What is Landshare? All You Need to Know About LAND

IntermediateJul 08, 2024
Landshare is a blockchain-based platform that allows users to invest in real estate through tokenization, providing an accessible way to own property.
What is Landshare? All You Need to Know About LAND

The tokenization of Real-World Assets (RWAs) has emerged as a revolutionary trend, reshaping the way we perceive and invest in tangible assets. Among these, real estate stands out, offering a secure and lucrative investment opportunity through digital means. This innovative approach allows investors to own fractional shares of properties, enhancing accessibility and liquidity in the real estate market. By leveraging blockchain technology, this trend ensures transparency, security, and efficiency in transactions. Landshare, a pioneer in this field, exemplifies the future of real estate investment through tokenization.

What is Landshare (LAND)?

Landshare, founded by Jordan Friske, has been a pioneering force in the tokenization of real estate, leveraging blockchain technology to democratize property investment. The platform launched in early 2021, introducing its first tokenized real estate offering on the Binance Smart Chain. This breakthrough allowed individuals to invest in real estate with minimal capital, significantly lowering the barriers to entry and making real estate investment accessible to a broader audience.

In 2023, Landshare continued to innovate by launching the Landshare RWA Token, a real estate-backed security token that provides investors with a share in rental income and property appreciation. This move further solidified Landshare’s commitment to bridging the gap between traditional real estate and decentralized finance (DeFi).

April 2024 marked a significant period for Landshare with several key developments. The platform introduced the DS Swap Listing, enabling users to trade LSRWA Tokens against LAND or stablecoin pairs on an open secondary market. This was followed by the integration of Chainlink’s CCIP, which brought cross-chain functionality, allowing LAND Token staking on Arbitrum and Polygon networks. Additionally, Landshare planned further Centralized Exchange (CEX) listings to enhance liquidity and user engagement.

Looking ahead, Landshare announced plans to enable property owners to tokenize their assets on the platform, offering a new way to raise funds and borrow against their properties. This initiative aims to create a mutually beneficial relationship between investors and property owners, fostering greater liquidity and fractional ownership.

Through these strategic moves, Landshare remains dedicated to unlocking the potential of real estate investment, making it more accessible and efficient for users worldwide.

How Does Landshare Work? Real Estate Tokenization and Landshare RWA Token

Real estate tokenization is revolutionizing the way we invest in property, and Landshare is at the forefront of this transformation. By leveraging blockchain technology, Landshare makes real estate investment accessible, transparent, and efficient. The platform allows users to earn passive income from real-world assets by holding digital tokens that represent ownership in properties.

At its core, real estate tokenization involves converting ownership rights in a property into digital tokens on the blockchain. This process begins with the acquisition of real estate assets, which are then added to Landshare’s Real-World Asset (RWA) Pool. Each token within this pool represents a fractional ownership of the pooled assets, providing investors with a share of the income and appreciation generated by the properties.

Landshare’s approach ensures that the properties offered are tangible, real-world houses rather than virtual or metaverse properties. This is achieved through a meticulous process called Asset Tokenization. The real estate asset is held by a legal entity, such as a limited liability company (LLC). Ownership shares of this entity are represented by tokens on the blockchain. By holding these tokens, investors become co-owners of the company and, by extension, the property itself. This structure provides legal equivalence to traditional ownership units, granting token holders the same rights as shareholders.

The tokenization process not only democratizes access to real estate investment but also brings several advantages. On-chain valuation ensures transparency, with detailed financial information about each property, including values, cash flows, and expenses, updated in real-time using Chainlink‘s trusted valuation models. This transparency allows investors to make informed decisions and track the performance of their investments easily.

Moreover, tokenized real estate becomes a liquid asset, compatible with various DeFi features such as decentralized exchange (DEX) trading, NFT staking, and instant transfers. This liquidity is a significant improvement over traditional real estate investments, which often require substantial capital and have long holding periods.

Investing in real estate through Landshare is straightforward. After completing a simple KYC process, investors can purchase RWA Tokens via the Landshare app. These tokens can be bought with USDC and LAND, the platform’s native governance and utility token. As properties generate rental income and appreciate in value, the value of RWA Tokens increases, providing returns to investors.

Source: landshare.io

In summary, real estate tokenization with Landshare offers a seamless, transparent, and efficient way to invest in property. By converting real estate assets into digital tokens, Landshare enables investors to earn passive income and benefit from property appreciation, transforming the future of real estate investment. This sets the stage for discussing the Landshare RWA Token, which further simplifies real estate investment on the blockchain.

Landshare RWA Token

The Landshare RWA Token (LSRWA) is a revolutionary real estate-backed security token to facilitate investment in real-world assets (RWAs). This token allows investors to gain exposure to the real estate market by holding digital tokens representing shares in a pool of US-based properties. The benefits of holding LSRWA tokens include receiving rental income and appreciating property value, making it a highly attractive investment for diversifying their portfolios with tangible assets.

At the heart of Landshare’s platform are the Landshare Token (LAND) and the Landshare RWA Token (LSRWA). While the LAND token serves as the utility and governance token within the ecosystem, the LSRWA token directly links to real estate investments. Each LSRWA token represents a fractional ownership of a pool of real estate assets, enabling investors to benefit from the income and appreciation generated by these properties. This approach combines the advantages of blockchain technology with the stability and growth potential of the real estate market.

One of the core features of the LSRWA token is its foundation on real estate assets, providing tangible value to investors. The token’s value is calculated using a straightforward formula that combines the total property value and cash reserves divided by the circulating supply of RWA tokens. This ensures that the token’s value is directly tied to the underlying assets, maintaining stability and reflecting real market conditions.

The properties within the Landshare portfolio are professionally managed to ensure consistent rental income and property maintenance. This income, along with the appreciation of property values, contributes to the growth in the value of the LSRWA tokens. Landshare utilizes Chainlink’s Any API to bring property valuation data on-chain, ensuring that token values are updated in real time, providing transparency and accuracy.

Investors can purchase LSRWA tokens after completing a Know Your Customer (KYC) process, adding an extra layer of security and regulatory compliance. This process ensures that each investment is associated with a verified identity, reducing the risk of fraudulent activities and protecting investor interests.

In addition to the financial benefits, Landshare also offers DeFi integrations for the LSRWA token. This includes trading on decentralized exchanges (DEXes) and leveraging investments through borrow/lend protocols. Furthermore, the Landshare NFT ecosystem allows token holders to stake their RWA tokens and earn additional rewards, enhancing the overall return on investment.

The Landshare RWA Token represents a share in a pool of real estate assets and serves as a stablecoin alternative. Unlike traditional stablecoins, pegged to fiat currencies, the LSRWA token is backed by real estate and can appreciate over time. This makes it a stable and potentially profitable asset for crypto investors looking for a safe haven in the volatile cryptocurrency market.

Source: landshare.io

In summary, the Landshare RWA Token bridges the gap between traditional real estate investment and digital assets, offering a secure, transparent, and profitable way to invest in real estate through blockchain technology. The next topic will delve into the functionalities and benefits of the LAND token within the Landshare ecosystem.

Landshare Use Cases

Landshare provides a novel approach to real estate investment by integrating blockchain technology with tangible assets. This fusion offers investors multiple use cases, making real estate accessible, secure, and profitable. Here are three primary use cases of Landshare:

  • Real Estate Investment: Landshare tokenizes real estate assets, enabling investors to buy fractions of properties. Each Landshare RWA Token (LSRWA) represents ownership in a pool of U.S.-based real estate assets. This allows investors to earn rental income and benefit from property appreciation without the need for large capital or direct property management. Investors can easily diversify their portfolios with real estate by purchasing and holding these tokens, gaining exposure to a traditionally stable asset class.
  • DeFi Integration: The platform seamlessly integrates with decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, allowing LSRWA tokens to be traded on decentralized exchanges (DEXes). This liquidity enables investors to buy, sell, or leverage their tokens across various DeFi platforms, maximizing their returns. Additionally, the ability to use these tokens in borrow/lend protocols provides further financial flexibility, enhancing the utility of the tokens within the broader crypto ecosystem.
  • NFT and Staking Rewards: Landshare introduces an interactive element through its NFT ecosystem, where investors can stake their RWA tokens to earn additional LAND tokens. These NFTs allow for customization and upgrading of virtual properties, adding a gamified aspect to the investment experience. Staking rewards not only boost returns but also encourage long-term holding, contributing to the stability and growth of the Landshare platform.

In conclusion, Landshare revolutionizes real estate investment by leveraging blockchain technology to provide accessible, diversified, and profitable opportunities. Through tokenization, DeFi integration, and interactive staking rewards, Landshare caters to both traditional investors and crypto enthusiasts, bridging the gap between real-world assets and digital finance.

What is the LAND Coin?

LAND is a utility token for transactions, fees, and governance on Landshare’s platform. Its maximum supply is capped at 10 million units, of which 3.88 million (38.8%) are already in circulation (June 2024).

The LAND token functions as the utility and governance token within the Landshare ecosystem, facilitating various operations such as payments, fee settlements, and governance activities. As a utility token, LAND enables users to engage actively with the platform, participate in staking, and earn rewards. This token is central to the platform’s operations, ensuring seamless transactions and interactions.

LAND is important for participating in the Landshare DAO. It allows token holders to vote on important platform decisions, including staking rewards, emission rates, and the allocation of treasury funds. This democratic governance structure ensures that the community has a say in the platform’s future, fostering a decentralized decision-making process.

Moreover, the LAND token is integral to the NFT ecosystem on Landshare. Users can trade, mint, and upgrade NFTs using LAND, making it a vital part of the platform’s gamified staking system. This system enhances user engagement and offers additional ways to earn rewards through interaction with virtual properties.

In terms of tokenomics, the remaining un-minted tokens will be distributed over time as staking rewards (97.5%) and to the DAO treasury (2.5%), at a current rate of roughly 2050 per day. This number can be modified at any time through the Landshare DAO. This ensures long-term value stability while allowing for dynamic adjustments through burning mechanisms. For instance, a portion of the LAND used in RWA token purchases is burned, reducing the overall supply and enhancing token scarcity.

Staking is another significant aspect of LAND’s utility. Users can stake LAND tokens in various vaults to earn rewards, including auto-compounding and manual staking options. This incentivizes holding and provides liquidity, contributing to the platform’s stability and growth.

The token distribution is as follows: 66% to the Reward Pool, 15% to Team and Advisors, 10% to the Seed Round, 5% to Marketing and Partnerships, 3% to IDO Rounds, and 1% to Liquidity.

Source: landshare whitepaper

In conclusion, the LAND token is crucial for the functionality, governance, and engagement within the Landshare ecosystem, offering diverse utilities and benefits for its holders.

Landshare Main Features

Landshare offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to revolutionize real estate investment through blockchain technology. By integrating NFTs, staking vaults, and a decentralized governance system, Landshare creates a seamless and innovative investment experience for users.


The NFT ecosystem in Landshare is a unique feature that allows users to boost their investments. Users can upgrade their yield multiplier by staking RWA Tokens, earning additional LAND rewards. Each real estate NFT acts as a yield multiplier for staked RWA Tokens, which can increase the multiplier by adding or upgrading existing NFTs. The yield multiplier determines the annual LAND Token rewards earned from staking RWA Tokens. For instance, with a combined yield multiplier of 15x and 500 RWA Tokens staked, users can earn 150 LAND per year. The ecosystem also includes a marketplace where NFTs can be bought or sold for LAND Tokens.

Source: docs.landshare.io


Landshare provides multiple staking options through its vaults feature, enabling users to earn rewards from staking LAND. There are three main staking vaults available: Auto LAND Staking, Manual LAND Staking, and LAND-BNB LP Staking. Auto LAND Staking is recommended for most users as it automatically reinvests rewards, benefiting from compound interest. Manual LAND Staking allows users to harvest rewards manually, suited for active users and those staking large amounts. LAND-BNB LP Staking involves providing liquidity on Pancakeswap, offering the highest APR among the vaults. These staking options ensure flexibility and cater to different user preferences.

Source: app.landshare.io

RWA Portal

Landshare’s RWA portal is a comprehensive solution for users interested in tokenized real estate investment. They can view real-time property values, track the RWA Token price 24/7, and easily buy or sell RWA Tokens. With detailed financial summaries and asset information, the RWA portal provides users with a seamless and efficient experience for managing and investing in tokenized real estate. It is designed to revolutionize all its users’ real estate investment journey.

Landshare DAO

The Landshare DAO is a key platform component, providing decentralized governance. LAND Token holders can participate in decision-making processes, influencing staking rewards, emission rates, and treasury fund allocations. The DAO contract manages the administrative functions of staking vaults, enabling any changes to go through the DAO. Additionally, the DAO treasury receives 2.5% of all token emissions, managed by LAND token holders through proposals. This system allows the community to vote on various aspects, such as burning tokens, changing fee structures, and adjusting minting rates. The DAO also supports marketing bounties and contests to promote platform engagement.

Source: app.landshare.io

In conclusion, Landshare’s main features, including NFTs, staking vaults, and a decentralized governance system, provide a robust and dynamic investment platform. These features collectively enhance user engagement and offer innovative ways to invest in real estate through blockchain technology.

Is LAND a Good Investment?

Investing in platforms that specialize in RWA tokenization, like Landshare, holds significant potential due to the innovative approach of merging real estate with blockchain technology. This can democratize real estate investment, offering accessibility and liquidity previously unavailable in traditional markets. However, it is important to note that the market for RWA tokenization is still emerging, and there are inherent risks involved, such as regulatory challenges and market volatility. Potential investors should carefully consider these factors and conduct thorough research before committing to such investments.

How to Own LAND?

To own LAND, you can use the services of a centralized crypto exchange. Start by creating a Gate.io account, and get it verified and funded. Then you are ready to go through the steps to buy LAND.

News on Landshare

According to what was reported on Landshare’s official blog earlier this year, the Landshare RWA Token has marked a significant milestone for the platform. Key priorities for 2024 include enhancing accessibility, boosting visibility and community engagement, advancing feature development, and expanding property diversification. Upcoming integrations include credit card payment options, Chainlink CCIP for cross-chain interoperability, and collaborations with Plume Network and IX Swap. Additionally, a new DAO proposal aims to implement a referral system to enhance user engagement and expand the user base for the Landshare RWA Tokens.

Take Action on LAND

Check out LAND price today, and start trading your favorite currency pairs.

Author: Mauro
Translator: Cedar
Reviewer(s): Matheus、KOWEI、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by Gate.io.
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Gate.io. Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.

What is Landshare? All You Need to Know About LAND

IntermediateJul 08, 2024
Landshare is a blockchain-based platform that allows users to invest in real estate through tokenization, providing an accessible way to own property.
What is Landshare? All You Need to Know About LAND

The tokenization of Real-World Assets (RWAs) has emerged as a revolutionary trend, reshaping the way we perceive and invest in tangible assets. Among these, real estate stands out, offering a secure and lucrative investment opportunity through digital means. This innovative approach allows investors to own fractional shares of properties, enhancing accessibility and liquidity in the real estate market. By leveraging blockchain technology, this trend ensures transparency, security, and efficiency in transactions. Landshare, a pioneer in this field, exemplifies the future of real estate investment through tokenization.

What is Landshare (LAND)?

Landshare, founded by Jordan Friske, has been a pioneering force in the tokenization of real estate, leveraging blockchain technology to democratize property investment. The platform launched in early 2021, introducing its first tokenized real estate offering on the Binance Smart Chain. This breakthrough allowed individuals to invest in real estate with minimal capital, significantly lowering the barriers to entry and making real estate investment accessible to a broader audience.

In 2023, Landshare continued to innovate by launching the Landshare RWA Token, a real estate-backed security token that provides investors with a share in rental income and property appreciation. This move further solidified Landshare’s commitment to bridging the gap between traditional real estate and decentralized finance (DeFi).

April 2024 marked a significant period for Landshare with several key developments. The platform introduced the DS Swap Listing, enabling users to trade LSRWA Tokens against LAND or stablecoin pairs on an open secondary market. This was followed by the integration of Chainlink’s CCIP, which brought cross-chain functionality, allowing LAND Token staking on Arbitrum and Polygon networks. Additionally, Landshare planned further Centralized Exchange (CEX) listings to enhance liquidity and user engagement.

Looking ahead, Landshare announced plans to enable property owners to tokenize their assets on the platform, offering a new way to raise funds and borrow against their properties. This initiative aims to create a mutually beneficial relationship between investors and property owners, fostering greater liquidity and fractional ownership.

Through these strategic moves, Landshare remains dedicated to unlocking the potential of real estate investment, making it more accessible and efficient for users worldwide.

How Does Landshare Work? Real Estate Tokenization and Landshare RWA Token

Real estate tokenization is revolutionizing the way we invest in property, and Landshare is at the forefront of this transformation. By leveraging blockchain technology, Landshare makes real estate investment accessible, transparent, and efficient. The platform allows users to earn passive income from real-world assets by holding digital tokens that represent ownership in properties.

At its core, real estate tokenization involves converting ownership rights in a property into digital tokens on the blockchain. This process begins with the acquisition of real estate assets, which are then added to Landshare’s Real-World Asset (RWA) Pool. Each token within this pool represents a fractional ownership of the pooled assets, providing investors with a share of the income and appreciation generated by the properties.

Landshare’s approach ensures that the properties offered are tangible, real-world houses rather than virtual or metaverse properties. This is achieved through a meticulous process called Asset Tokenization. The real estate asset is held by a legal entity, such as a limited liability company (LLC). Ownership shares of this entity are represented by tokens on the blockchain. By holding these tokens, investors become co-owners of the company and, by extension, the property itself. This structure provides legal equivalence to traditional ownership units, granting token holders the same rights as shareholders.

The tokenization process not only democratizes access to real estate investment but also brings several advantages. On-chain valuation ensures transparency, with detailed financial information about each property, including values, cash flows, and expenses, updated in real-time using Chainlink‘s trusted valuation models. This transparency allows investors to make informed decisions and track the performance of their investments easily.

Moreover, tokenized real estate becomes a liquid asset, compatible with various DeFi features such as decentralized exchange (DEX) trading, NFT staking, and instant transfers. This liquidity is a significant improvement over traditional real estate investments, which often require substantial capital and have long holding periods.

Investing in real estate through Landshare is straightforward. After completing a simple KYC process, investors can purchase RWA Tokens via the Landshare app. These tokens can be bought with USDC and LAND, the platform’s native governance and utility token. As properties generate rental income and appreciate in value, the value of RWA Tokens increases, providing returns to investors.

Source: landshare.io

In summary, real estate tokenization with Landshare offers a seamless, transparent, and efficient way to invest in property. By converting real estate assets into digital tokens, Landshare enables investors to earn passive income and benefit from property appreciation, transforming the future of real estate investment. This sets the stage for discussing the Landshare RWA Token, which further simplifies real estate investment on the blockchain.

Landshare RWA Token

The Landshare RWA Token (LSRWA) is a revolutionary real estate-backed security token to facilitate investment in real-world assets (RWAs). This token allows investors to gain exposure to the real estate market by holding digital tokens representing shares in a pool of US-based properties. The benefits of holding LSRWA tokens include receiving rental income and appreciating property value, making it a highly attractive investment for diversifying their portfolios with tangible assets.

At the heart of Landshare’s platform are the Landshare Token (LAND) and the Landshare RWA Token (LSRWA). While the LAND token serves as the utility and governance token within the ecosystem, the LSRWA token directly links to real estate investments. Each LSRWA token represents a fractional ownership of a pool of real estate assets, enabling investors to benefit from the income and appreciation generated by these properties. This approach combines the advantages of blockchain technology with the stability and growth potential of the real estate market.

One of the core features of the LSRWA token is its foundation on real estate assets, providing tangible value to investors. The token’s value is calculated using a straightforward formula that combines the total property value and cash reserves divided by the circulating supply of RWA tokens. This ensures that the token’s value is directly tied to the underlying assets, maintaining stability and reflecting real market conditions.

The properties within the Landshare portfolio are professionally managed to ensure consistent rental income and property maintenance. This income, along with the appreciation of property values, contributes to the growth in the value of the LSRWA tokens. Landshare utilizes Chainlink’s Any API to bring property valuation data on-chain, ensuring that token values are updated in real time, providing transparency and accuracy.

Investors can purchase LSRWA tokens after completing a Know Your Customer (KYC) process, adding an extra layer of security and regulatory compliance. This process ensures that each investment is associated with a verified identity, reducing the risk of fraudulent activities and protecting investor interests.

In addition to the financial benefits, Landshare also offers DeFi integrations for the LSRWA token. This includes trading on decentralized exchanges (DEXes) and leveraging investments through borrow/lend protocols. Furthermore, the Landshare NFT ecosystem allows token holders to stake their RWA tokens and earn additional rewards, enhancing the overall return on investment.

The Landshare RWA Token represents a share in a pool of real estate assets and serves as a stablecoin alternative. Unlike traditional stablecoins, pegged to fiat currencies, the LSRWA token is backed by real estate and can appreciate over time. This makes it a stable and potentially profitable asset for crypto investors looking for a safe haven in the volatile cryptocurrency market.

Source: landshare.io

In summary, the Landshare RWA Token bridges the gap between traditional real estate investment and digital assets, offering a secure, transparent, and profitable way to invest in real estate through blockchain technology. The next topic will delve into the functionalities and benefits of the LAND token within the Landshare ecosystem.

Landshare Use Cases

Landshare provides a novel approach to real estate investment by integrating blockchain technology with tangible assets. This fusion offers investors multiple use cases, making real estate accessible, secure, and profitable. Here are three primary use cases of Landshare:

  • Real Estate Investment: Landshare tokenizes real estate assets, enabling investors to buy fractions of properties. Each Landshare RWA Token (LSRWA) represents ownership in a pool of U.S.-based real estate assets. This allows investors to earn rental income and benefit from property appreciation without the need for large capital or direct property management. Investors can easily diversify their portfolios with real estate by purchasing and holding these tokens, gaining exposure to a traditionally stable asset class.
  • DeFi Integration: The platform seamlessly integrates with decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, allowing LSRWA tokens to be traded on decentralized exchanges (DEXes). This liquidity enables investors to buy, sell, or leverage their tokens across various DeFi platforms, maximizing their returns. Additionally, the ability to use these tokens in borrow/lend protocols provides further financial flexibility, enhancing the utility of the tokens within the broader crypto ecosystem.
  • NFT and Staking Rewards: Landshare introduces an interactive element through its NFT ecosystem, where investors can stake their RWA tokens to earn additional LAND tokens. These NFTs allow for customization and upgrading of virtual properties, adding a gamified aspect to the investment experience. Staking rewards not only boost returns but also encourage long-term holding, contributing to the stability and growth of the Landshare platform.

In conclusion, Landshare revolutionizes real estate investment by leveraging blockchain technology to provide accessible, diversified, and profitable opportunities. Through tokenization, DeFi integration, and interactive staking rewards, Landshare caters to both traditional investors and crypto enthusiasts, bridging the gap between real-world assets and digital finance.

What is the LAND Coin?

LAND is a utility token for transactions, fees, and governance on Landshare’s platform. Its maximum supply is capped at 10 million units, of which 3.88 million (38.8%) are already in circulation (June 2024).

The LAND token functions as the utility and governance token within the Landshare ecosystem, facilitating various operations such as payments, fee settlements, and governance activities. As a utility token, LAND enables users to engage actively with the platform, participate in staking, and earn rewards. This token is central to the platform’s operations, ensuring seamless transactions and interactions.

LAND is important for participating in the Landshare DAO. It allows token holders to vote on important platform decisions, including staking rewards, emission rates, and the allocation of treasury funds. This democratic governance structure ensures that the community has a say in the platform’s future, fostering a decentralized decision-making process.

Moreover, the LAND token is integral to the NFT ecosystem on Landshare. Users can trade, mint, and upgrade NFTs using LAND, making it a vital part of the platform’s gamified staking system. This system enhances user engagement and offers additional ways to earn rewards through interaction with virtual properties.

In terms of tokenomics, the remaining un-minted tokens will be distributed over time as staking rewards (97.5%) and to the DAO treasury (2.5%), at a current rate of roughly 2050 per day. This number can be modified at any time through the Landshare DAO. This ensures long-term value stability while allowing for dynamic adjustments through burning mechanisms. For instance, a portion of the LAND used in RWA token purchases is burned, reducing the overall supply and enhancing token scarcity.

Staking is another significant aspect of LAND’s utility. Users can stake LAND tokens in various vaults to earn rewards, including auto-compounding and manual staking options. This incentivizes holding and provides liquidity, contributing to the platform’s stability and growth.

The token distribution is as follows: 66% to the Reward Pool, 15% to Team and Advisors, 10% to the Seed Round, 5% to Marketing and Partnerships, 3% to IDO Rounds, and 1% to Liquidity.

Source: landshare whitepaper

In conclusion, the LAND token is crucial for the functionality, governance, and engagement within the Landshare ecosystem, offering diverse utilities and benefits for its holders.

Landshare Main Features

Landshare offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to revolutionize real estate investment through blockchain technology. By integrating NFTs, staking vaults, and a decentralized governance system, Landshare creates a seamless and innovative investment experience for users.


The NFT ecosystem in Landshare is a unique feature that allows users to boost their investments. Users can upgrade their yield multiplier by staking RWA Tokens, earning additional LAND rewards. Each real estate NFT acts as a yield multiplier for staked RWA Tokens, which can increase the multiplier by adding or upgrading existing NFTs. The yield multiplier determines the annual LAND Token rewards earned from staking RWA Tokens. For instance, with a combined yield multiplier of 15x and 500 RWA Tokens staked, users can earn 150 LAND per year. The ecosystem also includes a marketplace where NFTs can be bought or sold for LAND Tokens.

Source: docs.landshare.io


Landshare provides multiple staking options through its vaults feature, enabling users to earn rewards from staking LAND. There are three main staking vaults available: Auto LAND Staking, Manual LAND Staking, and LAND-BNB LP Staking. Auto LAND Staking is recommended for most users as it automatically reinvests rewards, benefiting from compound interest. Manual LAND Staking allows users to harvest rewards manually, suited for active users and those staking large amounts. LAND-BNB LP Staking involves providing liquidity on Pancakeswap, offering the highest APR among the vaults. These staking options ensure flexibility and cater to different user preferences.

Source: app.landshare.io

RWA Portal

Landshare’s RWA portal is a comprehensive solution for users interested in tokenized real estate investment. They can view real-time property values, track the RWA Token price 24/7, and easily buy or sell RWA Tokens. With detailed financial summaries and asset information, the RWA portal provides users with a seamless and efficient experience for managing and investing in tokenized real estate. It is designed to revolutionize all its users’ real estate investment journey.

Landshare DAO

The Landshare DAO is a key platform component, providing decentralized governance. LAND Token holders can participate in decision-making processes, influencing staking rewards, emission rates, and treasury fund allocations. The DAO contract manages the administrative functions of staking vaults, enabling any changes to go through the DAO. Additionally, the DAO treasury receives 2.5% of all token emissions, managed by LAND token holders through proposals. This system allows the community to vote on various aspects, such as burning tokens, changing fee structures, and adjusting minting rates. The DAO also supports marketing bounties and contests to promote platform engagement.

Source: app.landshare.io

In conclusion, Landshare’s main features, including NFTs, staking vaults, and a decentralized governance system, provide a robust and dynamic investment platform. These features collectively enhance user engagement and offer innovative ways to invest in real estate through blockchain technology.

Is LAND a Good Investment?

Investing in platforms that specialize in RWA tokenization, like Landshare, holds significant potential due to the innovative approach of merging real estate with blockchain technology. This can democratize real estate investment, offering accessibility and liquidity previously unavailable in traditional markets. However, it is important to note that the market for RWA tokenization is still emerging, and there are inherent risks involved, such as regulatory challenges and market volatility. Potential investors should carefully consider these factors and conduct thorough research before committing to such investments.

How to Own LAND?

To own LAND, you can use the services of a centralized crypto exchange. Start by creating a Gate.io account, and get it verified and funded. Then you are ready to go through the steps to buy LAND.

News on Landshare

According to what was reported on Landshare’s official blog earlier this year, the Landshare RWA Token has marked a significant milestone for the platform. Key priorities for 2024 include enhancing accessibility, boosting visibility and community engagement, advancing feature development, and expanding property diversification. Upcoming integrations include credit card payment options, Chainlink CCIP for cross-chain interoperability, and collaborations with Plume Network and IX Swap. Additionally, a new DAO proposal aims to implement a referral system to enhance user engagement and expand the user base for the Landshare RWA Tokens.

Take Action on LAND

Check out LAND price today, and start trading your favorite currency pairs.

Author: Mauro
Translator: Cedar
Reviewer(s): Matheus、KOWEI、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by Gate.io.
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Gate.io. Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.
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