basic data types like uInt128, Decimal, Coin, Bool, Vector, and Binary, enabling more complex ADOs to utilize these fundamental components.


The Marketplace ADO provides a decentralized platform for buying and selling goods and services, akin to digital marketplaces like eBay or Amazon.

Merkle Airdrop

The Merkle Airdrop ADO efficiently distributes tokens to multiple addresses using Merkle tree data structures.

Rates and Rate Limiting Withdrawals

These ADOs handle financial rates and enforce limits on withdrawal amounts to prevent abuse and ensure stability.


The Receipt ADO generates proof of transactions, akin to digital receipts, providing transparency and verifiability.


The Splitter ADO divides funds among multiple recipients based on configurable parameters, such as fixed percentages or weighted distributions.


The TimeLock ADO restricts access to funds or functionalities until a specified time has passed.


The Vault ADO secures assets in a digital vault, protecting them from unauthorized access.


The Vesting ADO manages the gradual release of tokens over time, and it is commonly used for token distributions to team members or early investors.

Weighted Distribution Splitter

This ADO is a variant of the Splitter, distributing funds based on weighted criteria, allowing for more nuanced fund management.

Wrapped CW721

The Wrapped CW721 ADO enables CW721 tokens to be used across different blockchains, enhancing their interoperability.

IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication)

  • ICS 721: Facilitates the transfer of NFTs between different blockchains.
  • ICS 20: Manages fungible token transfers across blockchains.


Automation ADOs include:

  • Oracle: Fetches and provides external data to the blockchain.
  • Storage: Manages decentralized storage solutions.
  • Task Balancer: Distributes computational tasks across resources.
  • Condition and Evaluation: Handles conditional logic and evaluations within the blockchain environment.
  • Execute: Automates the execution of specified tasks based on predefined conditions.

Exchange ADO

The Exchange ADO facilitates swapping one asset for another, implementing automated market maker (AMM) functionalities.


The Swapper ADO allows for asset exchange in one-way or two-way configurations, with adjustable slippage tolerance to manage price fluctuations effectively.

ADOs are designed to communicate seamlessly through the Andromeda Messaging Protocol (AMP), ensuring interoperability and streamlined interactions. This framework allows for robust, scalable, and versatile decentralized applications, supporting many use cases and innovations in the blockchain space.

Andromeda Apps

The Andromeda Operating System (aOS) offers a robust environment for creating, managing, and deploying decentralized applications, commonly called Andromeda Apps. These applications are constructed using a collection of Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs), allowing developers to leverage the modularity and composability inherent in the aOS framework.

  • App Store: Central to the Andromeda ecosystem is the App Store, which hosts a variety of decentralized applications. Users can freely install or purchase these apps, providing a platform for developers to monetize their contributions to open-source projects. This marketplace ensures that the most innovative and useful applications are readily accessible to all users.
  • App Builder: The App Builder is an intuitive, drag-and-drop tool that facilitates the creation of complex applications. Developers can use it to combine multiple ADOs into comprehensive applications that operate across various blockchain environments. The left-hand panel of the App Builder provides a selection of project templates, which can be easily customized by moving elements onto the canvas. This feature supports the seamless integration of different blockchains and ADOs, enhancing the multi-chain capabilities of the Andromeda platform. Additionally, the App Builder allows for the rapid prototyping of applications, which can then be published directly to the blockchain or used within a development environment.
  • Andromeda Application Framework (AAF): This framework ensures that each ADO used in applications has a unique address and code identifier, mapped to a specific location within the virtual file system (VFS). This mapping supports a structured and organized approach to application development, making it easier to manage and update the various components of an application. Permissions and authentication within the system are managed like Unix/Linux systems, ensuring secure and trusted interactions between different parts of the application.

Token Standards on Andromeda

Cosmos has developed two primary token standards: CW721 and CW20 in its ecosystem. These standards facilitate the creation and management of both non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and fungible tokens (Coins) enabling developers to build a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps) and digital assets.

CW20: The Cosmos Web3 Token Standard

The CW20 standard is a powerful smart contract framework used to create tokens on the Cosmos network. Inspired by Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard, CW20 provides a robust foundation for building fungible tokens. Here are the key features:

  1. Divisibility: CW20 tokens are divisible, allowing them to be broken down into smaller units. This feature enables microtransactions and flexible asset management. The decimal field in a CW20 contract determines the divisibility level.

  2. Supply Control: Developers can precisely manage token supply by specifying the total number of tokens and controlling minting, burning, and distribution rules.

  3. Efficient Transactions: CW20 tokens facilitate fast and low-cost transactions within the Cosmos ecosystem, making them ideal for various use cases, including payments and tokenized assets.

Use Cases for CW20 Tokens

  1. Stablecoins: CW20 tokens can create stablecoins pegged to fiat currencies or other assets, providing stability within the Cosmos ecosystem.

  2. Governance Tokens: Projects issue CW20 tokens as governance tokens, allowing community participation in decision-making and protocol upgrades.

  3. Meme-Coins: With Andromeda, you can create your own meme-token in minutes using CW20.

  4. Utility Tokens: CW20 tokens serve various purposes, such as accessing platform features, facilitating transactions, and incentivizing user participation.

Andromeda CW20-Compatible ADOs

Andromeda offers several ADOs that work seamlessly with CW20 tokens:

  • CW20-Staking: Allows you to set up staking for your CW20 token.
  • CW20-Exchange: Allows you to exchange CW20 tokens for other tokens (CW20 or native).
  • Merkle-Airdrop: Allows you to perform a merkle airdrop for your CW20 tokens.

CW721: The Cosmos Web3 NFT Standard

The CW721 standard is a powerful smart contract framework used to create non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Cosmos network. Inspired by Ethereum’s ERC-721 standard, CW721 provides a robust foundation for building unique digital assets. Here are the key features:

  1. Unique Identifiers: Each NFT minted by the CW721 is assigned a unique ID known as the token ID. This ensures that every NFT is distinct from others within the same ADO (Andromeda Digital Object). When referencing a specific NFT, you’ll use its token ID.

  2. Custom Metadata: CW721 tokens allow custom metadata to be attached, enabling rich descriptions, properties, and functionalities. This metadata is typically stored off-chain, often using platforms like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System).

  3. Ownership and Transferability: Each created NFT in the CW721 has an owner address assigned upon creation. Additionally, CW721 tokens can be transferred between addresses, facilitating ownership transfer of digital assets.

Use Cases for CW721 Tokens

  1. Digital Art: CW721 tokens can represent unique digital art pieces, providing artists with a secure platform to tokenize and sell their creations. From digital paintings to pixel art, CW721 NFTs empower creators.

  2. Gaming Assets: In the gaming industry, CW721 tokens serve as in-game items, characters, or collectibles. Players can trade or sell these digital assets securely, enhancing the gaming experience.

  3. Real-World Assets: CW721 tokens extend beyond the virtual realm. They can represent ownership of real-world assets such as real estate, artwork, concert tickets, or even limited-edition sneakers.

Andromeda CW721-Compatible ADOs

Andromeda offers several ADOs that seamlessly integrate with CW721 tokens, allowing users to create diverse use cases:

  • Marketplace ADO: Interacts with the CW721 to create a custom marketplace for your NFT collection. Buyers and sellers can trade NFTs directly within this marketplace.
  • Auction ADO: Facilitates custom English auctions for your NFTs. Whether it’s a timed auction or a descending-price auction, the Auction ADO enhances the trading experience.
  • Crowdfund ADO: Enables crowdfunding for your project through the sale of NFTs. Supporters can contribute by acquiring NFTs associated with your initiative.

Meet The Team

The strength of Andromeda Labs lies in its diverse and experienced team of professionals, each bringing a unique set of skills and experiences to drive the project’s innovative vision forward.

Cody Marx Bailey: As a Core Contributor at Andromeda Labs, Cody Marx Bailey combines a rich background in open-source coding and innovation. His career includes significant stints at the National Security Agency, Dell Computer, and Texas A&M. Notably, Cody is the originator of the Twitter hashtag, founder of the North Texas Blockchain Alliance, and co-creator of ERC-721. Cody’s strategic vision and enthusiasm have been instrumental in assembling Andromeda Lab’s founding team and shaping the Andromeda Operating System (aOS) to make Web3 more accessible.

Brendan Cooper: Brendan Cooper, another Core Contributor at Andromeda Labs, brings extensive leadership experience as the former CTO/CIO of Panini, where he led the creation of the world’s first officially licensed NFT trading cards. He also founded a national mail-order pharmacy, showcasing his entrepreneurial spirit. Brendan’s excitement for Andromeda and aOS is rooted in its potential to revolutionize on-chain development.

Mant Hawkins: A veteran of the cryptocurrency world since 2016, Mant Hawkins is a Core Contributor at Andromeda Labs with a diverse background that includes roles as a CEO in commercial real estate and a directed energy company. A retired USMC Colonel and TopGun Instructor Pilot, Mant brings strategic expertise with an MBA from TCU and executive education from prestigious institutions. His passion for Andromeda is driven by its promise to advance Web3 and reshape on-chain development.

Andromeda Tokenomics

The Andromeda Ecosystem (AE) revolves around the Cosmos SDK-based blockchain, the Andromeda Operating System (aOS), and the native token, $ANDR. This ecosystem includes integrated L1 chains, projects, and alliance members.

$ANDR is a native cryptographically secure fungible protocol token, representing governance and utility functions as specified by Andromeda’s protocol/code.

Token Utility

$ANDR serves as a medium of exchange within the Andromeda OS, operating in a decentralized manner. The token secures the Andromeda Blockchain and powers the aOS. The value of ANDR largely depends on the extensive deployment and usage of the aOS across multiple blockchains.

Multi-Chain Topology

The aOS’s multi-chain structure allows for tokenomics powered by various cryptocurrencies across numerous blockchains. ANDR acts as an index of value across different ecosystems, aggregating fees from multiple L1s, which may be in ANDR or other native tokens of the Andromeda Ecosystem. These accumulated tokens can be used to reduce the circulation of ANDR.

Token Distribution

With a total supply of 1 billion $ANDR, the token is allocated as thus;

How to Buy $ANDR on

To buy $ANDR tokens on, follow these steps:

  • Visit the website and create an account with your email and password.
  • Deposit some funds to your Gateio account.
  • Trade your funds for $TANDR tokens by choosing the ANDR/USDT pair, and entering the amount and price.

Take Action on $ANDR

Check out the $ANDR price today and start trading your favorite currency pairs:

著者: Angelnath
翻訳者: Paine
レビュアー: Edward、Matheus、Ashley
* 本情報はGate.ioが提供または保証する金融アドバイス、その他のいかなる種類の推奨を意図したものではなく、構成するものではありません。
* 本記事はGate.ioを参照することなく複製/送信/複写することを禁じます。違反した場合は著作権法の侵害となり法的措置の対象となります。

Andromeda: The First Decentralized, On-Chain Operating System

IntermediateJul 11, 2024
Andromeda the first cross-chain on-chain operating system is set to transform Web3. Explore how aOS, the Andromeda Operating System, serves as the foundation for the comprehensive suite of multi-chain products, tools, and utilities.
Andromeda: The First Decentralized, On-Chain Operating System

As the blockchain ecosystem expands, efficient and user-friendly development tools become critical. This is where Andromeda comes into play, offering a comprehensive suite of on-chain and multi-chain products and tools through the Andromeda Operating System (aOS).

Designed to enhance the Web3 experience, Andromeda is built for developers and users at all levels. By leveraging the capabilities of aOS, Andromeda ensures that developing, deploying, and interacting with decentralized applications is more accessible and efficient than ever. This platform aims to overcome the complexities that often hinder blockchain innovation, providing a cohesive foundation for the next generation of decentralized applications.

What is Andromeda?

Source: Andromeda website

Andromeda is a cutting-edge platform engineered to foster the next wave of blockchain innovation. The core of Andromeda is aOS, the Andromeda Operating System, which provides a highly abstract environment and enhanced user experience. This decentralized operating system enables seamless cross-chain interactions, addressing the interoperability and complexity challenges that developers often face.

The Mission and Vision of Andromeda

Andromeda’s mission is to deliver a rapid development framework and a state-of-the-art user interface that enhances the Web3 and blockchain experience by making it easier, better, and faster. By streamlining the development process and improving user interfaces, Andromeda allows developers to build, launch, and monetize their dApps more efficiently and effectively.

Andromeda envisions a future where blockchain technology is widely accessible and easy to use for a broad spectrum of innovators, from individual developers to large enterprises. By providing a versatile and powerful operating system, Andromeda aims to be the foundation for Web3, driving the adoption and advancement of decentralized technologies and applications.

Unique Advantages of Andromeda

Andromeda offers distinct advantages that set it apart in the blockchain ecosystem, providing a superior platform for developers and users.


Andromeda utilizes Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) to transfer lightweight configuration data across different chains. This enables seamless connectivity among projects within the Cosmos network, allowing any chain to interact effortlessly with others. This interoperability significantly enhances the potential for collaboration and integration across diverse blockchain projects.


Andromeda simplifies the development process with a suite of tools and an intuitive interface designed for creators and developers of all skill levels. These resources open up a vast design space, making it easy to build and innovate without needing extensive blockchain expertise. The user-friendly environment empowers anyone to create sophisticated decentralized applications.


Andromeda dramatically reduces development time from months to minutes through the use of Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs). ADOs are unique, innovative tools that enable the rapid creation and composition of Web3 applications. This disruptive technology accelerates the development process, allowing developers to bring their ideas to life quickly and efficiently.

AndromedaOS (aOS): The Technology Behind Andromeda

AndromedaOS is a software layer that provides an abstracted environment and user experience for the next generation of blockchain developers to build, develop, and monetize decentralized applications (dApps). This operating system is engineered to overcome the complexities and limitations that hinder blockchain innovation, offering a robust framework for the next generation of Web3 solutions.

Core Components of AndromedaOS

Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs)

ADOs are the fundamental building blocks of aOS. Developers can use these digital objects as modular components to quickly assemble and deploy complex applications. Each ADO is designed to be highly interoperable, allowing it to function seamlessly across different blockchain networks.

Andromeda Apps

Built using ADOs, these applications offer advanced functionality tailored to specific use cases. Andromeda Apps leverage the modularity and flexibility of ADOs to provide robust solutions that can be easily customized and extended.

aOS Kernel

The aOS Kernel is responsible for enforcing and coordinating the various subsystems within the operating system. It ensures all components interact smoothly and efficiently, managing resources and processes across the entire aOS ecosystem.

aOS File System

This component provides a common namespace for referencing ADOs, services, network resources, and more. The aOS File System ensures that all elements within the operating system are easily accessible and organized, simplifying development and interaction.

aOS Economics

The economic subsystem of aOS is designed to incentivize developers and creators. It includes mechanisms for setting custom fees on ADOs, enabling developers to earn rewards based on the usage of their creations. This system fosters a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and collaboration.

Unique Features of AndromedaOS

Powered by the Cosmos Ecosystem

AndromedaOS is built on the powerful Rust/CosmWasm framework, enabling it to achieve high performance and interoperability. This combination allows aOS to integrate seamlessly with the Cosmos ecosystem, benefiting from its robust infrastructure and extensive network of interconnected blockchains.

Infinite Reach Through IBC

Inter-blockchain communication (IBC) is a cornerstone of AndromedaOS’s design. IBC allows aOS to operate across multiple blockchain networks, providing universal compatibility and enabling the development of applications that span several chains. This functionality is gradually being integrated, enhancing the platform’s ability to support complex, multi-chain applications.

For example, a developer could create an NFT collection on one chain, manage sales using ADOs, and distribute funds across multiple other chains, each leveraging different blockchain-specific protocols and features. This level of interoperability and integration opens up endless possibilities for application development and innovation.

Benefits of AndromedaOS

  • For Projects: AndromedaOS eliminates the need for extensive development teams by providing a wide array of pre-built smart contracts. Projects can use the No-Code-Builder to quickly assemble their applications, drastically reducing development time and effort.
  • For Developers: The Andromeda Logic Library (ALL) offers a comprehensive collection of contracts that serve as a foundation for building ADOs. Developers can use these resources to create new tools and applications, with the potential to earn rewards through the aOS economic system.
  • For Chains: Installing AndromedaOS on a blockchain provides immediate access to a rich suite of tools and applications. These include production-ready ADOs, a powerful no-code builder, IBC-capable applications, and an intuitive command-line interface (CLI). Chains that implement aOS also gain increased exposure and attract more developers and projects.

Andromeda’s Main Tools

Andromeda provides tools designed to help users deploy and interact with Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs) and applications in the most convenient ways possible. These tools are crafted to cater to a wide range of users, from those with no coding experience to advanced developers.

Andromeda No-Code Builder

The Andromeda No-Code Builder is an intuitive interface available on the Andromeda web app. It enables users to create ADOs and applications without writing a single line of code. This tool is designed for ease of use, allowing creators of all skill levels to build sophisticated blockchain solutions quickly and efficiently. Whether you are a developer looking to streamline your workflow or a beginner exploring the blockchain space, the No-Code Builder simplifies the development process.

Andromeda Command Line Interface (CLI)

To address the complexity of interacting with multiple Cosmos chains, Andromeda has developed a unified Command Line Interface (CLI). This tool allows developers to interact with contracts on any chain where Andromeda is deployed using a single, consistent format. This eliminates the need to learn different CLIs for each chain, significantly simplifying the development process. Detailed documentation is available to help users get started with the Andromeda CLI and leverage its full capabilities.

GraphQL Integration

Andromeda has integrated custom GraphQL servers to facilitate the retrieval of information about ADOs and applications. These servers are designed to track all ADOs and provide detailed information about each one. Projects can use GraphQL to efficiently monitor and manage their ADOs, ensuring they have access to relevant data at all times. This tool enhances the ability to oversee project details and maintain a comprehensive view of the blockchain ecosystem.


AndromedaJS is a JavaScript SDK that simplifies the process of writing applications that interact with ADOs across any blockchains where Andromeda is deployed. This SDK allows developers to build and integrate applications with ease, leveraging the robust functionalities provided by AndromedaOS. It serves as a bridge for developers familiar with JavaScript, enabling them to tap into the powerful features of Andromeda without needing to delve deeply into blockchain-specific coding.

Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs)

Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs) form the backbone of the Andromeda ecosystem, providing a versatile framework for defining and managing digital entities. These entities, defined by smart contracts, offer extensive functionality and interoperability across multiple blockchains. Below are the various types of ADOs and their respective roles.

Address List

An Address List ADO is a collection of addresses often used to manage groups of participants or stakeholders in various decentralized applications. It can be crucial for task whitelisting users for specific actions or managing contact lists.


The Auction ADO supports different types of auctions on NFTs:

  • English Auction: A traditional auction format where bids are made publicly, and the highest bidder wins.
  • Vickrey Auction: A sealed-bid auction where bidders submit their bids without knowing the bids of others, and the highest bidder wins but pays the second-highest bid price.


The App ADO encapsulates entire applications within the Andromeda ecosystem, allowing developers to create, deploy, and manage decentralized applications efficiently.


The Crowdfund ADO facilitates the collection of funds for projects. It supports features typical of crowdfunding platforms, such as setting funding goals and deadlines.


CW20 is a token standard similar to Ethereum’s ERC20, designed for fungible tokens. The CW20-Staking ADO allows these tokens to be staked, giving holders rewards over time.

CW721 Extensions

CW721 is the standard for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the Cosmos ecosystem. Extensions like CW721-Bids and CW721 Staking add functionality for bidding on and staking NFTs.


This ADO implements randomization, useful for applications like lotteries or randomized distributions of rewards.


The Lockdrop ADO manages token distribution mechanisms where users lock their tokens for a period to receive new tokens.

Primitive Types

Primitive ADOs represent basic data types like uInt128, Decimal, Coin, Bool, Vector, and Binary, enabling more complex ADOs to utilize these fundamental components.


The Marketplace ADO provides a decentralized platform for buying and selling goods and services, akin to digital marketplaces like eBay or Amazon.

Merkle Airdrop

The Merkle Airdrop ADO efficiently distributes tokens to multiple addresses using Merkle tree data structures.

Rates and Rate Limiting Withdrawals

These ADOs handle financial rates and enforce limits on withdrawal amounts to prevent abuse and ensure stability.


The Receipt ADO generates proof of transactions, akin to digital receipts, providing transparency and verifiability.


The Splitter ADO divides funds among multiple recipients based on configurable parameters, such as fixed percentages or weighted distributions.


The TimeLock ADO restricts access to funds or functionalities until a specified time has passed.


The Vault ADO secures assets in a digital vault, protecting them from unauthorized access.


The Vesting ADO manages the gradual release of tokens over time, and it is commonly used for token distributions to team members or early investors.

Weighted Distribution Splitter

This ADO is a variant of the Splitter, distributing funds based on weighted criteria, allowing for more nuanced fund management.

Wrapped CW721

The Wrapped CW721 ADO enables CW721 tokens to be used across different blockchains, enhancing their interoperability.

IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication)

  • ICS 721: Facilitates the transfer of NFTs between different blockchains.
  • ICS 20: Manages fungible token transfers across blockchains.


Automation ADOs include:

  • Oracle: Fetches and provides external data to the blockchain.
  • Storage: Manages decentralized storage solutions.
  • Task Balancer: Distributes computational tasks across resources.
  • Condition and Evaluation: Handles conditional logic and evaluations within the blockchain environment.
  • Execute: Automates the execution of specified tasks based on predefined conditions.

Exchange ADO

The Exchange ADO facilitates swapping one asset for another, implementing automated market maker (AMM) functionalities.


The Swapper ADO allows for asset exchange in one-way or two-way configurations, with adjustable slippage tolerance to manage price fluctuations effectively.

ADOs are designed to communicate seamlessly through the Andromeda Messaging Protocol (AMP), ensuring interoperability and streamlined interactions. This framework allows for robust, scalable, and versatile decentralized applications, supporting many use cases and innovations in the blockchain space.

Andromeda Apps

The Andromeda Operating System (aOS) offers a robust environment for creating, managing, and deploying decentralized applications, commonly called Andromeda Apps. These applications are constructed using a collection of Andromeda Digital Objects (ADOs), allowing developers to leverage the modularity and composability inherent in the aOS framework.

  • App Store: Central to the Andromeda ecosystem is the App Store, which hosts a variety of decentralized applications. Users can freely install or purchase these apps, providing a platform for developers to monetize their contributions to open-source projects. This marketplace ensures that the most innovative and useful applications are readily accessible to all users.
  • App Builder: The App Builder is an intuitive, drag-and-drop tool that facilitates the creation of complex applications. Developers can use it to combine multiple ADOs into comprehensive applications that operate across various blockchain environments. The left-hand panel of the App Builder provides a selection of project templates, which can be easily customized by moving elements onto the canvas. This feature supports the seamless integration of different blockchains and ADOs, enhancing the multi-chain capabilities of the Andromeda platform. Additionally, the App Builder allows for the rapid prototyping of applications, which can then be published directly to the blockchain or used within a development environment.
  • Andromeda Application Framework (AAF): This framework ensures that each ADO used in applications has a unique address and code identifier, mapped to a specific location within the virtual file system (VFS). This mapping supports a structured and organized approach to application development, making it easier to manage and update the various components of an application. Permissions and authentication within the system are managed like Unix/Linux systems, ensuring secure and trusted interactions between different parts of the application.

Token Standards on Andromeda

Cosmos has developed two primary token standards: CW721 and CW20 in its ecosystem. These standards facilitate the creation and management of both non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and fungible tokens (Coins) enabling developers to build a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps) and digital assets.

CW20: The Cosmos Web3 Token Standard

The CW20 standard is a powerful smart contract framework used to create tokens on the Cosmos network. Inspired by Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard, CW20 provides a robust foundation for building fungible tokens. Here are the key features:

  1. Divisibility: CW20 tokens are divisible, allowing them to be broken down into smaller units. This feature enables microtransactions and flexible asset management. The decimal field in a CW20 contract determines the divisibility level.

  2. Supply Control: Developers can precisely manage token supply by specifying the total number of tokens and controlling minting, burning, and distribution rules.

  3. Efficient Transactions: CW20 tokens facilitate fast and low-cost transactions within the Cosmos ecosystem, making them ideal for various use cases, including payments and tokenized assets.

Use Cases for CW20 Tokens

  1. Stablecoins: CW20 tokens can create stablecoins pegged to fiat currencies or other assets, providing stability within the Cosmos ecosystem.

  2. Governance Tokens: Projects issue CW20 tokens as governance tokens, allowing community participation in decision-making and protocol upgrades.

  3. Meme-Coins: With Andromeda, you can create your own meme-token in minutes using CW20.

  4. Utility Tokens: CW20 tokens serve various purposes, such as accessing platform features, facilitating transactions, and incentivizing user participation.

Andromeda CW20-Compatible ADOs

Andromeda offers several ADOs that work seamlessly with CW20 tokens:

  • CW20-Staking: Allows you to set up staking for your CW20 token.
  • CW20-Exchange: Allows you to exchange CW20 tokens for other tokens (CW20 or native).
  • Merkle-Airdrop: Allows you to perform a merkle airdrop for your CW20 tokens.

CW721: The Cosmos Web3 NFT Standard

The CW721 standard is a powerful smart contract framework used to create non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Cosmos network. Inspired by Ethereum’s ERC-721 standard, CW721 provides a robust foundation for building unique digital assets. Here are the key features:

  1. Unique Identifiers: Each NFT minted by the CW721 is assigned a unique ID known as the token ID. This ensures that every NFT is distinct from others within the same ADO (Andromeda Digital Object). When referencing a specific NFT, you’ll use its token ID.

  2. Custom Metadata: CW721 tokens allow custom metadata to be attached, enabling rich descriptions, properties, and functionalities. This metadata is typically stored off-chain, often using platforms like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System).

  3. Ownership and Transferability: Each created NFT in the CW721 has an owner address assigned upon creation. Additionally, CW721 tokens can be transferred between addresses, facilitating ownership transfer of digital assets.

Use Cases for CW721 Tokens

  1. Digital Art: CW721 tokens can represent unique digital art pieces, providing artists with a secure platform to tokenize and sell their creations. From digital paintings to pixel art, CW721 NFTs empower creators.

  2. Gaming Assets: In the gaming industry, CW721 tokens serve as in-game items, characters, or collectibles. Players can trade or sell these digital assets securely, enhancing the gaming experience.

  3. Real-World Assets: CW721 tokens extend beyond the virtual realm. They can represent ownership of real-world assets such as real estate, artwork, concert tickets, or even limited-edition sneakers.

Andromeda CW721-Compatible ADOs

Andromeda offers several ADOs that seamlessly integrate with CW721 tokens, allowing users to create diverse use cases:

  • Marketplace ADO: Interacts with the CW721 to create a custom marketplace for your NFT collection. Buyers and sellers can trade NFTs directly within this marketplace.
  • Auction ADO: Facilitates custom English auctions for your NFTs. Whether it’s a timed auction or a descending-price auction, the Auction ADO enhances the trading experience.
  • Crowdfund ADO: Enables crowdfunding for your project through the sale of NFTs. Supporters can contribute by acquiring NFTs associated with your initiative.

Meet The Team

The strength of Andromeda Labs lies in its diverse and experienced team of professionals, each bringing a unique set of skills and experiences to drive the project’s innovative vision forward.

Cody Marx Bailey: As a Core Contributor at Andromeda Labs, Cody Marx Bailey combines a rich background in open-source coding and innovation. His career includes significant stints at the National Security Agency, Dell Computer, and Texas A&M. Notably, Cody is the originator of the Twitter hashtag, founder of the North Texas Blockchain Alliance, and co-creator of ERC-721. Cody’s strategic vision and enthusiasm have been instrumental in assembling Andromeda Lab’s founding team and shaping the Andromeda Operating System (aOS) to make Web3 more accessible.

Brendan Cooper: Brendan Cooper, another Core Contributor at Andromeda Labs, brings extensive leadership experience as the former CTO/CIO of Panini, where he led the creation of the world’s first officially licensed NFT trading cards. He also founded a national mail-order pharmacy, showcasing his entrepreneurial spirit. Brendan’s excitement for Andromeda and aOS is rooted in its potential to revolutionize on-chain development.

Mant Hawkins: A veteran of the cryptocurrency world since 2016, Mant Hawkins is a Core Contributor at Andromeda Labs with a diverse background that includes roles as a CEO in commercial real estate and a directed energy company. A retired USMC Colonel and TopGun Instructor Pilot, Mant brings strategic expertise with an MBA from TCU and executive education from prestigious institutions. His passion for Andromeda is driven by its promise to advance Web3 and reshape on-chain development.

Andromeda Tokenomics

The Andromeda Ecosystem (AE) revolves around the Cosmos SDK-based blockchain, the Andromeda Operating System (aOS), and the native token, $ANDR. This ecosystem includes integrated L1 chains, projects, and alliance members.

$ANDR is a native cryptographically secure fungible protocol token, representing governance and utility functions as specified by Andromeda’s protocol/code.

Token Utility

$ANDR serves as a medium of exchange within the Andromeda OS, operating in a decentralized manner. The token secures the Andromeda Blockchain and powers the aOS. The value of ANDR largely depends on the extensive deployment and usage of the aOS across multiple blockchains.

Multi-Chain Topology

The aOS’s multi-chain structure allows for tokenomics powered by various cryptocurrencies across numerous blockchains. ANDR acts as an index of value across different ecosystems, aggregating fees from multiple L1s, which may be in ANDR or other native tokens of the Andromeda Ecosystem. These accumulated tokens can be used to reduce the circulation of ANDR.

Token Distribution

With a total supply of 1 billion $ANDR, the token is allocated as thus;

How to Buy $ANDR on

To buy $ANDR tokens on, follow these steps:

  • Visit the website and create an account with your email and password.
  • Deposit some funds to your Gateio account.
  • Trade your funds for $TANDR tokens by choosing the ANDR/USDT pair, and entering the amount and price.

Take Action on $ANDR

Check out the $ANDR price today and start trading your favorite currency pairs:

著者: Angelnath
翻訳者: Paine
レビュアー: Edward、Matheus、Ashley
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