The Shanghai Stock Exchange is conducting a comprehensive network test, and some securities firms will gradually resume customer services from Sunday evening.

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On September 29th, Jinshi Data News reported that on the morning of September 29th (Sunday), the IT departments of various securities firms were busy conducting business tests. At more than 10 o'clock on Sunday morning, an IT person from a securities firm told reporters, 'The testing has already started, and we are busy with it.' An IT person from a medium-sized securities firm in Shanghai said that they had been working overtime at the company from Friday to Sunday, and other securities firms in the industry were estimated to be doing the same. The main tasks involved clearing and testing the trading environment preparation work and changing the trading gateway on Friday, and the testing cooperation phase on Sunday. Many securities firms issued notices to customers over the weekend, stating that due to their participation in the industry-wide network test today, the service recovery time of the trading system this weekend will be postponed until the evening of September 29th.

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