What is Oraichain? All You Need to Know About ORAI

IntermediateFeb 18, 2024
Oraichain (ORAI) is a blockchain-based AI platform that enhances smart contracts with AI services, fostering innovation in blockchain and AI fields.
What is Oraichain? All You Need to Know About ORAI

Oraichain (ORAI) is a blockchain-based AI platform that enhances smart contracts with AI services, fostering innovation in blockchain and AI fields.

Integrating AI models into blockchain smart contracts represents a significant leap forward in ensuring the reliability and accessibility of digital transactions. This convergence facilitates the seamless interaction between smart contracts and artificial intelligence, guaranteeing the accuracy and integrity of data. It simplifies complex processes, making blockchain technology more user-friendly and trustworthy. By leveraging AI, smart contracts become more dynamic and capable of handling sophisticated tasks more efficiently. At the forefront of this innovative blend is Oraichain (ORAI), setting a new standard for smart contract capabilities and trustworthiness in the digital realm.

What is Oraichain (ORAI)?

Oraichain, a pioneer in integrating AI with blockchain, has seen significant evolution since its inception. At its core, Oraichain Labs fosters a unique culture, blending passionate minds in AI and Blockchain. The team boasts an impressive lineup of 6 PhDs, 58+ developers, and employees, supplemented by 10+ part-timers and hosting over 10 interns annually. Their Accelerator Program incubates several teams, pushing the boundaries of innovation.

Leadership is a key pillar of Oraichain’s success. Chung Dao, Ph.D., serves as the CEO and Co-founder, bringing his expertise from the University of Tokyo and his experience as co-founder of Rikkeisoft. Tu Pham, stepping in as the CTO and Co-founder, brings his rich background from AgileTech and Novalex Vietnam. Diep Nguyen, Ph.D., rounds out the leadership as COO and Co-founder, with his academic credentials from Keio University and lecturing position at IAI, UET-VNU, Hanoi.

Recently, Oraichain restructured its leadership, promoting the former CTO to CEO of Oraichain Vietnam, and welcoming Mr. Tu Pham as the new CTO. This strategic move signifies Oraichain’s commitment to innovation and growth, ensuring the company remains at the forefront of technological advancements.

Oraichain’s mission extends beyond its leadership; it is embodied by its entire team, now expanded to include 25 core members, AI and blockchain specialists, data scientists, and developers. This collective drives Oraichain forward, merging AI’s potential with blockchain’s security and transparency, ensuring the easy usage and truthfulness of information across digital transactions. Under this visionary leadership and robust team composition, Oraichain stands as a testament to what can be achieved at the intersection of AI and blockchain technology.

How Does Oraichain Work? Cosmos SDK and Intelligent Interfaces

Oraichain’s innovative platform merges artificial intelligence (AI) with blockchain technology, overcoming the traditional barriers that have hindered the direct integration of AI models into smart contracts. Standard smart contracts, with their rigid requirements and deterministic operations, fail to accommodate the complexities and variable outputs of AI models due to three main constraints: the precision demanded by smart contracts, the programming languages (like Solidity and Rust) that offer enhanced security but limited compatibility with AI models typically developed in Python or Java, and the significant disparity in data size requirements between blockchain storage capabilities and AI model dimensions.

At the heart of Oraichain’s solution is the Cosmos Software Development Kit (SDK), a powerful framework designed to simplify the creation of blockchain applications. The Cosmos SDK enables the development of interoperable, scalable, and customizable blockchain ecosystems, which are crucial for the advanced functionalities Oraichain seeks to provide. Leveraging Cosmos SDK, alongside Tendermint’s Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism, Oraichain significantly enhances transaction speeds and security, facilitating swift and secure AI data requests and validations.

This architecture supports a decentralized network of validators contributing to the network’s integrity by staking ORAI tokens and participating in a delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus model. These validators are responsible for fetching and verifying data from AI providers against specific test cases provided by users or smart contracts, ensuring the accuracy and trustworthiness of the AI APIs.

Oraichain’s distinctive system architecture employs oracle scripts to streamline the process of requesting AI APIs, allowing smart contracts and users to securely access external AI data. Through rigorous testing performed by randomly selected validators, Oraichain guarantees the quality of AI APIs and protects against data manipulation, distinguishing itself from counterparts like Band Protocol and Chainlink.

In summary, Oraichain leverages the Cosmos SDK to address the inherent limitations of blockchain technology in integrating AI, providing a novel framework that enhances smart contract functionality and user experience. This unique integration of AI APIs into blockchain through Cosmos SDK ensures not only the veracity and reliability of information but also marks a significant advancement in the development of AI-enhanced blockchain applications.

Source: docs.orai.io

Intelligent Interfaces

Intelligent Interfaces, or AI APIs within Oraichain, signify a revolutionary step in blending AI capabilities with blockchain technology. The process begins when users or smart contracts initiate a request via an oracle script accessible through the ORAI gateway or marketplace. These scripts encapsulate AI data sources from AI providers, test cases, an optional test source, and the transaction fees applicable for each request. Upon request, a validator is randomly selected to execute this task, ensuring a decentralized and unbiased selection process. The validator then procures data from one or more AI providers, conducting test scenarios to verify the data’s validity. If the AI provider fails these tests, the request is canceled, maintaining a high standard of data integrity and reliability.

Successful requests are immortalized on the Oraichain blockchain, with the transaction results as tangible proof of execution. While imposing an overhead for result retrieval, this mechanism crucially upholds the quality of AI APIs and guards against data tampering. This testing regime, unique to Oraichain compared to other platforms like Chainlink and Band Protocol, is pivotal for maintaining the quality of AI providers within the ecosystem. Furthermore, it allows for a dynamic marketplace where users and test providers can propose test cases, incentivizing AI providers to enhance their model accuracy.

Oraichain stands out by empowering its community to influence the validators’ reputation, directly affecting the quality improvement of AI APIs. Validators face potential penalties for underperformance or misconduct, such as the slashing of their tokens, ensuring a self-regulating ecosystem focused on maintaining high standards of operation and data integrity. A significant number of validators are essential to prevent centralization and provide a robust, scalable, and highly available network. This requirement also necessitates adequate block rewards and transaction fees as incentives for validators to participate and maintain their commitment to quality in the Oraichain network.

Oraichain’s Intelligent Interfaces represent a forward-thinking integration of AI and blockchain, where the rigorous validation process, community-driven quality control, and innovative use of oracle scripts establish a new paradigm for secure, reliable, and verifiable AI-powered applications on the blockchain. This ecosystem not only ensures the high quality of AI APIs but also paves the way for a data economy and oracle services ready for mass adoption and interoperability across various chains, heralding a new era of decentralized and intelligent blockchain applications.

Source: orai.io

Oraichain Use Cases

Oraichain is at the forefront of integrating artificial intelligence into blockchain technology, offering a wide array of use cases that leverage its core technologies:

  • AI Oracles for Smarter Contracts: Utilizing AI to enhance the functionality of DApps, making smart contracts more intelligent by providing them with the ability to process complex data and make decisions.
  • Decentralized Data Marketplace: Facilitating a transparent platform for users and centralized applications to access and purchase AI services at competitive prices, fostering a more efficient data economy.
  • AI-Driven Copyright Management for NFTs: aiRight, an innovative platform developed by Oraichain, employs AI oracles to verify the authenticity and origin of NFTs, ensuring a trustless and transparent ecosystem.
  • AI Marketplace: A comprehensive marketplace offering access to a variety of AI products and APIs, aiming to be the definitive source for artificial intelligence services.
  • AI-Based Yield Farming (yAI): Introducing AI strategies to optimize yield farming returns, assessing ROI, risk score, and predicting prices to enhance investment outcomes.

In conclusion, Oraichain’s use cases represent a significant advancement in the fusion of AI and blockchain, offering solutions that not only make smart contracts smarter but also open up new avenues for data economy, copyright management, and financial strategies. This unique blend of technologies promises to revolutionize various sectors by providing more secure, transparent, and efficient platforms.

What is the ORAI Coin?

ORAI is Oraichain’s native token, fueling transactions, AI services, and network governance. Its maximum supply is capped at 19,779,272 units, of which 16,779,272 (around 64.20%) are already in circulation (February 2024).

The ORAI Coin plays a pivotal role in the network’s ecosystem with diverse functionalities across various platforms and chains. Here are its key characteristics, tokenomics, and use cases:

  • Cross-Chain Functionality: ORAI exists in multiple forms, including ERC20 on Ethereum, BEP20 on BNB Chain, and native tokens on the Oraichain Mainnet, facilitating broad interoperability and utility.
  • Token Distribution and Utility: The circulating supply is strategically allocated across the ecosystem, DAO Treasury, and Foundation, supporting block rewards, liquidity pools, community initiatives, and R&D efforts. Native ORAI tokens are essential for transaction fees, staking by validators, and participating in network governance.
  • Minting and Rewards: ORAI tokens are minted with each new block created by validators, incentivizing the maintenance and security of the network. Validators, AI-API providers, and testcase providers earn ORAI tokens as transaction fees, ensuring active participation and contribution to the ecosystem’s growth.
  • Inflation, Staking, and Slashing Mechanisms: To preserve ORAI’s value, token holders are encouraged to stake their tokens, with rewards distributed based on staking amounts. Validators face slashing penalties for poor performance or non-compliance, ensuring high standards of service and reliability.

Source: docs.orai.io

ORAI Coin is more than just a cryptocurrency; it is an integral component of the Oraichain ecosystem, designed to support a decentralized, interoperable, and secure platform for AI-enhanced blockchain applications. Its sophisticated tokenomics model incentivizes participation, secures the network, and facilitates a wide array of innovative use cases, demonstrating Oraichain’s commitment to pioneering the fusion of AI and blockchain technologies.

Oraichain Ecosystem

The Oraichain ecosystem is home to several groundbreaking projects. Among them, five stand out for their innovative contributions to Web3 and the broader digital economy:

  • AI Marketplace (DINO Hub): A centralized hub for AI-driven solutions, DINO AI Marketplace offers validated AI services with seamless integration for businesses. It accelerates data annotation and model building, and ensures quality through AI-based automation, significantly enhancing the Web3 creation process.
  • OWallet: A versatile wallet supporting Cosmos-based and EVM-based networks, OWallet facilitates easy management of multiple accounts, token transfers, staking, and access to a wide array of dApps. Inspired by Keplr and MetaMask, its development underscores Oraichain’s commitment to interoperability and user convenience.
  • OraiDEX: As the first DEX on Oraichain, OraiDEX exemplifies cutting-edge decentralized exchange technology with its CosmWasm-based AMM, providing users with token bridging, easy token swapping, and lucrative liquidity options. Its IBC compatibility furthers Oraichain’s vision for a seamlessly interconnected blockchain ecosystem.
  • aiRight: Revolutionizing the NFT marketplace, aiRight introduces AI-powered audit and copyright management for NFTs. This platform ensures the authenticity and originality of digital assets, fostering a trustless environment for creators and collectors alike.
  • Royalty Protocol: Addressing the need for fair compensation in the digital creation space, Oraichain’s Royalty Protocol establishes a decentralized system to ensure creators receive their rightful earnings from subsequent sales, expanding the definition of creators and owners in the Web3 economy.

These projects collectively underpin Oraichain’s vision to integrate AI with blockchain, creating a fertile ground for innovation that empowers creators, enhances security, and promotes a seamless user experience across digital and creative economies.

Is ORAI a Good Investment?

Evaluating ORAI as an investment requires considering Oraichain’s vast ecosystem, which showcases a wide range of applications from AI-driven marketplaces to innovative NFT and royalty protocols. These real-world use cases highlight Oraichain’s progress in blending AI with blockchain, suggesting its utility and potential for growth. However, the integration of AI in blockchain is an emerging field, filled with both opportunities and uncertainties. The experimental nature of Oraichain’s technologies, while pioneering, calls for cautious optimism. Prospective investors should weigh the project’s innovative contributions against the inherent risks of new technologies, approaching Oraichain with a critical eye toward its future implementation and adoption in the evolving digital landscape.

How to Own ORAI?

To own ORAI, you can use the services of a centralized crypto exchange. Start by creating a Gate.io account, and get it verified and funded. Then you are ready to go through the steps to buy ORAI.

News on Oraichain

According to what was announced on the official Oraichain Medium channel on November 14, 2023, the OraiBTC Subnet is set to revolutionize the DeFi landscape by integrating Bitcoin with Oraichain’s mainnet. This innovative bridge aims to simplify asset management and open up new DeFi opportunities, enabling direct deposits of Bitcoin to oBTC. This integration not only expands Oraichain’s market but also paves the way for AI-driven DeFi applications, enhancing the user experience with seamless cross-chain transactions. Though not the latest news, the launch of the OraiBTC Subnet remains a significant milestone for Oraichain’s ecosystem.

Take Action on ORAI

Check out ORAI price today, and start trading your favorite currency pairs.

Author: Mauro
Translator: Sonia
Reviewer(s): Matheus、Wayne、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by Gate.io.
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Gate.io. Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.

What is Oraichain? All You Need to Know About ORAI

IntermediateFeb 18, 2024
Oraichain (ORAI) is a blockchain-based AI platform that enhances smart contracts with AI services, fostering innovation in blockchain and AI fields.
What is Oraichain? All You Need to Know About ORAI

Oraichain (ORAI) is a blockchain-based AI platform that enhances smart contracts with AI services, fostering innovation in blockchain and AI fields.

Integrating AI models into blockchain smart contracts represents a significant leap forward in ensuring the reliability and accessibility of digital transactions. This convergence facilitates the seamless interaction between smart contracts and artificial intelligence, guaranteeing the accuracy and integrity of data. It simplifies complex processes, making blockchain technology more user-friendly and trustworthy. By leveraging AI, smart contracts become more dynamic and capable of handling sophisticated tasks more efficiently. At the forefront of this innovative blend is Oraichain (ORAI), setting a new standard for smart contract capabilities and trustworthiness in the digital realm.

What is Oraichain (ORAI)?

Oraichain, a pioneer in integrating AI with blockchain, has seen significant evolution since its inception. At its core, Oraichain Labs fosters a unique culture, blending passionate minds in AI and Blockchain. The team boasts an impressive lineup of 6 PhDs, 58+ developers, and employees, supplemented by 10+ part-timers and hosting over 10 interns annually. Their Accelerator Program incubates several teams, pushing the boundaries of innovation.

Leadership is a key pillar of Oraichain’s success. Chung Dao, Ph.D., serves as the CEO and Co-founder, bringing his expertise from the University of Tokyo and his experience as co-founder of Rikkeisoft. Tu Pham, stepping in as the CTO and Co-founder, brings his rich background from AgileTech and Novalex Vietnam. Diep Nguyen, Ph.D., rounds out the leadership as COO and Co-founder, with his academic credentials from Keio University and lecturing position at IAI, UET-VNU, Hanoi.

Recently, Oraichain restructured its leadership, promoting the former CTO to CEO of Oraichain Vietnam, and welcoming Mr. Tu Pham as the new CTO. This strategic move signifies Oraichain’s commitment to innovation and growth, ensuring the company remains at the forefront of technological advancements.

Oraichain’s mission extends beyond its leadership; it is embodied by its entire team, now expanded to include 25 core members, AI and blockchain specialists, data scientists, and developers. This collective drives Oraichain forward, merging AI’s potential with blockchain’s security and transparency, ensuring the easy usage and truthfulness of information across digital transactions. Under this visionary leadership and robust team composition, Oraichain stands as a testament to what can be achieved at the intersection of AI and blockchain technology.

How Does Oraichain Work? Cosmos SDK and Intelligent Interfaces

Oraichain’s innovative platform merges artificial intelligence (AI) with blockchain technology, overcoming the traditional barriers that have hindered the direct integration of AI models into smart contracts. Standard smart contracts, with their rigid requirements and deterministic operations, fail to accommodate the complexities and variable outputs of AI models due to three main constraints: the precision demanded by smart contracts, the programming languages (like Solidity and Rust) that offer enhanced security but limited compatibility with AI models typically developed in Python or Java, and the significant disparity in data size requirements between blockchain storage capabilities and AI model dimensions.

At the heart of Oraichain’s solution is the Cosmos Software Development Kit (SDK), a powerful framework designed to simplify the creation of blockchain applications. The Cosmos SDK enables the development of interoperable, scalable, and customizable blockchain ecosystems, which are crucial for the advanced functionalities Oraichain seeks to provide. Leveraging Cosmos SDK, alongside Tendermint’s Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism, Oraichain significantly enhances transaction speeds and security, facilitating swift and secure AI data requests and validations.

This architecture supports a decentralized network of validators contributing to the network’s integrity by staking ORAI tokens and participating in a delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus model. These validators are responsible for fetching and verifying data from AI providers against specific test cases provided by users or smart contracts, ensuring the accuracy and trustworthiness of the AI APIs.

Oraichain’s distinctive system architecture employs oracle scripts to streamline the process of requesting AI APIs, allowing smart contracts and users to securely access external AI data. Through rigorous testing performed by randomly selected validators, Oraichain guarantees the quality of AI APIs and protects against data manipulation, distinguishing itself from counterparts like Band Protocol and Chainlink.

In summary, Oraichain leverages the Cosmos SDK to address the inherent limitations of blockchain technology in integrating AI, providing a novel framework that enhances smart contract functionality and user experience. This unique integration of AI APIs into blockchain through Cosmos SDK ensures not only the veracity and reliability of information but also marks a significant advancement in the development of AI-enhanced blockchain applications.

Source: docs.orai.io

Intelligent Interfaces

Intelligent Interfaces, or AI APIs within Oraichain, signify a revolutionary step in blending AI capabilities with blockchain technology. The process begins when users or smart contracts initiate a request via an oracle script accessible through the ORAI gateway or marketplace. These scripts encapsulate AI data sources from AI providers, test cases, an optional test source, and the transaction fees applicable for each request. Upon request, a validator is randomly selected to execute this task, ensuring a decentralized and unbiased selection process. The validator then procures data from one or more AI providers, conducting test scenarios to verify the data’s validity. If the AI provider fails these tests, the request is canceled, maintaining a high standard of data integrity and reliability.

Successful requests are immortalized on the Oraichain blockchain, with the transaction results as tangible proof of execution. While imposing an overhead for result retrieval, this mechanism crucially upholds the quality of AI APIs and guards against data tampering. This testing regime, unique to Oraichain compared to other platforms like Chainlink and Band Protocol, is pivotal for maintaining the quality of AI providers within the ecosystem. Furthermore, it allows for a dynamic marketplace where users and test providers can propose test cases, incentivizing AI providers to enhance their model accuracy.

Oraichain stands out by empowering its community to influence the validators’ reputation, directly affecting the quality improvement of AI APIs. Validators face potential penalties for underperformance or misconduct, such as the slashing of their tokens, ensuring a self-regulating ecosystem focused on maintaining high standards of operation and data integrity. A significant number of validators are essential to prevent centralization and provide a robust, scalable, and highly available network. This requirement also necessitates adequate block rewards and transaction fees as incentives for validators to participate and maintain their commitment to quality in the Oraichain network.

Oraichain’s Intelligent Interfaces represent a forward-thinking integration of AI and blockchain, where the rigorous validation process, community-driven quality control, and innovative use of oracle scripts establish a new paradigm for secure, reliable, and verifiable AI-powered applications on the blockchain. This ecosystem not only ensures the high quality of AI APIs but also paves the way for a data economy and oracle services ready for mass adoption and interoperability across various chains, heralding a new era of decentralized and intelligent blockchain applications.

Source: orai.io

Oraichain Use Cases

Oraichain is at the forefront of integrating artificial intelligence into blockchain technology, offering a wide array of use cases that leverage its core technologies:

  • AI Oracles for Smarter Contracts: Utilizing AI to enhance the functionality of DApps, making smart contracts more intelligent by providing them with the ability to process complex data and make decisions.
  • Decentralized Data Marketplace: Facilitating a transparent platform for users and centralized applications to access and purchase AI services at competitive prices, fostering a more efficient data economy.
  • AI-Driven Copyright Management for NFTs: aiRight, an innovative platform developed by Oraichain, employs AI oracles to verify the authenticity and origin of NFTs, ensuring a trustless and transparent ecosystem.
  • AI Marketplace: A comprehensive marketplace offering access to a variety of AI products and APIs, aiming to be the definitive source for artificial intelligence services.
  • AI-Based Yield Farming (yAI): Introducing AI strategies to optimize yield farming returns, assessing ROI, risk score, and predicting prices to enhance investment outcomes.

In conclusion, Oraichain’s use cases represent a significant advancement in the fusion of AI and blockchain, offering solutions that not only make smart contracts smarter but also open up new avenues for data economy, copyright management, and financial strategies. This unique blend of technologies promises to revolutionize various sectors by providing more secure, transparent, and efficient platforms.

What is the ORAI Coin?

ORAI is Oraichain’s native token, fueling transactions, AI services, and network governance. Its maximum supply is capped at 19,779,272 units, of which 16,779,272 (around 64.20%) are already in circulation (February 2024).

The ORAI Coin plays a pivotal role in the network’s ecosystem with diverse functionalities across various platforms and chains. Here are its key characteristics, tokenomics, and use cases:

  • Cross-Chain Functionality: ORAI exists in multiple forms, including ERC20 on Ethereum, BEP20 on BNB Chain, and native tokens on the Oraichain Mainnet, facilitating broad interoperability and utility.
  • Token Distribution and Utility: The circulating supply is strategically allocated across the ecosystem, DAO Treasury, and Foundation, supporting block rewards, liquidity pools, community initiatives, and R&D efforts. Native ORAI tokens are essential for transaction fees, staking by validators, and participating in network governance.
  • Minting and Rewards: ORAI tokens are minted with each new block created by validators, incentivizing the maintenance and security of the network. Validators, AI-API providers, and testcase providers earn ORAI tokens as transaction fees, ensuring active participation and contribution to the ecosystem’s growth.
  • Inflation, Staking, and Slashing Mechanisms: To preserve ORAI’s value, token holders are encouraged to stake their tokens, with rewards distributed based on staking amounts. Validators face slashing penalties for poor performance or non-compliance, ensuring high standards of service and reliability.

Source: docs.orai.io

ORAI Coin is more than just a cryptocurrency; it is an integral component of the Oraichain ecosystem, designed to support a decentralized, interoperable, and secure platform for AI-enhanced blockchain applications. Its sophisticated tokenomics model incentivizes participation, secures the network, and facilitates a wide array of innovative use cases, demonstrating Oraichain’s commitment to pioneering the fusion of AI and blockchain technologies.

Oraichain Ecosystem

The Oraichain ecosystem is home to several groundbreaking projects. Among them, five stand out for their innovative contributions to Web3 and the broader digital economy:

  • AI Marketplace (DINO Hub): A centralized hub for AI-driven solutions, DINO AI Marketplace offers validated AI services with seamless integration for businesses. It accelerates data annotation and model building, and ensures quality through AI-based automation, significantly enhancing the Web3 creation process.
  • OWallet: A versatile wallet supporting Cosmos-based and EVM-based networks, OWallet facilitates easy management of multiple accounts, token transfers, staking, and access to a wide array of dApps. Inspired by Keplr and MetaMask, its development underscores Oraichain’s commitment to interoperability and user convenience.
  • OraiDEX: As the first DEX on Oraichain, OraiDEX exemplifies cutting-edge decentralized exchange technology with its CosmWasm-based AMM, providing users with token bridging, easy token swapping, and lucrative liquidity options. Its IBC compatibility furthers Oraichain’s vision for a seamlessly interconnected blockchain ecosystem.
  • aiRight: Revolutionizing the NFT marketplace, aiRight introduces AI-powered audit and copyright management for NFTs. This platform ensures the authenticity and originality of digital assets, fostering a trustless environment for creators and collectors alike.
  • Royalty Protocol: Addressing the need for fair compensation in the digital creation space, Oraichain’s Royalty Protocol establishes a decentralized system to ensure creators receive their rightful earnings from subsequent sales, expanding the definition of creators and owners in the Web3 economy.

These projects collectively underpin Oraichain’s vision to integrate AI with blockchain, creating a fertile ground for innovation that empowers creators, enhances security, and promotes a seamless user experience across digital and creative economies.

Is ORAI a Good Investment?

Evaluating ORAI as an investment requires considering Oraichain’s vast ecosystem, which showcases a wide range of applications from AI-driven marketplaces to innovative NFT and royalty protocols. These real-world use cases highlight Oraichain’s progress in blending AI with blockchain, suggesting its utility and potential for growth. However, the integration of AI in blockchain is an emerging field, filled with both opportunities and uncertainties. The experimental nature of Oraichain’s technologies, while pioneering, calls for cautious optimism. Prospective investors should weigh the project’s innovative contributions against the inherent risks of new technologies, approaching Oraichain with a critical eye toward its future implementation and adoption in the evolving digital landscape.

How to Own ORAI?

To own ORAI, you can use the services of a centralized crypto exchange. Start by creating a Gate.io account, and get it verified and funded. Then you are ready to go through the steps to buy ORAI.

News on Oraichain

According to what was announced on the official Oraichain Medium channel on November 14, 2023, the OraiBTC Subnet is set to revolutionize the DeFi landscape by integrating Bitcoin with Oraichain’s mainnet. This innovative bridge aims to simplify asset management and open up new DeFi opportunities, enabling direct deposits of Bitcoin to oBTC. This integration not only expands Oraichain’s market but also paves the way for AI-driven DeFi applications, enhancing the user experience with seamless cross-chain transactions. Though not the latest news, the launch of the OraiBTC Subnet remains a significant milestone for Oraichain’s ecosystem.

Take Action on ORAI

Check out ORAI price today, and start trading your favorite currency pairs.

Author: Mauro
Translator: Sonia
Reviewer(s): Matheus、Wayne、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by Gate.io.
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Gate.io. Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.
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